
The String String Devil Fruit

An hour had passed and I slightly recovered from my excitement. As I was smiling with joy, I felt a sudden pounding on my head as countless memories flashed through my brain. It was the memories of the predecessor of this body. After the headaches stopped, I thought to myself "It seems this guy was normal huh.

I saw many memories and for some reason this guy kept a mask covering everything from his nose down to his chin only leaving his eyes visible. I quite liked this look so I decided to keep it that way for now. Other than wearing a mask, my predecessor was extremely ordinary. If he was a person in Naruto than the biggest role he would get would be a background character, forever to stay it, at least until I came along.

I was practically up all night excited for the sun to rise and since today was a weekend, I didn't need to go to the academy.

"System, can you take out my string string fruit? I'd like to eat it."

Without the system saying anything, the string string devil fruit appeared in front of me. It was exactly as I expected it to be. The fruit was in a gourd like shape, grey and with swirl pattern.

"Here goes nothing." I said while taking a large bite out of it which I started to regret. I tried preparing for the taste but the fruit was truly disgusting to the point it felt like an eternity to swallow.

Since the sun was starting to rise, I put on some casual clothes along with my mask and ran outside the door after my taste buds recovered a little bit.

"System could you show me where the closest training ground is with no people?" I asked with anticipation. I really wanted to test out my devil fruit and its capabilities but I really couldn't do that in my apartment.

System: The closest training ground is 250 meters away. Starting route guidance.

Hearing this, I couldn't help but feel like the system was a gps making me giggle a little bit as I arrived to the training ground.

"Ok how do I do this?" I said while crouching on the ground while sticking my finger out. As I thought of how to shoot a string from my finger, suddenly a string came out.

"Oh! So it's like this! It seems I just have to will for it to come out but what's with this pathetic string?" I said while looking at the string beneath my feet. Since I read One Piece, I knew that although the string string fruit didn't sound like much, but in fact it was an incredibly powerful and dangerous fruit that could easily take a persons life. While comparing such a grand fruit with what I produced in front of me I couldn't help but sulk.

In front of me was a thin string and instead of being sturdy and hard, the string was flimsy, weak and the string easily split into two as I pulled it apart hoping that the nearly indestructible string was still in effect. Quite frankly, it looked gross.

"System, what's going on? Why are my strings so weak?" I questioned as I frowned.

System: Host will have to have better understanding and control over the fruit to use its powers effectively. Improving physical conditions will also help contribute to more stronger and durable strings. Will host like to buy arm and leg weights for 800 points? (Weight can be changed from 1 pound to 10,000 pounds.)

"It really seems like I do have to work to get stronger huh. I was hoping I could just start off stronger than the hokage but I guess it's just not that kind of world." I said to myself while pondering if I should buy the weights. Using weights were pretty old fashioned but based on the results Rock Lee had while using them, I persuaded myself to buy them all for the reason of becoming stronger while under the guise of being ordinary.

"Only 20 and 13 pounds for now huh?" I said while attaching the weights to my arms and legs. My legs could only handle 20 pounds each while my arms could only handle 13. In fact it was extremely difficult to move my hands but I still decided to keep it on while dragging my legs. At first I thought I should switch over to lighter pounds by then I suddenly heard

System: Host has begun training. 5x training speed Active: 719 days remaining before boost ends.

"Oh I totally forgot about this." I said in surprise. I was so wrapped up in finding a way to train to strengthen my devil fruit that I completely forgot about my training bonus. It was a silly mistake but it made an incredible difference. Of course it was simple math but since the boost lasted for 2 years, it was like training for 10 years without it. It would be pathetic to not see any results by 2 years. Of course I wasn't planning on only training my devil fruit's ability but also my Taijutsu as being reliant on one source of power could really backfire.

"System, how much does the Eight Inner Gates cost?" I asked since I was quite fond of this technique although it was dangerous.

System: The Eight Inner Gates is a very powerful as well as dangerous ability. After taking in the fact that you will only receive knowledge on how to open the Eight Inner Gates and the intense regimen needed to master the Eight Inner Gates, the system has put the cost of it at 9000 points. Would you like to buy the Eight Inner Gates included with a training plan?

I already knew about with quick and powerful strength also comes with downfalls so without thinking about it I said "Purchase The Eight Inner Gates"

System: Confirmed Purchase of: Eight Inner Gates. Host may feel a headache as the knowledge of opening the gates transfers over to you.

As the system said that, I really did feel a pounding headache but quickly faded away roughly after 10 minutes. Analyzing my new found knowledge I couldn't help but force a awkward smile. "It seems i'll really have to train hard huh.."

"System can you display my training regimen?" I asked as a interface popped up in front of me.




**Training Schedule**


Name: Akira Amari

Host must wear weights around arms and legs at all times even in sleep and in showers. Host may move the weights around the leg and arm but it can never come off unless needed.

-Morning Schedule-

Wake up: 5:00 am

5:30 am, Distance to Run: 10 kilometers in 30 minutes while wearing weights

10 minute break

6:10 am, 500 push ups with one arm (switch arms at 250) completion must be met within 15 minutes or remainder will be doubled and converted into afternoon exercise.

6:25 am, 500 sit ups and crunches. Completion must be met within 35 minutes or remainder will be doubled and converted into afternoon exercise.

7:00 am meditate for 15 minutes and prepare to go to the academy which starts at 8:00 am. Afternoon schedule will be revealed after the academy day ends at 3:00 am.


"Can't wait to find out what the punishment is for not completing the afternoon exercises." I thought to myself as I enjoyed my last day of peace. If this was the morning exercise schedule then what would the afternoon schedule be? This schedule already seemed impossible to do but i had strong determination to finish it none the less.