
Anime Multiverse Dimensional Chat Group

He was just an office worker. He was lucky enough to get a stable job. However, his body was too weak. He got sick easily when he was tired due to his activity. One day, an order came from the head office. He received orders to field counseling and work on reports afterward which forced him to work overtime for several days. As a result, he collapsed. Miraculously, he was reincarnated into another world. Not only that, he actually reincarnated into one of the characters in the anime he had watched before. From there, he intends to live life to the fullest by doing whatever he couldn't in his previous life. On his first day of high school… "The Dimensional Chat Group is empty, automatically creating a new server." His phone suddenly received a weird notification. ————— Fairy Tail One Piece Naruto Konosuba Konjiki no Wordmaster Infinite Stratos Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka? etc. ————— (c) Cover -> @futabax on twitter (c) I'm not owned the related anime

UltimateSenpai · Anime & Comics
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275 Chs

266. Absorbing The Source of Ryūmyaku

Izumi and Tabane's purpose in Rōran was clear: they sought the Ryūmyaku, the ancient source of energy. This vital energy source was crucial for their mission to seal the mischievous god known as D, or Wakaba Hīro.

Izumi's expert use of the Hiraishin no Jutsu allowed him to quickly teleport back to the location of the others. With a flash of teleportation, he reunited everyone and brought them to Rōran.

Izumi, the group's leader, gathered everyone's attention with a firm yet reassuring tone. He understood the importance of their mission, and his words reflected that understanding.

"Alright, everyone," he began, "Our objective here is to locate the Source of Ryūmyaku. It's a vital energy source we need to seal the mischievous god, D. I need each of you to investigate the surroundings diligently."

Izumi's eyes met each member of the group, his gaze carrying a sense of determination and trust in their abilities. "We don't have much time, and we must find the Source before our enemy does. Be vigilant and work together. If you discover any clues or anything unusual, report it immediately. Let's proceed with caution and focus on the mission at hand."

As Izumi conveyed the importance of their mission and instructed everyone to investigate the surroundings to find the Source of Ryūmyaku, each member of the group responded in their own way:

Ruri gave a determined thumbs-up, showing her commitment to the mission.

Rory offered a calm nod, her eyes reflecting her unwavering resolve.

Warrod displayed a calm and composed demeanor, ready to assist in the search.

Kakashi acknowledged Izumi's instructions with a professional nod.

Kisame clenched his Samehada and gave a silent affirmation.

Tabane nodded with confidence.

Hiiro nodded resolutely, indicating his readiness to search for clues.

Karin, the Sharingan-wielder, looked intently at Izumi and gave a confident nod.


A few minutes later.

Izumi was somewhat surprised when his phone received a video call from Karin. He knew that the system usually disabled their phone and internet communications during missions, given the temporal differences between their worlds.

This change, where time was flowing at a normal rate, allowed them to use their phones normally, and Karin's call was evidence of this shift. Recognizing the urgency of the situation due to the normal flow of time, Izumi knew that he needed to be quick in collecting the Ryūmyaku. He realized that time was of the essence, and their mission required efficiency and speed. He quickly answered the call, eager to hear what Karin had to say.

Karin's voice came through the video call, and there was a sense of excitement in her tone as she addressed Izumi, "Big bro Izumi, I've found it! I've found the Source of Ryūmyaku."

Her words carried a mix of enthusiasm and accomplishment, and she was clearly eager to share this significant discovery with the team.

Izumi swiftly connected the video call to the rest of the team, allowing them all to see and hear Karin's important discovery regarding the Source of Ryūmyaku.

The team rushed to the location that Karin had discovered, their anticipation growing as they closed in on the Source of Ryūmyaku. As they arrived, they were greeted by a remarkable sight.

The Source of Ryūmyaku was nestled in the heart of a hidden chamber within the ancient ruins of Rōran. It was a cavernous, dimly lit space with towering stone pillars adorned with ornate carvings. The atmosphere felt charged with energy, and the air was thick with chakra.

At the center of this mystical chamber, they found the Source itself, a radiant, luminous pool of chakra. It pulsed with a soft, ethereal glow, casting a gentle light that illuminated the surroundings.

What caught their attention immediately was a kunai, expertly embedded into the ground right beside the Source of Ryūmyaku. The kunai served as a seal, keeping the potent chakra energy in check. Its placement indicated that someone had sealed the Source to prevent its misuse, but they needed to verify its current condition.

The team gathered around the Source of Ryūmyaku, their eyes filled with awe and reverence for the ancient power it held.

As the team gathered around the Source of Ryūmyaku, their voices hushed in reverence for the ancient power that pulsed before them.

Izumi, assessing the situation, spoke first, "This is it, the Source of Ryūmyaku. Karin, well done on finding it."

Karin, with a sense of accomplishment, replied, "Thank you, big bro Izumi. It was a team effort."

Ruri, examining the kunai used as a seal, commented, "This kunai appears to be sealing the Ryūmyaku. We need to check its condition and ensure it's secure."

Rory, her eyes gleaming with anticipation, added, "This energy is incredible. No wonder you want this."

Warrod, his Green Magic attuned to the environment, suggested, "We should be cautious and consider the consequences of our actions. The Source's power is immense."

Kakashi, ever the vigilant strategist, stated, "We need to have a plan in place. Our mission's success hinges on what we do here."

Kisame, with a keen eye on the Samehada, observed, "The seal must be checked thoroughly. Its stability is vital."

Tabane, intrigued by the technology, noted, "The combination of ancient chakra and advanced seals is fascinating."

Hiiro, ready to apply his Word Magic, affirmed, "Is this thing really useful?"

Izumi, ignoring the responses for the moment, took action. He carefully retrieved several gems that he had created in the previous world. The gems were undoubtedly part of his plan to interact with the Source of Ryūmyaku, and the rest of the team watched with intrigue, curious about his next moves.

Izumi, now with the gems in his possession, directed Hiiro to employ his Word Magic to create a protective barrier around the Source of Ryūmyaku. The barrier would serve the crucial purpose of containing the potent chakra energy and preventing it from leaking out of the ruins of Rōran.

Hiiro, with his proficiency in Word Magic, began the intricate process of creating the barrier using Japanese characters. The intricate dance of kanji, hiragana, and katakana characters formed a mesmerizing and enchanting pattern in the air, glowing with a soft, azure light.

The kanji characters held the core of the protective spell, imbued with the essence of containment. They radiated power and determination, signifying the strength of the barrier.

Interwoven with the kanji were hiragana and katakana characters, representing intricate elements and details of the spell. These characters shimmered in a delicate harmony, adding layers of complexity and finesse to the barrier.

As Hiiro continued to manipulate the characters with his Word Magic, the protective barrier took shape, gradually enclosing the Source of Ryūmyaku. It formed an ethereal dome of characters, each one contributing to the overall strength and integrity of the barrier.

Izumi, standing before the Source of Ryūmyaku, began the intricate process of unsealing and drawing the potent energy from the Source. His actions were nothing short of awe-inspiring, as he conjured a massive magic circle that stretched across the chamber.

The magic circle was a breathtaking display of intricate and radiant patterns, glowing with a vibrant blend of colors. It pulsed with ethereal energy, casting a mesmerizing light that bathed the entire chamber in a radiant glow. The patterns within the circle were a complex fusion of arcane symbols and geometric designs, each carefully chosen to facilitate the energy transfer.

Surrounding the magic circle, the gems he had created in a previous world were arranged in a circular formation, hovering in the air. These gems acted as conduits to receive and store the energy from the Source. They sparkled with a kaleidoscope of colors, matching the brilliance of the magic circle.

As Izumi continued to work, the gems began to rotate gracefully around the magic circle, their motion synchronized with the patterns within the circle. They acted as a bridge between the Source of Ryūmyaku and the magic circle, facilitating the smooth transfer of energy.

The chamber was filled with an atmosphere of anticipation and wonder as Izumi's expert control of magic and his meticulous preparation were put on full display. The team watched in fascination as the energy from the Source was unsealed, drawn, and channeled into the gems.

As the absorption process continued, the team began to notice an increasing intensity in the Source of Ryūmyaku. What had initially been a calm and radiant pool of energy now exhibited signs of restlessness and wild power.

The Source of Ryūmyaku pulsed erratically, its ethereal glow fluctuating from a gentle radiance to a blinding brilliance. It seemed as though the ancient chakra within was responding to the energy extraction, growing increasingly turbulent and unbridled.

The chamber vibrated with unchecked energy as the once-steady patterns within the magic circle became distorted and chaotic. Arcane symbols shifted and transformed, and the geometric designs warped as the Source's wild energy threatened to break free from its confinement.

Izumi's focused determination remained unwavering as he continued the absorption process, but the growing turbulence of the Source was undeniable. The entire team felt the palpable power within the chamber, and they remained on high alert, ready to assist or intervene as necessary to ensure the mission's success.


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