
Anime Mashup: Life Simulation

Rozen Tendou awakens in a futuristic world, a blend of various fictional narratives he had seen in his prior universe. This new world is an enigma, filled with advanced technology and unforeseen adversities. In the heart of this enigmatic reality, Rozen unveils a peculiar power within him - the Goldenfinger. This mysterious capability allows him to run life simulation scenarios, not just limited to the world he finds himself in, but extending to other diverse universes, exploring life in different cosmologies. How will Rozen, armed with the ability to simulate life in different cosmologies, navigate the intricacies of this alien world to ensure his survival? Every simulation unfolds new scenarios of hope, danger, and the enduring spirit of human resilience amidst a reality that constantly challenges the limits of what he knows and where he belongs.

Arata_San · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 14 Akame and Esdeath

A few hours before Rozen and his team were engrossed in their meeting, an intense battle was unfolding somewhere.

In a certain universe, somewhere tainted with the stench of blood and strewn with corpses, a girl with long black hair, brandishing a sword, was locked in fierce combat with a tall, alluring woman with blue hair. They were the last standing on the desolate battlefield, their swordplay and ice magic echoing through the silent field.

"Esdeath!!!" the black-haired girl, Akame, shouted in fury. She moved with supernatural speed, attempting to slash at her opponent from behind, only to be thwarted by a sudden wall of ice.

She vanished, reappearing from different angles to strike at Esdeath, who countered each attack with her ice manipulations.

Panting slightly, Akame glared at Esdeath, her mind racing to find a viable strategy. She knew, however, that her usual tactics seemed futile against this formidable opponent.

Esdeath, her enemy, was a general who had single-handedly slaughtered 400,000 people. Her extensive combat experience made her a daunting adversary, even for an experienced assassin like Akame.

"You can't stop me, Akame! You are still weak, even with your transformation," Esdeath sneered, rushing towards Akame with a giant ice spear emerging from the ground.

Akame shattered the spear with her sword, narrowly avoiding Esdeath's blade and striking back. Esdeath parried her attacks with equal skill.

They matched each other in strength and skill, their attacks lethal and intent on killing. But Esdeath seemed to have the advantage, as none of Akame's strikes wounded her.


Esdeath parried Akame's sword and kicked her fiercely, sending her crashing into a massive ice wall encircling the battlefield.

"Guhak!" Akame fell, feeling immense pain and suspecting broken bones from the impact.

With resolute determination, she stood, gritting her teeth against the pain, and lunged at Esdeath again, intent on ending her life.

Her attacks became deadlier and faster, finally causing a wound on Esdeath's arm. A strange symbol appeared on the wound, but Esdeath quickly severed it.

"You!" Akame gasped, shocked by Esdeath's ruthless self-amputation.

Esdeath, still sneering, retorted, "You're not strong enough to defeat me with just that, Akame!" An icy hand formed in place of her severed one.

"Esdeath!!!" Akame renewed her assault.

Their deadly confrontation was rooted in their allegiance to opposing factions.

But for Akame, it was personal. Her rage stemmed from Esdeath's massacre of her teammates and innocent bystanders, triggered by the death of her loved one, who was, ironically, Akame's teammate.

This fueled Akame's deep hatred, driving her to eliminate Esdeath at all costs.

Knowing that leaving Esdeath unchecked would shatter the peaceful world she dreamt of, a dream now abandoned since all she cared for was gone.

Icicles flew swiftly toward her, and Akame destroyed them before being overwhelmed by their sheer number.

"So, let's end this game for now," Esdeath declared, causing Akame to tense up. Esdeath then raised her hands to her chest, concentrating all her ice power into a single point for her final skill.

Suddenly, just seconds before Esdeath could unleash her technique, Akame vanished from sight.

Esdeath, stunned, scanned the surroundings cautiously, relaxing slightly after minutes of not finding Akame.

She collapsed, her eyes empty and devoid of will to live, gazing at the sky and whispering sadly, "I'll see you soon, Tatsumi…"

But just like Akame, Esdeath too disappeared from the scene, leaving the battlefield eerily silent and devoid of life.

Elsewhere, Akame, stunned by the sudden change in her surroundings, gripped her sword warily, ready to confront whoever was responsible for this shift.

Teigu teleportation? But hadn't we eliminated the prime minister's child and seized their Teigu?

Akame thought, her eyes darting around cautiously, anticipating an attack from an unseen adversary.

"Are you the one named Akame, the true heroine and main character of the series 'Akame ga Kill?'" The sound of footsteps approached, accompanied by a woman's high-pitched voice emerging from the darkness.

"Who are you?! Why have you brought me here?!" Akame frowned, eyeing the newcomer with suspicion.

Finally, she could see the figure: long flowing white hair down to her waist, a large hat, and a military uniform. It was Altair, whom Rozen had previously encountered.

"I didn't expect you to be the one who would come after I summoned Esdeath's duplicate," Akame's eyes widened in surprise.

"Esdeath! Where is she now? And what's your connection to her?!"

"Relax, I'm here to propose a collaboration, and you might just get what you want from this," Altair smirked, confident that Akame would be interested after hearing her explanation.

This deepened Akame's frown. Her intuition told her that although this woman was not as bloodthirsty as Esdeath, they both exuded an aura of evil and malice.

Nevertheless, Akame was curious and inquired further about Altair's offer and the proposed collaboration. With a triumphant smile, Altair began to explain the truth about the world of gods and reality, along with her current motives.

"Lie…it's a lie!!!" Akame's sword dropped from her grasp, and she covered her head with her hands, unable to believe and shocked by the truth she had just heard.

"I'm not lying, Akame, this is the truth. You can see for yourself," Altair tossed something towards Akame—a comic book titled 'Akame ga Kill.'


Though still in disbelief, Akame could see the cover and illustrations in the book depicted her, recognizable by her usual clothing and sword. She quickly opened the book and started reading.

"I hope you'll agree to collaborate with me. If so, goodnight and see you soon," Altair then vanished, leaving Akame engrossed in reading the comic in the dark, desolate building.

Chapter 14 Akame

A few moments later, Akame chuckled at her realization, "Hahaha, to think my entire existence is merely a tale penned by someone..."

She then became quiet, stood up, and lowered her head, her expression veiled from view. However, the way her hands tightly clutched her trembling sword spoke volumes of her inner turmoil.

"A realm ruled by gods? …Well then, let's discover what this world and its deities have to offer." With that thought, Akame departed, leaving Altair, who had been observing from a hidden spot, with a smirk of success on her face.

Meanwhile, in a different part of this strange new reality, Esdeath, who had mysteriously vanished, reemerged in a park. Her arrival, though abrupt, was noticed only by the android staff present there.

One android, upon witnessing her appearance, approached with a mixture of confusion and concern, taken aback by Esdeath's gravely wounded state.

"Are you okay, lady?" the android inquired, its voice laced with genuine concern. Programmed to assist humans, it felt a deep sense of duty towards this injured human.

"W-who are you? Is this perhaps an afterlife?" Esdeath responded, that the loss of blood contributed to her dizziness and added to the confusion borne from her prior experiences.

"Afterlife? No, no, no, you're still on Earth, lady. Let's get you to a hospital immediately before your condition deteriorates!" The android quickly assisted Esdeath, gently guiding her to the nearest medical facility.

Earth? What is that? And Why does this person assist me so readily? Does this person not recognize who I am?

Esdeath pondered, her thoughts swirling with uncertainty and disbelief as she allowed the android to lead her, all the while taking in the unfamiliar sights of the buildings they passed.

"Where are we?" Esdeath queried, prompting the android to give her a look that was a curious blend of incredulity and amusement. To the android, Esdeath's fluent Japanese suggested she was a native of Japan.

Somehow, in the universe of 'Akame ga Kill', Japanese has become a language used there as well, but that is indeed the reality.

"Are you joking, Lady? This is Tokyo Giza, within the borders of Japan," the android clarified.

"Tokyo… Giza… Could this be an uncharted land beyond the Empire's known continents?" Esdeath murmured under her breath, still not entertaining the thought that she might have crossed into another world.

Her reluctance to believe in such a possibility was understandable, considering her background in a world that resembled the Middle Ages, albeit with its peculiar technological advancements. The notions of parallel universes or the advanced astronomy of Earth were concepts yet to be explored or understood in her world.

Their arrival at the hospital drew curious glances due to Esdeath's dire condition. Once inside, an unexpected complication arose during the registration and identification process. Her identity could not be confirmed, yet due to her urgent need for medical attention, she was promptly admitted and treated.

Within 30 minutes, Esdeath had made a full recovery, her astonishment palpable as she observed her previously severed hand now perfectly restored.

"H-how? How could my amputated hand have returned?" she questioned her extensive experience in battle doing little to diminish her shock at this miraculous recovery.

"This is the result of technological advancements in science and biology, greatly advanced by Dr. Mobius' discoveries in medicine," the doctor proudly explained. For him, as a medical practitioner and an admirer of science, Dr. Mobius was an idol, a pioneer in groundbreaking medical achievements.

Despite the doctor's explanation, Esdeath struggled to grasp the full implications of such advanced technology. The prospect of utilizing these medical advancements in warfare, to heal wounded soldiers, filled her with a mix of excitement and awe.

Don't question why she's excited; after all, as a battle maniac, warfare is something she cherishes, second only to her love for romance.

"Now that you're treated, we need your cooperation for some information," the doctor requested, smiling. Shortly after, several police officers accompanied by android colleagues entered the room.

Anticipating an interrogation, Esdeath, leaning on her warrior instincts, contemplated resistance. However, remembering their recent act of saving her life, she opted for a less lethal approach. She swiftly froze their feet, immobilizing them before making her escape through the window.

"Where did this ice come from?! Hey, don't run away!" the startled officers exclaimed. But Esdeath paid them no heed, swiftly making her way out, leaping agilely from building to building.

"What the hell is this…" she gasped in wonder, her eyes widening at the sight of the vast, brightly lit cityscape unfolding before her. The night was ablaze with light, each building a testament to the prosperity that far exceeded anything known in the Empire.

She had seen these sights before, yet she remained captivated by the stark contrast between this advanced civilization and her empire, evident in the attire and expressions of the people.

While some appeared despondent, their despair paled in comparison to the pervasive hopelessness that plagued the citizens of the Empire, who lived each day clinging to the faintest slivers of hope.

Advanced technology, remarkable prosperity… could I truly be in a different world now?

The thought crossed her mind. She had always believed that the Empire had explored every corner of the world, and had they discovered a place like this, she was certain they would have attempted conquest.

She sighed, her mind weary from the possibilities. With Tatsumi's death, her desire to continue living in this or any world greatly diminished.

Resigned, she descended, attempting to merge with the crowd. Unaware of how conspicuous she was amidst the throng of people, her striking appearance, coupled with her military attire, turned many heads.

"U-um…" a timid voice called out beside her. Turning, Esdeath saw a beautiful young girl with a gentle demeanor, dark purple hair cascading down her back, and deep indigo eyes – a visage almost as commanding as her own.

Have I been recognized?

Esdeath pondered, then softly smiled – a rare expression that would have stunned her subordinates. "Is there something I can assist you with?" she inquired.

"T-that… may I take a photo with you?" the girl asked hesitantly.

With a mix of confusion and caution, Esdeath responded, "Certainly, but may I ask why?"

The girl's face lit up with excitement. "Your costume is incredibly realistic! You look, sound, and even carry yourself just like the real General Esdeath!"

For a moment, Esdeath was taken aback, her composure momentarily wavering, but she quickly regained her poise, readying herself should the situation turn dire.

"I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw you! It's as if the actual General Esdeath has stepped right out of a story!"

Hearing this startling revelation, Esdeath's grip tightened around the girl. "What do you mean by that? What story are you referring to?"

"T-that…" The onlookers grew concerned, watching the interaction unfold with apprehension, wanting to assist the girl who was now in the painful grasp of Esdeath.

"Explain!" demanded Esdeath. As she spoke, ice swiftly formed around them, her lethal aura turning the faces of the girl and bystanders pale with fear.

"Y-you're the real Esdeath," the girl uttered, disbelief etched on her pale face.

But Esdeath paid little heed to her words, her gaze piercing as she pressed, "Tell me!!!"

"Y-you are—"

"Mei senpai!" a voice shouted, filled with anger and concern. Both Esdeath and the onlookers turned to see a girl with white braided hair, racing towards them with a look of fury.

Without hesitation or fear of Esdeath's formidable presence, the white-haired girl struck her, surprisingly sending Esdeath reeling back, and swiftly took Mei, the girl who had been grasped earlier, into her arms.

"Mei senpai! Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Kiana," Mei smiled, but her smile vanished quickly as she remembered Esdeath's presence.

"To get pushed back by an ordinary girl, how unexpected..." Esdeath muttered, narrowing her eyes at Kiana, slightly impressed by her fearlessness despite the dense killing intent she radiated.

"How dare you try to hurt my beloved Mei-senpai!" Kiana glared furiously, baring her teeth protectively like a cat defending her territory.

"Kiana! She's the real Esdeath," Mei warned, concerned by Kiana's reckless attitude.

"What are you saying, Mei-senpai? How can a fictional character appear in the real world?" Kiana failed to recognize the oddity of the surrounding ice. It took her a moment to realize the anomaly, and she broke out in a cold sweat upon understanding.

"Oh? So you've realized it? What will you do now? Run away or try to fight me?" Esdeath smirked bloodthirstily, instilling further fear in Kiana and Mei, who were just ordinary women, and not Valkyrie in some world line.

Fortunately, someone appeared to save the two girls before Esdeath could act.

"You seem unwilling to spare these innocent and powerless girls," a deep, masculine voice said. A tall, muscular man with ruffled, spiked red hair appeared, holding a cute little girl with white hair and red eyes in his arms.

Several people followed behind him, appearing to be his subordinates from their formation.

"Who are you?" Esdeath asked seriously, her sharp warrior instincts sensing the man's formidable strength, posing a potential threat to her.

"Me? I'm just an ordinary King passing by," the man replied nonchalantly, tossing his cigarette and stamping it out repeatedly.

(A/N: Creation is hard, so please consider support me by giving me your power stone and your review. Thank you!)