
Anime Mashup: Life Simulation

Rozen Tendou awakens in a futuristic world, a blend of various fictional narratives he had seen in his prior universe. This new world is an enigma, filled with advanced technology and unforeseen adversities. In the heart of this enigmatic reality, Rozen unveils a peculiar power within him - the Goldenfinger. This mysterious capability allows him to run life simulation scenarios, not just limited to the world he finds himself in, but extending to other diverse universes, exploring life in different cosmologies. How will Rozen, armed with the ability to simulate life in different cosmologies, navigate the intricacies of this alien world to ensure his survival? Every simulation unfolds new scenarios of hope, danger, and the enduring spirit of human resilience amidst a reality that constantly challenges the limits of what he knows and where he belongs.

Arata_San · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 13: Cursed Spirits

Then, the entire group followed Aki for a joint briefing about the Altair issue. In the meeting room, they found many significant individuals from the government, in addition to Aki, gathered for the discussion.

"Let's start the meeting, though I'm still waiting for one more person," Aki said, adjusting her glasses.

"Rozen Tendou-san, could you explain about Altair to us?" Aki and the officials looked at Rozen with curiosity. Rozen sighed but went ahead and explained everything.

"I thought you already knew about Altair from your national data and technology," Rozen said doubtfully to Aki, who gave a bitter smile in response.

"Of course, we know, but we wanted your confirmation first, and we're not experts in handling supernatural matters like this."

"That makes sense, but doesn't the government have a supernatural team or group? I find it hard to believe you don't, as I've already encountered supernatural entities in this country."

"You're right, we did ask our supernatural department for help, but the person they sent is... well, a bit difficult," Aki said, rubbing her head with a sigh of tiredness.

This confused Rozen and his group, but then they understood why Aki reacted that way when they heard a playful and familiar male voice, which instantly irritated Mobius.

Then they saw a white-haired man with an eye mask entering the room in a relaxed and cheerful manner.

"Hey guys! Sorry, I'm late. I just helped an old lady cross the street. Being the kind-hearted man I am, of course, I helped her!" Everyone was speechless at Gojo's words.

Is there an old lady awake at this late hour?

Everyone thought, internally doubting Gojo's false excuse.

"Oh? I didn't expect to meet you all here again, especially you, Mobius-chan~. You seem to have missed me," Gojo approached Rozen's group with an amused smile.

"Fucking bullshit! Who would miss you? Seeing your grinning and annoying face again makes me want to vomit!" Mobius retorted loudly, clenching her fists tightly.

Rozen's group laughed at their interaction, while the others were a bit confused and surprised by their relationship.

Seeing their argument was not over, Aki coughed loudly, getting their attention, and stopped the argument between them. Mobius still snorted in annoyance, and Gojo kept smiling.

"Alright, now that Gojo Satoru-san is here, let's continue with the briefing," Aki said.

"No need, I already know about the situation, as Rozen informed me earlier today," Gojo replied. Aki looked surprised but composed herself and continued the briefing.

They discussed several methods to eliminate the threat of Altair from the real world and talked about the potential emergence of other fictional characters, aiming to protect fiction authors from attacks by their characters.

During the meeting, Rozen curiously nudged Gojo, asking, "Weren't you still busy with strange monsters before? Why are you here?"

Gojo chuckled and answered, "I handed the monster issue to other jujutsu sorcerers, my friend, and the Blue Clan took over that task after the government noticed Altair's presence and impact."

It made sense. Even though Junji Ito's monsters were terrifying, they didn't have the potential to destroy the world or universe like Altair, with her power to cause interdimensional collisions leading to destruction.

No one here, including the Jujutsu sorcerers, wanted their world to be destroyed because of someone's egoism, so they sent their strongest Sorcerer to solve this problem.

Soon, after several hours, the meeting concluded with the results as discussed earlier, with additional experiments on the principles and powers of fictional existence to be conducted with Dr. Mobius's help, who was very happy and willing to assist.

The government also provided temporary lodging for Rozen and his group at a 5-star hotel, wanting them to stay together nearby so they could respond quickly to any Altair-related incidents.

Entering his room, Rozen said, "Well, another new room. I've been changing rooms a lot since coming here." "He chuckled softly and lay down on the bed, eager to resume his previously interrupted slumber.

The next morning, sunlight lit up Rozen's face, and he woke up after a few minutes. He then showered and went out for breakfast at the hotel.

On his way, he met Selesia and Meteora and greeted them, "Good morning, you two! Did you sleep well last night?"

"Good morning, Rozen-kun! I slept very comfortably, especially with the advanced technology here making my room cool and comfortable," Selesia smiled at Rozen.

"Morning, Rozen-dono. I felt the same. It's my first time being amazed by the technology of your world," Meteora answered with a poker face.

"Good to hear that. Next, I'll surprise you again with more delicious cuisine from this world besides the burgers and fries you had last night," Rozen said, feeling a bit strange to say that as he was not a native of this world.

They all eventually reached the dining room, where Selesia and Meteora were amazed by the variety of delicious food that made them salivate.

They both took many portions of food after Rozen told them it was all free, courtesy of the hotel's service.

"Yum! So delicious!" Selesia commented while eating her food enthusiastically and quickly, and Meteora was no different, though she looked calm, her mouth was chewing quickly too.

"It's very impressive. I can't understand why Altair would be so cruel to want to destroy a beautiful world that can produce such delicious food," Meteora said and chewed her food again before continuing.

"We must quickly stop Altair then," Meteora said whereSelesia nodded in strong agreement, making Rozen's lips twitch at their behavior.

I didn't think food could make these two so enthusiastic about saving the world...

After finishing their meal, the two girls contentedly patted their stomachs, prompting a sigh from Rozen. Eventually, they got up and decided to first visit Sota at his home, also planning to stroll around the town, hoping to chance upon other fictional characters.

While walking, Rozen suddenly inquired, "So, how does your world compare to this one? I'm not very familiar with your world compared to Sota's."

Selesia, taken aback, replied, "Really? I thought you knew my story, given how familiar you seemed with me earlier," and then eyed Rozen suspiciously, a sentiment echoed by Meteora.

Of course, Rozen recognized them from an anime he used to watch, but he couldn't possibly reveal this shocking fact to them.

"Selesia, do you remember something called AI which is named Alpha at my place?" Selesia nodded, and Rozen continued, "With AIpha's help, I learned a bit about both of you, but beyond that, I don't know anything since I haven't watched or read your stories."

Meteora, puzzled by the term AI, had it explained by Selesia. She was once again amazed to hear about the functions and existence of AI, a technology of this world.

Both felt it made sense after hearing this, and Rozen was relieved to see they believed his lie.

The trio chatted as they walked, but Rozen stopped abruptly when he spotted a large, lizard-like creature with a terrifying appearance, sharp teeth, and claws crawling on the top of the building.

Rozen alone seemed to notice this conspicuous creature, making him wonder if it was invisible to everyone but him.

Noticing Rozen's odd behavior, Selesia asked with concern, "What's wrong, Rozen? Is there a danger here?"

"Selesia, can't you see that creature?" Meteora suddenly asked. Selesia looked at her, confused, not understanding what she was referring to.

Hearing Meteora, Rozen turned in surprise. "You can see it too? I thought only I could," Meteora nodded in affirmation, while Selesia grew frustrated with their vague behavior.

"Hey, hey! What are you two talking about? Don't keep it from me!" Selesia pouted, crossing her arms.

"That creature seems extremely evil and malevolent. I'll take it down while you stay here and explain to Selesia," Rozen said to Meteora, summoning his sword and hurling it toward the creature.

Appearing right in front of it, Rozen swung his sword fiercely, slicing the creature's head in two. Surprisingly, the halves healed and transformed into two separate creatures.

Raising an eyebrow in surprise, Rozen couldn't help but comment, "Interesting, is this a special feature of this lizard?"

He dodged the monster's claw attack and launched a barrage of weapons at it. The projectiles bombarded and killed the creature.

However, like before, the monster quickly regenerated and multiplied from its destroyed body parts. For the first time, Rozen found this monster tricky to handle.

What was the origin of this strange creature? Was it one of Junji Ito's monsters? But he didn't recall any such creature in that series.

Rozen dodged the monster's multiple attacks by teleporting and attacking from a distance, his mind racing to find a solution.

He considered various strategies, from total annihilation to testing the creature's regenerative limits. Yet, he felt uncertain due to the monster's unpredictability.

Finally, Rozen noticed a peculiar and malevolent energy emanating from the monster. Realizing this energy might be the key, he quickly tried to mimic it with his chakra.

As Rozen's chakra transformed, he was overwhelmed with negative emotions, appearing as an evil, terrifying spirit to Meteora and Selesia.

"Rozen! What's happening to you?" Selesia called out anxiously, rushing over with Meteora.

Caught off guard by the emotional surge, Rozen was struck by the monster and sent crashing through a building wall.

"Cough! Damn, I lost focus due to these negative emotions. But what is this strange energy!" he said, dusting himself off and teleporting away from the approaching monsters.

"Rozen! Are you okay?" Selesia asked, concerned, with Meteora echoing her worry.

"I'm fine, just caught off guard while simulating my energy to match the monster's," Rozen explained.

"Strange energy?" Selesia asked, doubtful, while Meteora nodded in understanding. "What effects does this monster's energy have?"

"A strong surge of negative emotions. It nearly overwhelmed me if not for my mental fortitude," the girls realized why Rozen had appeared as an evil spirit moments ago.

"But honestly, this energy is quite intriguing," Rozen grinned, teleporting to the monster and enveloping his weapon with the newfound energy before unleashing an elemental slash.

Dozens of monsters were split apart, their bodies disintegrating without regenerating. Rozen smiled, continuing his onslaught. Soon, all the monsters vanished.

"At last, they're all gone!" Rozen smiled, out away his weapons and hoping not to get scolded by Aki for his aftermath battle just now.

The trio resumed their journey to Sota's house, discussing the strange energy Rozen had harnessed from the monster.

Rozen eventually concluded, considering the nature of the monster and its energy, that they were cursed spirits and cursed energy, familiar to Jujutsu sorcerers.

Regrettably, Rozen lamented his lack of an innate cursed technique, despite already possessing cursed energy. He thought to himself that if he had this ability, it would provide him with an additional strategy for confronting future enemies, particularly the antagonists akin to those in 'Jujutsu Kaisen' in this world.

During their journey, they encountered numerous cursed spirits, which was an unexpected turn of events. Reacting promptly, they engaged in combat, eliminating every cursed spirit they came across. Interestingly, Selesia also joined in the battle after Rozen transferred some of his cursed energy to her, enabling her to see these spirits.

Finally, they reached Sota's house. Calling out to him, Sota promptly emerged and, after seeking permission from his parents, joined the group. Together, they set off toward their meeting place to regroup and report on the current situation.

"Excuse me," Rozen announced as he entered with his group. Inside, the room was already filled with many people, including Gojo, Aki, and others. He noticed that many of the newcomers looked anxious and worried, and Rozen realized that they were the authors.

"Hey there! Rozen, Selesia-chan, and everyone else!" Gojo greeted them with his usual playful demeanor. Rozen approached and took a seat next to him.

"So, all these people are authors, right?" Rozen inquired. Gojo nodded in confirmation, prompting Rozen to ask further, "But, has any of the authors been harmed or killed?"

"Well, so far, none have died, but there are a few we haven't been able to locate at their homes," Gojo replied. Rozen nodded, understanding the situation, which also mirrored events from the anime he knew.

(A/N: Creation is hard, so please consider support me by giving me your power stone and your review. Thank you!)