
Anime Mashup: Life Simulation

Rozen Tendou awakens in a futuristic world, a blend of various fictional narratives he had seen in his prior universe. This new world is an enigma, filled with advanced technology and unforeseen adversities. In the heart of this enigmatic reality, Rozen unveils a peculiar power within him - the Goldenfinger. This mysterious capability allows him to run life simulation scenarios, not just limited to the world he finds himself in, but extending to other diverse universes, exploring life in different cosmologies. How will Rozen, armed with the ability to simulate life in different cosmologies, navigate the intricacies of this alien world to ensure his survival? Every simulation unfolds new scenarios of hope, danger, and the enduring spirit of human resilience amidst a reality that constantly challenges the limits of what he knows and where he belongs.

Arata_San · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 12: Altair's Attack

Rozen's consciousness gradually returns, and he opens his eyes, his face marked by a blend of hatred and sadness.

"Damn it! Damn it! Zetsu… I will kill you in the next simulation!" Rozen vows vehemently, his fists clenched tightly in resolve.

He then sighs deeply, his thoughts turning to Kushina. He's aware of the profound impact his death would have on his yandere lover.

I hope she hasn't wreaked havoc on the world because of my death.

Rozen contemplates inwardly and then decides to anchor the Naruto universe in his life simulation.

[Cooldown to simulate again: 168 hours]

As he settles back to rest, his instincts suddenly alert him, prompting him to swiftly evade an impending danger.


The walls and floors of his building shatter instantly, creating a massive hole and drawing the attention of pedestrians in Tokyo.

Frowning, Rozen scans the area for the assailant while rushing to join his companions. He quickly finds Selesia and Sota together.

"What happened?" Selesia inquires, her brow furrowed in concern.

"It looks like we're under attack, probably by Altair. Take Sota to safety; I need to get Dr. Mobius out of here," Rozen instructs. Selesia nods in understanding, swiftly taking Sota and flying away.

"Mobius!" Rozen shouts, sifting through the rubble, hoping desperately that Mobius has survived.

"H-Here..." Hearing Mobius's faint voice, Rozen rushes over and lifts the heavy debris.

"My God! Mobius, you're in terrible shape!" Rozen exclaims upon seeing Mobius, impaled and severely wounded, looking on the brink of death.

"T-this is why I want to evolve..." Mobius whispers through gritted teeth and tears, enduring the excruciating pain.

Without hesitation, Rozen employs his chakra to heal her wounds with a healing jutsu, seldom used due to his natural regenerative abilities.

"Are you okay now?" Rozen asks after ensuring all her injuries are healed.

"Thank you, I'm okay now. I owe you yet another debt," Mobius says, smiling gratefully at Rozen, her demeanor quickly shifting back to that of a curious, excited scientist.

"By the way, what was that power you used? Was it Jujutsu? Or an Esper power? Can you show it to me after we deal with this situation?" Rozen raises an eyebrow, impressed by Mobius's resilience and curiosity even after such a near-death experience.

"Let's get out of here first," Rozen suggests, carrying Mobius and leaping to an adjacent building.

"By the way, why hasn't Seri-san appeared yet? Did she leave after she stopped monitoring you last night?"

"Seri-chan has nightly duties reporting to her King, so she's always away at night," Rozen answers, resolving his uncertainty about Seri's absence during such a critical incident.

Suddenly, the loud clashing of swords echoes through the air, drawing the attention of Rozen and Mobius. They observe Selesia engaging in a fierce battle with Altair, who hovers in the air.

"So that is Altair, a two-dimensional being born from human imagination and creativity, responsible for bringing other fictional entities into the real world," Mobius observes with a gleam of fascination in her eyes, eager to unravel how Altair could manifest in the real world.

"Wait here," Rozen instructs, conjuring numerous swords around him and launching them at Altair before teleporting closer to slash her.

Caught off guard, Altair narrowly dodges Rozen's swift slash.

Rozen's attack is blocked by a circling ring of rapiers surrounding Altair. Rozen clicks his tongue in frustration.

"Rozen?!" Selesia exclaims in surprise, not expecting Rozen to have a superpower.

"Hoh? I never expected you to possess superpowers; I thought you were just a human with superior physical qualities," Altair remarks, squinting her eyes. Rozen merely shrugs and resumes his attack.

With wings of light, Rozen and Selesia continue to encircle Altair in the air. Their battle generates a symphony of clashing steel and thunderous explosions, echoing through the bustling Tokyo night.

Assault after assault from both sides relentlessly hails down, with a barrage of weapons thrown at high velocity towards Altair, resembling deadly projectiles.

"Damn it! She's really cheating!" Rozen can't help but comment, frustrated that his and Selesia's combined offense seems ineffective against Altair.

"Haaa…Haaa… this guy is one of the toughest enemies I've ever faced. By the way, do you have any ideas on how to hurt her?" Selesia asks, maintaining a cautious distance from Altair.

As Rozen prepares to respond affirmatively, Altair suddenly moves, catching both of them off guard with her unfamiliar and previously unseen tactics.

Altair raises her weapon, grinning evilly. "Come forth, my servant!" She then fires numerous large magical circles from her weapon.

What the hell… this never appeared in the anime before…

Rozen thinks, observing the magical circles illuminate before several entities appear, some of which he recognizes.

"Muzan, Esdeath, Pain, and Gin Ichimaru… are you kidding me?" Rozen mutters, surprised by their sudden appearance, although he remains confident in his ability to handle them.

"Good evening, and also goodbye," Altair bows her head gracefully before sneering at Rozen and Selesia and disappearing.

"Did Altair think I'd be taken down by these guys?" Rozen's mouth twitches, as he feels speechless by Altair's apparent underestimation of his capabilities.

"Selesia! Brace yourself! We're up against some seriously tough enemies!" Rozen warned. However, before they can fully prepare themselves, they're suddenly pulled by a powerful, unseen force.

Rozen grabs Selesia and teleports in a flash. They barely catch their breath when a towering glacier, summoned by Esdeath, looms over them, hurling sharp ice shards their way.

With a fiery sword slash, Rozen shatters the incoming ice, then instinctively pivots, narrowly avoiding a swift strike from Esdeath. He quickly tilts his head to evade Gin's rapid, elongated sword attack from afar.

"Tsk! This is quite troublesome than I thought!"

"Who are these guys?! Are they all monsters?!" Selesia exclaims, her eyes wide with fear as she observes their foes. Each attack from the enemies is more deadly and powerful than any adversary she has faced before.

"Their expressions are cold and lifeless. Could it be they lack real consciousness?" Rozen muttered as he dodged another attack.

"Eww! What is this?!" Selesia recoils in disgust, slicing through a grotesque, elongated flesh-like attack. Soon after, more of these bizarre assaults come her way, and she spots Muzan in the distance, controlling them.

While parrying Esdeath's icy assaults and dodging Gin's swift Zanpakutou strikes, Rozen strategizes a quick end to the battle, yet he remains wary of Pain potentially unleashing Chibaku Tensei.

"I hope he doesn't use that move," Rozen mutters under his breath. In a swift, strategic move, he propels Esdeath away with brute strength. Instantly, he teleports towards Gin, delivering a powerful strike that injures him.

Before Gin can retaliate, Rozen teleports once more, evading a swift counterattack with agility and precision.

Rozen then throws his sword at Pain, but Esdeath intervenes. Seeing his attacks continually interrupted, Rozen decides to use his secret jutsu which is a light element jutsu, and successfully kills Pain, who was about to summon more Pains, then vanishes into data.

"I should have used that from the start," Rozen says to himself, although he prefers not to rely on the secret jutsu unless necessary.

His attack makes Esdeath and the others extremely wary, even though they are not sentient. They still possess a warrior's instinct in their bodies.

"Seriously, Altair is stronger than I thought. Can she even be defeated?" Rozen doubts. If the Altair he knew before was already quite overpowered, the current Altair's ability to summon other fictional characters is beyond reason.

Rozen is also surprised to find other series from his previous life besides Naruto in this universe.

Employing hit-and-teleport tactics, soon Rozen overpowers Esdeath and Gin, despite their temporary resistance to his light jutsu, and ultimately incinerates Muzan into ashes.

Rozen lets out a sigh of relief and turns to Selesia, asking, "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine, but what the hell was that?! That man in the suit could regenerate his body instantly every time I cut him!" Selesia says with a hint of fear. It's the first time she's encountered a creature so difficult to kill.

"He's a demon, an 'Oni', a mythological creature from this country and world. But he's something else entirely because there's no demon like him in our mythology," Rozen explains. Selesia nods, slightly understanding. After all, Altair summoned him, indicating he's another fictional character.

"But, hey!" Rozen sighs, shaking his head as he gazes at the surrounding destruction. "I just hope we're not blamed for all this."

"Y-yeah, I hope so," Selesia says, scratching her head awkwardly, feeling guilty for the destruction caused during the battle.

"It looks like I'm late to help you," a cool female voice says from above, capturing their attention.

"Meteora!" Selesia exclaims, surprised to see Meteora joining them.

"Do you know me? That's odd, considering you're a fictional character too. Did you learn about me in this world?" Meteora descends, her gaze is curious and observant.

"Yes, you're right! Rozen here told me about your arrival after being summoned by Altair to this world," Selesia answers, turning Meteora's attention to Rozen.

"I noticed you through the technology of this world; it's not hard to monitor anyone globally with the current technology," Rozen replies, shrugging off the fact that almost every place is equipped with CCTV nowadays.

"I see..." Meteora nods, believing Rozen's explanation.

"Anyway, how about we discuss our situation somewhere more comfortable? By the way, Selesia and I need to return first to pick up our friends we left behind."

After reuniting with Mobius and Sota, the group decides to stroll around the city while waiting for Seri, having notified other members of the blue clan about their situation.

They settle in a fast-food restaurant to talk. The group draws attention due to their unique appearances, especially Selesia and Meteora, who look like characters straight out of an anime – which they are.

"I'm still not used to being stared at by everyone," Selesia sighs, propping her chin with her hand while eating fries listlessly.

"It's understandable; after all, Selesia-san, you are a fictional character brought to life," Sota says, chuckling a bit.

"Yeah, even though you're right, but..." Selesia just sighed again before continuing her meal.

"So, what shall we discuss now? Also, it seems you're quite curious about me?" Meteora observes, noticing the intense curiosity and excitement in Mobius's eyes.

"Hahaha, of course, I am! How could I not be? I'm sitting across from a fictional witch right now! As a scientist, I must unravel and explore the principles of your magic!" Mobius smirks, eagerly anticipating bringing Meteora to her experiment room.

"I see, so you're kind of an alchemist in my world," Meteora nods in understanding, pleasing Mobius who thinks Meteora agrees with her request.

Unfortunately for Mobius, Meteora continues, "But we need to prioritize Altair first, before anything else."

"Tsk!" Mobius clicks her tongue but understands that Meteora's point is valid, at least she wasn't outright rejected.

"So, what do you all know about Altair?" Meteora asks, her gaze focusing on Rozen, who seems to be the most informed about the situation.

"Well…" Rozen explains everything about Altair, from her identity and powers to her impact and motives for her current actions.

"I understand now. It's not strange for her to have such motives if the person she cared about most died like that," Meteora says. Sota looks guilty and lowers his head.

Sensing Sota's sadness, Selesia pats his shoulder and says indignantly, "Even so, it's outrageous to involve innocent people for her selfish goals. We have to stop her no matter what!"

Everyone nods in agreement; what's happening is too much, especially for Mobius and Sota, natives of this world.

"Oh, I just remembered, Rozen, you used superpowers earlier. I didn't expect you to have such abilities. Why didn't you use them when we first met?" Selesia asks doubtfully, and everyone else, especially Mobius, narrows their eyes in suspicion.

"Let's just say, those superpowers are Chakra from the Naruto series. You two might not recognize it, but Sota and Mobius surely know what I'm talking about," Rozen explains. Both women look at Mob

ius and Sota, who are visibly shocked by Rozen's statement.

"Are you saying you can use jutsu from Naruto?" Sota asks excitedly, and Rozen nods in response.

"Amazing! Can you teach me? I'd love to learn the jutsu from the Naruto series!"

Unfortunately, Rozen shakes his head and explains, "Sorry, I can't. It's not that I don't want to teach you, but the prerequisite for using Chakra is that you must be a descendant of original Shinobi blood."

Sota is visibly disappointed, while Mobius's excitement and curiosity grow.

"Are you saying the Naruto story is a real historical account, and the Divine Tree, Shinobi, and the Otsutsuki Clan once existed in our world?! Tell me more!" Mobius pulls on Rozen's collar impatiently. This revelation is astonishing and groundbreaking for her.

Releasing Mobius's grip, Rozen responds, "That's not accurate. Let's just say I've awakened a superpower that can mimic and acquire abilities from other fictional stories." He lies, as revealing the truth about his life simulation would be too shocking and imprudent.

"I thought so," Mobius sits back, slightly disappointed but remembering Rozen's bloodline, she perks up and says, "But you'll let me take some of your blood for experimentation, right?"

Rozen nods, feeling her request isn't too unreasonable, and Mobius smiles, her plans for evolution advancing.

"But is your teleportation power like Hiraishin, Minato's technique?" Mobius asks, and Rozen's expression turns complex, remembering Minato's drastically altered fate due to his interference with Kushina.

"No, it's different. You know Noctis, the protagonist from the Final Fantasy 15 game? I use the warp strike principle similar to his, which is quite akin to the Hiraishin jutsu," Rozen explains. His technique is more powerful than Hiraishin because he can also switch places with his weapons.

"Noctis? Final Fantasy 15? What's that?" Sota asks, confused, and even Mobius is unaware, making Rozen realize not all series from his old world exist in this one.

"It's nothing," Rozen shakes his head despite the suspicious glances from Mobius.

They continue eating and chatting about trivial matters. But just as they relax, a large group of police and military personnel, led by a bespectacled woman in an assistant's attire, enter the restaurant.

"What's this?" Selesia looks around, confused and wary of the sudden influx.

"I hope you'll all cooperate. Rozen, Sota, Dr. Mobius, and I presume, Selesia Upitiria and Meteora Österreich," the bespectacled woman speaks with a small smile.

"You are?" Sota asks curiously.

"I am Aki Kikuchihara. The government needs your help to resolve the issue of fictional characters appearing in the real world."

So the plot officially begins...

Rozen thinks, eager to see what challenges lie ahead.

(A/N: Creation is hard, so please consider support me by giving me your power stone and your review. Thank you!)