
Anime God System

Marco an average person have the opportunities to go in anime world. Watch his adventure as he became a god. The MC will also be able to travel around different world and use their power. After all it is THE ANIME GOD SYSTEM. There will be multiple girls but that won't go over 3 for the entire story. Final Goal ? Play around all the Multiverse. English is not my first language. Apologize in advance for the bad grammar structure and sentence. I also want to say that my writing is average so don't expect god writing skills. Also if you find fault, some errors or event plot history change that could improve the novel, you could let a comments, i will try my best to improve this fan-fic. This Fan-fic is purely for fun. I don't know the exact time that i will publish the chapter so expect a big lapse between different chapter. I don't own any anime present here in any shape or form, although I wish I did. This is just a fan project. Go support the original if you haven't. I also do not own the cover art, I’ll take it down if the owner wants me to, happily.

ItzShinred · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs


In Magnolia Town,

2 Man, 1 women and a flying cat could be seen approaching the Fairy Tail's Guild.

The Pink haired men arrived in front of the door and kicked and open it violently while screaming.


Then a punch was throw at him in the back of his head.



Beside Lucy sweatdropped seeing our MC screaming louder than Natsu but she began to quickly scan the loud hall filled with laughter seeing the two men bickering in front of the door. She started to be excited for the fact that she is currently inside the guild hall of her dream Guild and that she will join Fairy Tail.

Marco : AHHH What a drag, Lucy come i bring you to the Guild Master. I'm sure he will be pleased to have you integrated in the guild.

I smiled kindly and Lucy nodded excitedly since she will finally join the guild of her dream.

Then the next event unfolded like in the anime. A fight broke when Natsu punched the guys who sayed the Rumor and then with him being expulsed fall on other and went off like before the Guild Master stopped it and started his speech about the Magic Council complain and how he totally Don't care at all about the Magic Council and finally the admission of Lucy in the Guild.

( I will continue to summarize all the event that aren't modified by me because it is pointless to just talk about the anime since you could just Watch it )

Marco : Welcome to the family !

Lucy : Thank you !

Mirajane : Did you have a place to live Lucy ? If you Don't have one you can live in the dorm of Fairy Tail's, the Fairy Hills if you want the rent is only 100 000 jewels for a month.

Lucy : HISSSS Humm i think i will just find myself a house to rent it's not that i Don't have money at all.

She tried to cover in front of her idol that she Don't have money at all, i shook my head seeing her like this and decide to go out of the guild and go back home. If i remember correctly today was the day when Lucy and Natsu will go help Macao in Mount Hakobe, i Don't always want to be present for the plot. I will just stick at some interesting event and live a free life here.

Arrived at my house, I just take a nap to pass time, take a shower, a meal and then go to bed. While in bed i checked my Status.

Status :

Name : Marco / Age : 16

Level : 53

Exp : 620 00 XP Next Level : 800 000 XP

Combat Power : 30 000 ( Same level as one of the weakest ten Saint Wizard )

Strength : 60 / Agility : 80 / Defense : 70 / Intelligence : 90 / Charisma : 50

Mana : 18 000

Mana Regen : 450 Mana/Min

Magic : Particle Magic

Technique : Shadow clone Jutsu

Bloodline : Reincarnator

SP : 13 284

Satisfied with this result i quickly fall asleep.

Next day i woke up refreshed thinking of what to do. I know that the Lullaby Arc will begin soon so i needed to Always let a shadow clone near the guild to see when Erza come back of her mission. It is one of the Arc where i wanted to be present since i wanted to study Lullaby. As a powerful artifact it can contain many secret. I also hate the part where Erza need to go before the Magic council, i found it stupid and not necessary to the plot so i will make sure that Natsu Don't go on rampage and start detroying all the building he saw.

Returning to the present, i wanted to start a project that i keep pushing since my transmigration in this world but didn't have the time to make it because of my weakness.

This project is to create a business for myself since i needed many jewels to convert it to SP. With my knowledge from earth i think i can create some interesting business in this world.

I was also wondering how the magic circle worked from the time i was transmigrated i Always wanted to know how it work and i think that i can do some research and experiment on it. Maybe i will be able to create more spell or upgrade the current one here.

I go out and started to go buy many lacrima to research them. I was planning to first research on magic and tried to create new spell. I have the system but i Don't want to be too independent of it. If I'm in a very bad situation i will use the system but I want to earn the strengh myself. It think it is more fulfilling and you are prouder with it.

I needed to be secretive because if the Magic council learn about it, it risk to cause some unwanted problem. So after buying the Lacrima i sneak in the forest near Magnolia and found a decent place to start creating my laboratoy. The place was near a huge hill. I used earth magic to create a giant room Inside the hill and used earth magic to open a pace for me. This place will be concealed by all the vegetation and the entrance will be reshaped to the surronding each time i enter so it will be very difficult to find it. Inside the room, i used Steel element to create and solidify the wall, roof and some other accessories like chair and table. This place was pretty empty for now but there i will do many research and sometimes i think i will experiment on bigger and bigger magic circle. Seriously look at the size of the magic circle of Etherion or the magic circle on the council deliberation room. It's size is comparable of the size of the base of a small building. So i will need some space to experiment on all the magic circle and their propriety.

So for some Week i experiment and read book on magic given by the system.

People in this world train magic by utilising magic daily. They practice it and became more familiar with it, like that they can create more quickly the magic circle to summon the magic. The difference between a beginner and an veteran mage is mainly on this aspect. Now you will say what it is the difference between a strong and weak wizard. It is their reserve of Ethernano. The more the Ethernano inserted in a magic circle the more power it will contain. That is why strong mage have such huge reserve of Ethernano and they can release these reserve to create a pressure according of the size of it. For example, before Natsu & Co go to the grand magic games they unlock their second reserve of magic and they catch up 7 years Worth of training so Ethernano play a huge part in a battle of Magic. You can increase your reserve of magic by constantly using magic, it is like when you do musculation. You empty yourself and making damage to your body and it will reconstruct and become stronger. Thinking about the second reserve, I nearly forgot about it and was wondering if i can unlock mine too.

[ Host didn't need to think about this because your second reserve was already unlocked when you come to this world. Since your body was reformed to adapt in this world we let you unleash all the potential of your body including this second reserve ]

Marco : That is a damn good news, i knew in the anime how they suffer during the ritual and was kinda scared to do it.

[ Coward ]

Marco : Mmmh did you say Something System ?

[ Nothing ]

I shrugged and get up to continue my research on magic circle. I started to gather Ethernano and create some magic circle with the help of my particle magic it is easier to understand magic since i can summon basically all elemental magic.

During my research i found many interesting points on the magic circle. Some of them are extremely complicated like the Dragon Slayer's Magic. And some are more easier like the common magic people can learn. It is interesting to see that you need to learn the magic circle of a magic to use this magic and when you are more proficient with it you can use it without magic circle and just picture it in your mind. Like chantless magic in Harry Potter. They are also other type of magic that are pretty powerful and interesting. Like the Lost Magic which include the Dragon Slayer's Magic.

I found out that the spell follow a kind of pattern to create a magic circle. And with multiple experiment i could change the magic circle of certain spell without diminishing its damage. With this modification i can create a magic circle more quickly and less complicated. I also modified some to create other effect. For example if i used a fire magic, i can create a red flame. If i modified some part of the Magic circle, i can change the color of the flame. I can also change his shape and make a thin line of flame.

The magic circle is like a code needed to be cracked to understand it's language. It's like a program. If you found the language you can Apply it in all the Magic of it's type. But it need a very deep understanding of the code of the Magic and it not Something you can learn easily. I have found this because of my different thinking and the fact that in earth they have already many theory on it but it isn't easy either. I only found out the part where you can change the color and the shape in these few Week of research and there are so many thing to understand and i knew that i just scratched the tip of the iceberg so i wasn't discouraged at all. But i think that if i publish my research it will create a huge uproar in the kingdom.. no not even in the kingdom, in the whole continent since what i have found is the beginning of the foundation of magic. Only Zereph have researched magic to this level.

Other than my research, during these Week i also create some shadow clone to start my company. It will be an auction company. I found out that there wasn't any type of auction system here, since i really like this type of business, i decided to create this company in the capital of the Kingdom of Fiore, Crocus.

One of my clone bough a big building in the center of Crocus. He was very Lucky to find it quickly, the owner wanted to sell his possession because the Price of the land here cost too much and he couldn't afford it. The building cost around 5 millions Jewel but that didn't faze me at all i acquired quite a huge fortune during these month and with the help of my clone i could take on a dozen of mission at the same time. In all the building was very huge but it wasn't the best place to make an auction. The structure was quite old and there were moss here and there, the only thing of value here was the location. I needed to reconstruct it and create a whole new building. I also need to search for people to manage it that way while i wasn't around, this place can sustain itself.

I knew that this concept was Something new so i also need to do some pub to advertise my business. I was thinking of creating a name for myself like that as the owner of the establishment i could attract Customer more easily or maybe by spreading the qualities of the product showed in the store i can attract some people. So i searched for some nice artifact in my system and found many few interesting item to show in the first auction.

[ Dragon Slayer Blade ] : A strong blade made of an unknow metal in this world enchanted with enhanced sharpness capable to deal blow even to Dragon. [ Cost : 500 SP ]

[ Dragon Shield ] : A shield created with Dragon Bone capable reputed to be able to handle a Dragon Blow. It have an enchantment allowing the user to protect his whole body with the same efficacity. [ Cost : 500 SP ]

[ Improvement Magic Potion ] : A Potion capable to strenghten someone magic and make it stronger. [ Cost : 20 SP ]

[ Formation Gathering Ethernano ] : Capable of gathering Ethernano in the air and concentrated it in on place. It can help people improve their magic or fuel a Magic Formation Lacrima. [ Cost : 250 SP ]

[ Barrier Formation Lacrima ] : A Lacrima capable of erecting a barrier 100x100 feet wide capable of taking one full powered strike of a S-rank mage ( Think of a full powered strike from Gildart taking this ) [ Cost 100 SP ]

There were also some other commodities that can't be found here like a youth pill that make you Younger only in appearence. It is quite useless for me but the noble women who care very much about their look would be crazy to buy one.

So i bought all these item and let them in my inventory since the building wasn't prepared yet. My clone then contact a building company to renovate the interior of the building and reshape it to make it like a real Auction House. The Auction House will have 3 differents floors including the ground each showing the rank of the person Inside. The first floor, the ground floor will be where the nobody are. The second floor will be the VIP/Noble who applied for a special room or have a membership card. The second floor is constitute of many large room where the person Inside wouldn't be cramped like in the first floor. It is like a luxury class. The third floor is more special. It will be made for the Special Guest like the King or his family or even the Guild Master of Famous Guild. After planning all of it, i learned that the building will be finished in around a Week. I was quite surprised but i forgot that i was in a world with magic and with that they can shorten the time needed for the construction by several fold. My clone bid Farewell and dispersed sending all the information to the main body.

[ 2 week later ]

A handsome boy can be seen Walking out of a hill. It was quite a fascinating view because it seems that the nature make a pace for him, each step he take the dirt and plant move out of it. It seems enchanting a picture taking out from a fairy tale but if you were a mage and can sense magic you can see that this boy use his magic to affect his surrounding and create a pace fo himself. But the control of the Ethernano was so high that it make you think that the nature is Moving around him. This boy is of course our MC after 2 week of research and constant using of his magic he have a better control of it and have greatly advanced in his research on magic.

Exhaling the fresh air our MC talk to himself.

Marco : Ahhh, it's been nearly a month I'm been cooped up here, I really need to do daily exercise or else my body will be sore and it's quite annoying.

My clone just inform me that Natsu and Lucy are going to this Mission with the book so the Eisen Wald Arc will finally begin. So let's go wait them Inside the guild.

Then Marco flashed from his place with a yellow trail and disappeared in the forest.

I will be changing a little about the time where the event unfold because i think it is not normal for all these arc to unfold in a single year so i will maybe enlarge the time between each arc to make more side adventures with the MC

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