
Anime God System

Marco an average person have the opportunities to go in anime world. Watch his adventure as he became a god. The MC will also be able to travel around different world and use their power. After all it is THE ANIME GOD SYSTEM. There will be multiple girls but that won't go over 3 for the entire story. Final Goal ? Play around all the Multiverse. English is not my first language. Apologize in advance for the bad grammar structure and sentence. I also want to say that my writing is average so don't expect god writing skills. Also if you find fault, some errors or event plot history change that could improve the novel, you could let a comments, i will try my best to improve this fan-fic. This Fan-fic is purely for fun. I don't know the exact time that i will publish the chapter so expect a big lapse between different chapter. I don't own any anime present here in any shape or form, although I wish I did. This is just a fan project. Go support the original if you haven't. I also do not own the cover art, I’ll take it down if the owner wants me to, happily.

ItzShinred · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Arc Eisen Wald Begin

Inside the Guild Hall of Fairy Tail's

You can see a man entering the building, he wore elegant yet simple robes; consisting of a long white frock-coat with black stripes across the edges and on the upper part of the arms, large straps connected to decorated buckles closing the inducement on the front over a dark shirt, and matching pants and shoes.

This man is of course our MC Marco, he come Inside the guild after washing himself after all there wasn't any bathroom in his lab. ( Not saying that our MC didn't wash for several Week not at all ).

Arriving Inside the guild Hall i went and sit directly in the bar.

Marco : Can i have a drink please Mirajane.

Mirajane : Of course, here. It's been a long time that i didn't see you Inside the guild where were you ? ( for information my clone all used transformation magic to take quest )

Marco : Oh, i was training since i came to this guild i found out that my control over my magic wasn't that good so i spend several Week on this. ( Half Lie )

Mirajane : I see. It is quite good to see you after all you are Always the one to take care of the bickering of Natsu and Gray so it was a little more chaotic in the guild without you.

Marco : Hmmph fortunaly I'm here to make the officer here or else i think the guild will be destroyed 10 times already.

Mirajane : Hihihi, you remind me of Erza she was Always strict and take care of all the fight Inside the guild.

Marco : Mmmh ? Erza ? ( I feign ignorance )

Mirajane : Oh it's true you Don't know her she did go in mission before you came. It's been several month already. Didn't she take the SS-Quest ? She will be coming back soon i think. Oh sorry i was talking to myself. Yeah Erza is one of the S-Mage Inside the Guild and she act like an officer Inside the guild when she is here. I think it is better to see her yourself since it can be quite the show.

Marco : If you think so.

I continued to talk with Mirajane on other topic related to the recent news, magic and quest when Lucy and Natsu entered the guild with a very bad mood.

Marco : Hey Natsu, Lucy what happen why are you so depressed ?

Happy : Sigh, Natsu refused our rewards of 1 million berry that's all.

All : HUHHHHH ?!!

Lucy : It's kinda difficult to explain. The owner just pretend to be rich but was totally poor and Natsu the kind man he is just let our rewards pass like that. I'm crying. 😭

Marco : Ahahaha, typical Natsu, kind but can destroy everything.

Lucy : Yeah i agree.

Then the morning pass like that with all the chatting and laughter filled inside the hall.

Natsu : AHHHHH I need to find job and quickly.

Happy : We will soon not have enough money to eat.

Lucy : And me my 200 000 Jewels of saving are all exhausted. But i think how will i be able to paid my rent this month ? Me too i need to find a job.

Then during the time when Lucy search the job she will take, Mirajane inform her about the Master going to a conference between Guild Master and explain her the hierarchy between the Government and the other Guild. Then a fight broke between Gray and Natsu while laughter could be hear all around the Guild. But then Loke come inside the hall by slamming it violently.

Loke : Grave News...E.R.Z

A I.S C.O.M.I.N.G.


Lucy : Wow just mention her name and all are scared like this.

Mirajane : Well Erza is the strongest female mage inside the guild more than just intimidating.


Laki : That's gonna be her.

Wakaba : That's sound like her footstep.

Macao : Even the air gone completely still.

Lucy : Jeez from this reaction, you look like she is like a demon or something. "Thinking" HIII I'm so scared !!!


Slowly you can see a figure coming from the front door. She was a women with long, scarlet hair and brown eyes, has a slender and voluptuous figure. She wore an armor with a breastplate composed of a single piece of metal, decorated by curved lines and by a deformed version of Heart Kreuz's mark, with the cross' right arm extending to the right part of Erza's chest, and the added mark of Fairy Tail located under the cross itself. She wore a blue skirt, black boots, and diamond shaped silver earrings. She have in her hand a gigantic horn decorated with multiple diamonds and Jewels. When she let the horn down it made a huge BOOM with some smoke flying.

Marco : Beautiful 😮

I was kinda shocked to see Erza like this okay i already see her in the anime but seeing her in real life is another thing.

Gray : Marco, you are a mad man how can you say that she is beautiful, she is the demon incarnated.

He whispered to me scared and shivering. While Erza started to reprimend everyone.

Marco : I found her beautiful and i don't know why you say that she is a demon, okay a little bossy but not to the point that you can compare her to a demon.

Natsu : It is because you never see her true form. She is scary and can destroy a mountain with a single punch.

Natsu with a look of horror and also shivering saying this.

Marco : Yeah yeah yeah, you found her scary and i saw her pretty each have their own opinion okay and beside


Erza : Natsu, Gray i need you to do me a favor.

My lips twiched seeing her interrupting me.

Marco : Hoy hoy, it is not polite to interrupt someone conversation.

All guild member started to freaked out when i retorted to Titania. And some send a look of pity towards me.

Erza : Hmm ? And who are you.

Marco : Name Marco, a new member you were in mission when i applied. Your name was Erza right, like i said it is not very polite to interrupt someone conversation even more when you scolded people before for their manners.

After my speech, now all the people looked at me like i was a dead man. Some of them even started to pray some words to an unknow god. But the next words Erza spoke freeze them instantly.

Erza : You are right, my comportment was inappropriate please pardon my rude manners.

Then she bowed to me leaving the guild silent for several second while i have a huge smile plastered on my face.

Marco : These apologies are sincere i gladly accept them, after all i don't want to make a fuss just for a sinple matters like that, i leave to you these two then.

All members sweatdropped at my casual comment. When they saw that i tossed at Erza Natsu and Gray, they sweatted even more.

Lucy : If you pardon my rudeness but why did you need the two of them ?

Erza : While travelling i heard something that has me worried. Normally i would consult with the Master before acting but he is not here. And this is a matter of utmost urgency. The two of you are the strongest wizard here. I can really use your help.

Mage 1 : WOW Erza ask help ?

Mage 2 : Gray and Natsu on the same teeam ?

Chating ....

Marco : Hey Hey they aren't the two strongest here. I'm sure Mirajane can beat the crap of one of them after all isn't she S-Mage.

They all sweatdropped at my comment.

Mirajane : No sorry I can't go with them i need to take care of the Guild when Master isn't here.

Marco : AH ok My bad.

Erza : We'll met at the train station tomorrow morning.

Mirajane : Erza, Natsu and Gray working on a team together. This could be the most powerful team Fairy Tail's everseen.

Marco : Hmm Most powerful team currently but not in history. They were many strong team before including the team of Master you forget.

Mirajane : Ah yeah it's true. How light headed I am. Hey Lucy and Marco you should go with them because i am sure when Erza has her head back they will start fighting so better have you to watch them.

Marco : Mmh personally i don't mind since it could be fun.

Lucy : Why me i hate this i don't want to die young. 😭

Marco : Don't worry there wouldn't be any problem Erza is here.

Lucy : Sigh Fine i accept.

Marco : Let's go prepare ourselves i think we will have a lot of fun there.

Then all 5 departed from here and began to prepare themselves for the incoming mission.

The next day at the train station

Natsu : Why did Erza want me to team up with an exhibitionist like you Huh.

Gray : It is the little flame who say that to me you should really have a look at you before saying me i prefer to wear nothing than wearing clothes that came from trash.

Natsu : Is it ? Ice Head You don't even wear clothes maybe you are too poor to even have one ?

Gray : I have more than the triple of your entire wealth.

Nastu : Are you testing me Ice Head ?

Gray : And what if i'm testing you what will you do ?

Then a fist come.

Marco : Knock it off you two we are in a mission and we need to get along to accomplish it with the best efficiency possible and get a little serious please or else Erza will beat out the crap of you two.

They became scared when mentionning the name of Erza and quickly calmed down and now looked like scared chicken.

Lucy : Wow i still found it incredible just the name of Erza make them so scared i think i have a newfound respect for her.

Marco : I don't know how she do it because i also beat the crap out of them but it never bore the same result.

Lucy : Yeah but it's pretty fun don't you think ?

Marco : YeahYeahYeah whatever.

We continued to chat a little like this when Erza finally arrived.

Erza : Sorry I'm late.

Lucy : Ah Erza you are finally he... HUH !?

When Lucy turned around to greet Erza she see the sigh of Erza following which you can see a huge carriage with ton of baggage behind her.

Lucy : Hem Erza why are you carrying all these baggages ?

Erza : Oh i always travel with ton of baggages so don't worry it is quite normal.

(But why so much baggages what did she have inside for it to be so huge) Lucy screamed in mind.

Erza : But what are you doing here ?

Marco : Oh it was Mirajane idea to follow the group she say that it was better if we follow you.

Erza : Fine i have heard of some of your exploit, completing dozen of A quest in a few month is not an easy feat. You will be of great help in the incoming battle.

Marco : Thanks.


Erza : Let's go i will check you on the information of the mission inside the train.

Then we board the train and headed towards the start of the Eisen Wald Arc.