
Anime Amalgam: Odyssey of a Glitch

"Step into a realm where gods collide, and an anomaly is born. From the world of the Cube, three powerful beings merge to create a new existence, one destined for a mysterious new world, teeming with monsters, demons, gods, creators, and even extraterrestrial entities. Follow the journey of this young, enigmatic glitch as he navigates a world teetering on the edge of chaos. Will he become its harbinger of destruction, or will he rise as its unwavering protector? To uncover the answers, dive into the captivating tale of the anomaly in 'Anime Amalgam: Odyssey of a Glitch' and prepare for an adventure like no other."

writer_in_disguise · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

chapter 7

"..."- talking

'....' - thought


"Old man, why isn't he waking up?" Darion's voice was filled with desperation as he gazed at Raizel, still unconscious.

Malkith, with a deep frown etched across his face, shook his head. "I don't know," he confessed, feeling utterly helpless in the face of this unknown circumstance.

Nika's eyes welled with tears as she pleaded, "Isn't there anything we can do? Please, there must be something!"

Malkith rose from his position and walked to the edge of the castle, placing his hands behind his back. As he stared into the distance, he spoke with an air of resignation. "There is nothing we can do," he said, his voice akin to that of a seasoned commander observing the sun setting on the horizon, signaling the end of another day.

But just as Malkith mused about his age, an unexpected voice boomed from nowhere, breaking the fourth wall. "Stop trying to be Napoleon, you fool!" it shouted.

Malkith's head snapped around in alarm as he scanned the surroundings. "Who...?" he exclaimed, bewildered.

'Must be my old age playing tricks on me, he thought, still trying to process the sudden intrusion. And who's this Napoleon?'

"What are you doing, Nika?" A sleepy voice interrupted the emotional reunion.

Nika and Darion turned their attention to the source of the voice, and there stood Raizel, looking bewildered as he awoke.

"Raizel!" Nika yelled in delight, rushing towards her brother. Darion followed suit, and together they embraced Raizel.

Raizel, though touched by the affection of his siblings, gently told them, "Calm down, you two."

Once the initial excitement had subsided, Raizel turned to Malkith with a determined expression. "Old man, we need to talk," he said firmly, locking his gaze onto Malkith's.


"SO, who did this castle belong to?" Raizel inquired as they entered the castle.

Malkith provided the historical context, saying, "It belonged to the Genus family. They were exterminated due to their experiments on humans when this fortress was used for war."

Curiosity led Raizel to ask another question, "So, what is an astral plane and an astral core?"

Malkith seemed perplexed by Raizel's mention of the astral plane, replying, "How do you have an astral plane and a core?"

Raizel, equally uncertain, admitted, "I don't know."

Malkith proceeded to enlighten him, "Well, an astral plane is something that everyone possesses. It's the metaphysical embodiment of a person's soul and mind, and it's also the origin of their power."

Expanding on the topic, Malkith continued, "An astral core is something that's born in the astral plane when the plane can't handle a person's karma, soul, energy, or abilities. It can give you summons or subjects, loyal subordinates, and more. If you can control the astral core, you can challenge and potentially defeat many strong beings. In a way, the astral core becomes your world."

Raizel listened intently, a newfound layer of understanding unfolding before him.

"So how do we access this astral core?" Darion chimed into the conversation.

Malkith offered guidance, saying, "Think about who you are, what you like, and you'll enter your own world."

With an air of excitement, Raizel directed their attention, "We can do that later. First, let's explore the house."

As they ventured further into the fortress, the mysteries of their new residence awaited discovery, and the allure of the unknown beckoned them.


"This castle is huge," remarked Nika as they reached an open field.

Malkith nodded in agreement, his sense of wonder evident as he elaborated, "Indeed, it has five royal bedrooms that could put royalty to shame, ten king-sized guest rooms, a pond teeming with various creatures, botanical gardens, herb gardens, an underground dungeon, more than ten training rooms, a giant dining hall, an array of advanced technology that exceeded my expectations, numerous laboratories, a breathtaking view, a spacetime barrier, and so much more."

Raizel, practical as always, concluded, "Whatever it might be, it's time for us to get some rest." With that, they made their way back inside the castle, eager to explore further but aware of the importance of a good night's sleep.


In an empty and dark void, a child found himself, bewildered by the unfamiliar surroundings.

"Is this my astral core?" he questioned aloud, trying to make sense of the situation.

A voice responded, "No."

Startled, the boy asked, "Who's there?"

"Relax, we won't harm you," reassured another voice.

"Then come out," the boy insisted.

Suddenly, the void transformed, and the boy found himself inside a castle. Three thrones occupied the room, each with a person seated upon it.

"Who are you?" inquired the boy, a sense of curiosity and uncertainty in his voice.

"Dream," said the person on the right.

"Technoblade," introduced the one on the left.

"Herobrine," stated the individual seated in the middle, their emotionless gaze locked onto Raizel as his pupil less eyes flickered with intrigue.