
Anime Amalgam: Odyssey of a Glitch

"Step into a realm where gods collide, and an anomaly is born. From the world of the Cube, three powerful beings merge to create a new existence, one destined for a mysterious new world, teeming with monsters, demons, gods, creators, and even extraterrestrial entities. Follow the journey of this young, enigmatic glitch as he navigates a world teetering on the edge of chaos. Will he become its harbinger of destruction, or will he rise as its unwavering protector? To uncover the answers, dive into the captivating tale of the anomaly in 'Anime Amalgam: Odyssey of a Glitch' and prepare for an adventure like no other."

writer_in_disguise · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

chapter 5

A carriage glided along the winding road, its driver appearing to be in his forties. Inside the carriage were three young boys.

The carriage continued its journey, winding through the roads until it reached the outskirts of the city. It then ascended a mighty mountain, finally coming to a halt in front of a massive structure, not just a mansion, but a true fortress.

Malkith, the boys' guardian, picked up the sleeping Nika and Darion with his strong, muscular arms and presented the grand fortress to them. "How is it? Isn't it splendid?" he asked, pride in his voice.

The fortress, standing tall like an integral part of the mountain, was a breathtaking sight to behold. Its grandeur was accentuated by the intricate arches and towering structures that adorned its facade. The fortress was a work of art, exuding an aura of splendor that left onlookers in awe.

Surrounded by the meandering rivers, majestic mountains, and lush forests, the fortress offered a truly enchanting view. It seemed as if the very landscape had conspired to enhance the beauty of this architectural masterpiece. The combination of natural beauty and man-made grandeur created a vista that was nothing short of captivating.

"So how much did this cost?" he inquired.

Malkith, a smirk playing on his lips, casually replied, "Not much, just one adamantium coin."

Raizel raised an eyebrow, trying to make sense of the incredible deal. "I see. Does it come furnished as well?"

Malkith shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure about that."

Suspicion still lingered in Raizel's gaze as he regarded the fortress's seemingly immense value. He probed further, "Then why did it cost so little? What's the catch?"

Malkith chuckled at Raizel's skepticism. "Don't worry, kid. I assure you there's no catch. This fortress was once owned by a noble family and was utilized for military purposes. After the noble's demise, it was sold. But you see, this fortress is special. Instead of conventional energy sources like coal or energy cores, it boasts a cutting-edge energy reactor that powers everything within. Not to mention, its defense system is among the finest in the entire world."

Raizel was still puzzled. "If it's so incredible, why wasn't it snatched up by someone else?"

Malkith leaned in and shared the secret. "Many have tried to buy it, but they couldn't gain its acknowledgment."

Perplexed, Raizel couldn't help but inquire further. "What do you mean by acknowledgment?"

Malkith's response was simple yet cryptic. "Enter the fortress, and you'll understand." With that, Raizel, driven by both curiosity and a sense of opportunity, pushed the massive front gate open and entered the fortress.

as soon as raizel entered through the gate a mechanical sound was heard

[challenger detected;Strength adjusting]

[stage 1-physical test begin]

The body of raizel started change into pixels before disengrating

seeing this malkith said"maybe you can become the owner of this great fotress"


In a room that seemed to be made of ultimate technology pixel started appear and fuse into a boy

[physical test -begin]

Following the unsettling systematic voice, a massive boulder was unleashed, hurtling towards Raizel. His quick reflexes saved him as he swiftly dodged, lunging to the side just in time.

Soon after, several blue masses coalesced and began taking shape, morphing into three distinct creatures:

The first was an imposing, 7-foot-tall black robot, robust and tank-like in its build.

The second creature stood at a more modest 5 feet and 11 inches in height, its form taking on a humanoid shape.

The third was a spherical entity, measuring 30 centimeters in diameter, bristling with an array of formidable weaponry.

[Round two-Begin]

Once more, the unsettling, systematic voice resonated through the air, setting the robots into action.

They hurtled toward Raizel with unwavering determination. The tank-like robot took the lead, its colossal metal fist aimed squarely at him. However, Raizel's eyes flared with power, and he skillfully raised his hand to halt the robotic behemoth's punch in its tracks.

Concurrently, Raizel summoned his mighty sword, Ragnarok, to counter the 5-foot-tall robot, which brandished a pair of gleaming blades. The resounding clash of steel filled the air as their weapons locked.

With an explosive crack, a formidable energy bullet was unleashed, zeroing in on Raizel. Quick on his feet, he employed the tank-like robot as an improvised shield, narrowly avoiding the lethal projectile. 

In the midst of the fierce battle, Raizel recognized a pattern in their attacks. It seemed the robots operated based on energy and mechanics. With newfound insight, Raizel executed a daring move, leaping towards the smaller mechanical adversary armed with twin swords. In a lightning-fast maneuver, he thrust Ragnarok through the robot's chest.

However, just as victory seemed assured, a deft swipe from the robot's swords narrowly missed Raizel, only to inadvertently collide with the tank-like companion. The unfortunate robot was sent hurtling through the air, resembling a hapless ragdoll in the face of the tremendous impact.

Raizel, his eyes radiating an otherworldly intensity, spoke with a mix of defiance and indignation.

"How dare you, lifeless creations, dare to challenge me?"

His voice dropped to a murmur as he began to incant a potent phrase.

"Crimson Bullet."

From his hand, crimson blood oozed and coalesced into numerous tiny spheres, each one brimming with deadly intent. These spheres darted through the air, colliding with the tank-like robot. The impact was devastating, shattering the robot's shoulder joint, neck, knees, and more, leaving a trail of dismembered parts in their wake. The spheres then rebounded off the wall, returning to Raizel.

He continued, determination unwavering.

"Crimson Star."

A sun-like sphere, roughly the size of his wrist, materialized, crafted from the very essence of his blood. It blazed with a fiery intensity as it homed in on the smaller robot with the sphere and the airborne adversary. Upon impact, they were engulfed in the searing brilliance of the crimson star, reducing them to nothingness.

The voice of the system chimed in once more, indicating the progression of Raizel's tests.

"[Ding Physical Test - Passed]"

"[Mental Test - Start]"

Raizel ventured into the first room of the enigmatic labyrinth. The chamber was adorned with strange symbols that seemed to pulse with energy. These mystical runes writhed and twisted, forming intricate patterns on the walls and floor.

Challenge 1 - Pattern Recognition

As Raizel contemplated the symbols, he realized that these ethereal patterns were not random but followed a concealed logic. It was a dynamic puzzle, demanding precision and a keen eye. The shapes intertwined, creating a hypnotic dance that required him to decode their ever-evolving order.

Minutes stretched into hours as Raizel delved into the hypnotic dance of symbols. As they shifted and morphed, he remained unyielding. Gradually, the pieces of the pattern became clear. He began to anticipate the twists and turns, following the hidden design woven into the chaos.

With an outstretched hand, he touched the wall, tracing the elusive pattern. A sense of accomplishment filled him as the symbols aligned, clicking into place with a resounding Ding! The door at the far end of the room unlocked, granting him passage to the next stage of the mind maze.

Raizel entered the following chamber, confronted by a colossal monolithic tablet. The stone surface was etched with an intricate cipher, a code that defied ordinary comprehension.

Challenge 2 - Cipher Decryption

This massive stone slab bore a cryptic language, akin to hieroglyphs of an unknown civilization. The complexity of the cipher was astounding, making it apparent that the challenge was not for the faint of heart.

Raizel stood before the daunting script, his mind undeterred. He scrutinized each character, attempting to discern any semblance of logic. He knew that the deciphered message could be the key to unlocking his path through the maze.

Hours passed, his thoughts consumed by the task at hand. But Raizel's determination was unwavering. Slowly, like unraveling a delicate tapestry, he began to unveil the message hidden within the coded labyrinth of symbols.

A moment of clarity struck him, an epiphany that came like a spark in the dim chamber. He connected the dots and cracked the intricate code. With a triumphant sense of accomplishment, he revealed the cipher's secret.

A resonant Ding! reverberated through the chamber as the door to the next challenge unlocked, rewarding his patience and intellect.

Raizel advanced to the final room of the mental maze. Unlike the previous trials, this one didn't present him with a brainteaser or a visual puzzle. Instead, it posed a moral dilemma, a true test of character.

Challenge 3 - Critical Thinking

In the center of the room, Raizel confronted a virtual crossroads. Two paths stretched out before him, each marked with symbolic imagery representing the choices he faced. One path was adorned with symbols of personal gain, wealth, and power. The other path displayed symbols of altruism, sacrifice, and the greater good.

As he considered his options, Raizel recognized the significance of this moral quandary. It was a decision that could impact not only his journey but the fate of the world beyond. His heart and mind waged a profound internal battle as he contemplated the consequences of his choice.

Minutes turned into hours as Raizel weighed the potential outcomes of each decision. He grappled with the moral dilemma, deeply contemplating the principles that guided him. His unwavering commitment to justice, morality, and protecting the innocent clashed with the temptation of personal gain.

In the end, his resolve remained unshaken. He chose the path of self-sacrifice, one that embraced the virtues he held dear. It was a decision reflective of his core beliefs, and one he made with the unwavering conviction that it was the right choice.

With his decision made, a resounding Ding! announced his success in overcoming the moral trial. He had proven not only his intellectual prowess but the strength of his character.

[mental test - passed]

[The tests have concluded]

[A most fitting vessel has been identified,]

[Initiating the exchange of souls.]

said the systematic voice before Raziel fell unconscious


the picture of castle is in the comments

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