
Anime Amalgam: Odyssey of a Glitch

"Step into a realm where gods collide, and an anomaly is born. From the world of the Cube, three powerful beings merge to create a new existence, one destined for a mysterious new world, teeming with monsters, demons, gods, creators, and even extraterrestrial entities. Follow the journey of this young, enigmatic glitch as he navigates a world teetering on the edge of chaos. Will he become its harbinger of destruction, or will he rise as its unwavering protector? To uncover the answers, dive into the captivating tale of the anomaly in 'Anime Amalgam: Odyssey of a Glitch' and prepare for an adventure like no other."

writer_in_disguise · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 2 -Blood bath

7 pm blood forest

"Boss, why are we trying to find that little brat?" a random extra inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"Don't ask, just do as you're told," the muscular boss replied with an air of authority and mystery.


"Look I did it"yelled nika overjoyed pointing at the flaming orange sphere

"Late,but ok"said raizel

"Brother some thing is wrong"said darion

"Indeed,some pest is here to hunt this prince"said raizel as he summoned a sword

The sword glowed in eldritch energy

It was finely crafted in the void growing with its wielder 

A double edge sword glowing red was at the hand of the young boy

"Darion take nika and leave"said raizel

"But "nika couldn't continue as he was shutdown with a glare

Darion nodded taking nika hand and running·


""Brother, why do we have to hunt? I'm getting hungry," grumbled a portly man among the group.

"Fatso, shut up!" snapped another grunt in response.

Suddenly, a rush of wind cut through the air, unnaturally fast. The muscular man's keen instincts kicked in, and he swiftly directed his attention toward a nearby tree. With a thunderous stomp, the ground erupted with large spikes that shot toward the tree, shattering it to splinters.

From the remnants of the destroyed tree, a child leaped gracefully to the ground, their hair flowing like a river in the wind, and their eyes gleaming like stars.

"We meet again, Eldritch Prince," the muscular man declared with a mixture of reverence and challenge, setting the stage for a captivating confrontation.

"Why are you here?" Raizel demanded, his eyes locked on the approaching figure.

"Don't you remember the nation you burned down?" the man, named Will, challenged.

Raizel's gaze remained unyielding. "You humans brought your own demise," he declared.

"What are you talking about?" the portly man and his team exchanged puzzled glances.

"The Kingdom of Everglade, created a century ago, was indeed prosperous," Raizel began, his voice carrying the weight of history. "But our king made a grave mistake, summoning something beyond his control. We paid for it dearly, as it wrought destruction upon us. That something... is him, Raizel Eldricus," he concluded, pointing at himself.

The muscular man lunged toward Raizel with his sword, but the enigmatic hero responded with a swift wave of his own blade, dispatching some of the thugs in a mesmerizing display of power and precision. The tension in the air was electrifying, as the truth behind the kingdom's fall and Raizel's motives slowly unraveled in this gripping confrontation.

Clang! Clang! The resounding clash of metal echoed through the air as Raizel and the muscular man engaged in a fierce duel. The very surroundings seemed to tremble as their conflict turned the landscape to dust.

Most of the thugs had fallen, their lives claimed by the violent clash or Raizel's eerie abilities. Only a few survivors attempted to flee.

"Those who try to touch my family will die," Raizel muttered with a chilling determination before he uttered a single word: "Die."

In an instant, blood merged and oozed from the bodies of the fallen, a malevolent force that consumed everyone present, except for the muscular man and Raizel. The air hung heavy with an ominous stillness as the lifeless forms lay scattered around them.

"What... are you?" the muscular man quivered with fear in his voice.

"No," Raizel corrected with an eerie calmness. "I am a glitch." With a swift, sinister motion, he manipulated the massive pool of blood, adding a portion of his own to transform it into something even more menacing.

Surrounded by a swirling sea of blood, Raizel's eyes gleamed like rubies, and the lifeless bodies of the goons were drained of their essence.

The blood surged and coalesced, forming a formidable crimson armor that enveloped him. In response, the muscular man conjured an earth golem with a thunderous roar, its massive form rising from the ground.

With a deafening clash of titans, the blood-clad Raizel and the colossal earth golem collided in a breathtaking spectacle of power and magic. The ground trembled beneath their might, and the very air seemed charged with anticipation.

In a display of incredible strength, Raizel effortlessly lifted the muscular man and hurled him through the air, the image both captivating and awe-inspiring as it unfolded in the midst of this mesmerizing battle

As the blood spear hurtled through the air, it left a trail of crimson fire, an embodiment of Raizel's supernatural prowess. Its flight was a mesmerizing display that held onlookers in a state of both awe and fear. In that fleeting moment, the fate of their encounter was sealed, casting a shadow of breathtaking power over the battlefield.

With a bellow reminiscent of battles from the world of Naruto, the man unleashed his earth-based abilities, conjuring a labyrinth of towering earthen walls in a desperate attempt to shield himself. But the relentless force of the blood spear proved unstoppable, tearing through each wall with ruthless efficiency.

The impact was deafening as the blood spear found its mark, piercing the man's body and creating a gaping, bloody cavity in his stomach. His scream turned into a final, agonized cry as he crumpled lifeless to the ground.

The grand finale arrived with a thunderous explosion as the giant blood spear, having fulfilled its grisly purpose, burst into a chaotic eruption of crimson. The entire heart of the forest was enveloped in a stunning and eerie display, with every living creature, bug, and leaf now bathed in the dark allure of blood-red hues.

Raizel looked to the side and saw a wolf cub

He went there and touched it

A BLOOD redcoloured eye appeared on his forward as raizel said

"I see so that is my summon"said raizel as something from the wolf cub entered into the red eye before a Ruby appeared on his fore hand

Raizel's attention shifted, drawn to a lone wolf cub that had ventured near. His touch was gentle, as if connecting with a kindred spirit.

As Raizel made contact, a striking transformation occurred. A blood-red eye materialized on his forehead, radiating an eerie intensity. Raizel contemplated the revelation.

"I see. So, that is my summon," Raizel murmured, his words laden with profound understanding. Something from the wolf cub flowed into the red eye, a silent exchange of power and connection. In the end, a brilliant Ruby emblem appeared on his forehead, sealing the bond between summoner and summoned in a mesmerizing display of mysticism.