
Animals fury : Battle of the spirits

Hiro nohara is an average highschool boy who lives with his brother Hiro and his mother Arisu .Descendant of the ancient ninja clan and the prophecy to be fulfilled, hell ruler Daishi reincarnates and has a motive to destroy the reincarnation of the sage who sealed him which is Hiro.Unaware of the fact his life turns around when he discovers his secret what will happen next and will the reincarnation survive?

Red_King_Phoenix · Action
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113 Chs

Temporary Alliance

The illusion, that caused the festival ground to turn into a maze was slowly grasping the surrounding areas. All the different battles that took place simultaneously in each corner, appeared as battles raging for hours. While Aruma with Ryo exited from the maze and were on their way to the pyre, Kazuki fighting Sail and Hiroshi recovering, Hiro and Abel were still fighting the illusionist Hobeo and his army of Rin-shi. 

" You pathetic piece of flesh, you will be my next meal " said Hobeo 

" You don't know me " said Abel 

" Oh I know you, you are my next meal and with that boy.. it's gonna be a divine feast for me.. chewing those organs " said Hobeo 

" Die, Locust " said Abel as he tightened his grip.

Abel pulled one end of the Kusari-gama that was hooked to Hiro. Accumulating his strength, Abel used the momentum to use Hiro as a weapon. He used the other end of the Gama and tied Hobeo. As Abel twisted and swirled his body to generate enough momentum to use Hiro, he pulled Hiro closer and jumped.

" THESE CHAINS WON'T STOP ME " shouted Hobeo 

" Hey locust, knock knock " said Abel

" Who's there...Wait a minute " said Hobeo as Hiro crashed into Hobeo.

Hobeo and Hiro crashed into a nearby tree thanks to the momentum. Abel withdrew his Kusari-gama as he took a battle stance.

" WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT " said Hobeo as he fixed his broken jaw.

" Listen, you are supposed to complete the joke man...You locust are really really dumb, I mean c'mon " said Abel with a smirk across his face.

" Let me take care of your Rin-shi first " he added as Abel rushed at the Rin-shi's

" CHARGE " shouted Hobeo as he pushed away Hiro.

In the Full moon that was slowly turning red, Abel rushed at the Rin-shi's wielding a deadly Kusari-gama, its chain and sickle glinting ominously. The air crackled with each step Abel took towards the demons.

" One two...three oh you are 50 " said Abel 

" It's gonna be way too easy " he added 

As the demons advanced with supernatural agility, Abel twirled the weapon with a practiced grace, creating a whirling barrier of chain. The demons, undeterred, attacked with a coordinated flurry of strikes. Abel anticipating their moves, deftly parried and countered, the sickle slicing through the air with lethal precision. With a strategic sweep, Abel disarmed a Rin-shi who charged at him with a spear, the chain snaking around its limbs, rendering it powerless. A Rin-shi sneaked up upon Abel and slashed his back. However much to it's surprise, the wound healed almost instantly.

" Haha, you fool " said Abel as he grabbed the Rin-shi's neck and looked in his eyes.

" You can't hurt me " whispered Abel in it's ear.

Too scared to move, Rin-shi looked in Abel's eye and started to sweat. It suddenly felt a slash on his back, exactly similar in size and depth as the demon inflicted on Abel's back.

" Shhh don't tell them " said Abel as he snapped the demon's neck. The Rin-shi's unaware of this mystical property, continued their assault, only to find themselves suffering the consequences of their own strikes.

" C'mon you can hit harder now " said Abel 

" C'MON YOU IDIOTS KILL HIM " shouted Hobeo.

All the Rin-shi's stabbed Abel at the same time however Abel yawned and snapped his fingers. As soon as he snapped his fingers, all the Rin-shi's fell to the ground.


As soon as he rubbed his hands, the remaining 40 Rin-shi's turned into 400 in number. Overwhelmed by the hoarde of the Rin-shi's, Abel fell to the ground. 

" Damn it , I was too cocky " said Abel 

" His illusion is making them heavier and stronger...need to do... something " said Abel as he was getting buried by the swarm of Rin-shi. 

" Can't see anything.... Can't breath " said Abel as he raised his arm in air trying to grasp something but his arm was swallowed by the swarm.

At the brink of exhaustion, a sudden, primal howl echoed through the night. In a burst of mystical energy, Hiro, now transformed into a demon that fought Enzo and Goki, emerged from the shadows, his eyes gleaming with an ancient, awakened spirit.

" That brat... is...something... " said Abel