
Animals fury : Battle of the spirits

Hiro nohara is an average highschool boy who lives with his brother Hiro and his mother Arisu .Descendant of the ancient ninja clan and the prophecy to be fulfilled, hell ruler Daishi reincarnates and has a motive to destroy the reincarnation of the sage who sealed him which is Hiro.Unaware of the fact his life turns around when he discovers his secret what will happen next and will the reincarnation survive?

Red_King_Phoenix · Action
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113 Chs

Deal with the Destiny

" HIRO " a voice echoed 

" Who...where am I ? " questioned Hiro 

" This place looks familiar " he added 

" Where...who is calling me ? " asked Hiro 

" HIRO.....NOHARA.. " voice called

Hiro slowly looked around. He found himself standing in middle of a room that was filled with darkness. No light could pass through it. Hiro opened his eyes and tried to gaze through the darkness but failed. 

" Reveal yourself " said Hiro as he tried to navigate through the darkness.


" Stop scaring me man " said Hiro 

" I SAID REVEAL YOURSELF " shouted Hiro 

Hiro stood in the vast darkness of his mind, surrounded by shadows. Suddenly, blue flames ignited, casting an ethereal glow. A majestic wolf emerged, its eyes gleaming with ancient wisdom.

" I am Okami Seishin " said the wolf spirit 

" I think we have met earlier " he added 

" I don't remember anything " said Hiro

" Ah, I see " said Okami 

" Do you know why you were chosen to be the vessel and why you in particular are the one that the demons are looking for?" questioned Okami as he orbitied the area 

" These flames have it's own special significance...they could have chosen anyone but they chose an ignorant boy like you? I don't know what the court of gods were even thinking, giving a fool such great powers " he added 

" I seek your power not for personal gain but to safeguard the harmony of our world and that is it " said Hiro 

" LIAR !! " shouted Okami as the flames surrounding Hiro encircled him and formed a loop around him.

" You lie infront of a Celestial guardian and didn't even stutter once " said Okami 

" You are an egoistic, arrogant fool that wants his...no my powers to show off. You want my powers to show the world that you aren't weak. You want to show my prowess infront of those demons. You want my powers because you are weak and a disappointment. You couldn't even save your own mother. Pathetic " said Okami 

" Dude, I don't know what to say anymore. I opened my eyes and the first thing I see is complete Darkness. Then the only sign of life here is wolf spirit that straight up roasted me. I do know what I am, my mom used to say this to me a lot, kinda habitual you know Okari sama. Let's start from the start " said Hiro 

Okami eyes started to glow bright red as the fire intensified.

" IT'S OKAMI " shouted Okami 

" My name's Hiro...Hiro nohara " said Hiro

" You don't have the slightest idea about what the hell is happening do you? " asked Okami

" Yesn't " said Hiro 

" Absolute unit of wastefulness " said Okami 

" I sense laziness, arrogance, and foolishness within you. I won't bestow my power upon one who lacks the discipline to wield it wisely. I should have been reincarnated as a person himself but that is not in the prophecy. I had to be a vessel they said, I must do it for the cycle they said " said Okami as he roamed the darkness.

" Dude just give me the powers so I can save Grandpa and my friends from these monsters, I need to go back to my home and save my mom as well. I don't have time at all " said Hiro as he joined his hand.

"Words are empty without action. Your path is clouded by self-deception. I won't risk unleashing my power into the hands of one so blind to their own shortcomings. You are immature and you are not ready " said Okami 

" Last time, I don't remember what happened but I am pretty sure that I met you " said Hiro 

" Yes, I did helped you but it was different. You were naive even though your teenage was completely opposite " said Okami 

" Wait wait wait..Hold up, you were inside me? Dude the fuck are you talking about. What the actual hell " said Hiro 

" I was trapped in this body for I'll say around 17 years, you were too young to have your own consciousness and when you did you never were the kind to initiate the awakening. You turned out to be a disappointment for your mother because your brother charming Hiroshi always took over and turned out to be the idle boy." said Okami 

" Ok now I believe you. Listen I don't have much time let's make a deal " said Hiro 

" You lend me your power once cause I don't have any powers like my friends or my brother so I need them to save them " said Hiro 

" You fool, those are not powers. They have tapped in to their animal spirits and with their nature took control over the elemental spectrum. I won't give you my powers. Come look at this " said Okami as he turned around.

" All these memories of yourself, name one thing you have done worthy of approval. Neither you have a good nature nor you have any achievements. Good deeds are also zero. Why am I even your spirit " said Okami as he sighed.

Hiro felt a surge of frustration and regret as the blue flames dimmed, the wolf spirit's anger palpable in the air. 

" Reflect on your flaws, Hiro, and perhaps, when you've truly grown, we may revisit this conversation. Until then, the power remains beyond your grasp." said Okami 

With those words, the wolf spirit vanished, leaving Hiro alone in the fading glow of the blue flames, facing the stark reality of his own inadequacies.

" I don't even remember what happened " said Hiro 

" Think think think " said Hiro as he sat down.

" Oh my god I am blank " said Hiro as he punched his head multiple times.

" Maybe he is right, I am not worthy " said Hiro as sighed.

As the blue flames dwindled, Hiro sat in the diminishing light, contemplating the wolf spirit's harsh denial.

" Laziness, arrogance, foolishness... Is that truly what I've become? Why did the spirit perceive me in such a way?" questioned Hiro 

He replayed moments of his life in his mind, acknowledging instances where he might have overlooked diligence or acted with arrogance. The weight of his own shortcomings pressed upon him. 

" Was it training or was it lust " said Hiro 

In the dimming glow, Hiro realized that the wolf spirit's denial wasn't just a rejection of his request but a reflection of his own character. He understood that before seeking external power, he needed to confront and overcome the internal obstacles that had barred him from the spirit's favor. 

" I don't remember shit " said Hiro as he stood up and started to look around

" Lazy as always " whispered a voice 

" C'mon son you are better " said another

" Brother... brother " said another

Hiro looked around and was surprised to see no one around. The voice whispered again. Hiro found himself standing in middle of a triangle. The figures appeared infront of Hiro, standing at each point of the triangle.

" It's just been a few months and you already forgot about me didn't you " said the figure 

" C'mon Honey, he is just a kid he will realise his mistakes soon " said another 

" But you promised " said the third one 

Hiro rubbed his eyes to clearly see the figures. Blue flames engulfed the triangle, connecting Hiro and the three figures. The flame also acted as a source of light and brightened the area.

" Mom....is that you?? " asked Hiro 

" Oye Chief, forgot me already ? " said another figure as he crossed his hands and started laughing boastfully.

" Dad !!! " exclaimed Hiro