
Animals fury : Battle of the spirits

Hiro nohara is an average highschool boy who lives with his brother Hiro and his mother Arisu .Descendant of the ancient ninja clan and the prophecy to be fulfilled, hell ruler Daishi reincarnates and has a motive to destroy the reincarnation of the sage who sealed him which is Hiro.Unaware of the fact his life turns around when he discovers his secret what will happen next and will the reincarnation survive?

Red_King_Phoenix · Action
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113 Chs

Chapter 72 :- The Village Festival

" Me??? " shrieked Flit

" Yes " replied Camille

" No , no NOOO " shouted Flit

" I knew you would resist dear , so i got you something especial " said Camille as she smirked.

She took out a small pouch from the bag tied to her waist. She rubbed the pouch and it started to emit a greenish smoke.

" This is what I like to call , Aphrodite's smoke , you wanna know what it does " asked Camille

" What....what tf...what..?? " asked Flit as he panted heavily

" Oh dear , it's something I created myself from the Chemicals my slaves , stole from the vessels company headquarters. These chemicals combined with my especial poison and Arisu's crystal can be turned into a powered dust. It then can be used in different ways , depending on it's chemic composition " said Camille as an evil grin ran across her face.

" You.... monster " said Flit

" Well , demon actually , you should've known , we have been together for...how was it again..5ish.....6.5 " said Camille

" Six hundred and ninety eight years , eleven months , three weeks , three days , fourteen hours , 35 minutes and 19 seconds " interrupted Flit

" AH YES YES , 698 years , 11 months , 3 weeks blah blah " repeated Camille

" You should've known I , I mean we are demons " added Camille as she gave Flit a sarcastic smile.

" Hiroshi....Hiro...Abel will kill you and your kind soon , very very soon " said Flit

" Well yeah couldn't happen in 6 centuries won't happen now. Anyways , I take this little bit of dust , add a chicken feather and a couple of drop women's blood and boom , "Aphrodite's Dust :- Hypnosis powder is ready"

and you are it's first test subject " said Camille

" Aphrodite what " said Flit

Camille blew the powder directly into Flit's eyes

" Aaaahhh you bitch " shouted Flit

" Shh shh , just any second now " said Camille

Flit , in last ditch effort , powered his way out of Camille tail grip. He flew high and clenched his fist , rushing directly towards Camille.

" Ohh shit " said Camille as she closed her eyes.

Flit stopped and just floated in air , flapping his wings. Camille slowly opened her eyes.

" Phew...Ok that worked " said Camille

" Will you do whatever I will command you to do " asked Camille

" Yes my mistress " said Flit

Flit eyes turned green and he acted like a zombie , obeying every order commanded by Camille without a second thought.

" This is gonna be fun " said Camille as she started to laugh hysterically.

Her evil laughs echoes through the cave. Camille snapped her fingers as a fire portal appeared below her. She jumped into it and escaped the cave. As the Portal closed it left a burning mark on the floor , creating a gust of wind that rushed through the cave extinguishing the flames of candles across the hall.

" So about the festival , what was it all about?" asked Hiro

" Well , you see , many years ago , there were 2 huge kingdoms , Edo and Nada clans. Corrupted by the evils of world , they lost all sense of humanity and engaged in guriella wars against each other. The last of the wise men , with the help of the villagers , constructed a wall between the kingdom. However the lust of power and land , led the two kingdoms in war. " said Jetchi

" This sounds familiar to one of the dreams I've had recently " said Hiro in his mind

" Now that we got the knowledge of the missing lore , Lord Daikokuten established peace between the two kingdoms." said Ryo

" So i guess after that is explained , Lord Daikokuten in his mortal avatar prayed to Benzaiten sama and Kanzeon sama to re-establish the village for the innocent who have suffered through the pain and loss" said Mimiko

" With that in the picture , somewhere after that incident down the village history multiple things took place. The Sage disappeared , kingdom got divided into 6 villages , 5 masters known as the Guardians formed an alliance , the enlightenment shrine tower was burnt and what not " said Kanako

" With all the dispute and negative past among themselves , the villages decided that the day the kingdom was established , is the day everyone will " said Ryo

" Yeah yeah meet and forget everything " repeated Kazuki.

" Here we are finally " said Hiroshi as they reached the school.

" Everyone get ready and we will meet at 5 pm right here at the gate " said Gorosuke

" Yes " everyone shouted in sync.