
Animals fury : Battle of the spirits

Hiro nohara is an average highschool boy who lives with his brother Hiro and his mother Arisu .Descendant of the ancient ninja clan and the prophecy to be fulfilled, hell ruler Daishi reincarnates and has a motive to destroy the reincarnation of the sage who sealed him which is Hiro.Unaware of the fact his life turns around when he discovers his secret what will happen next and will the reincarnation survive?

Red_King_Phoenix · Action
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113 Chs

Chapter 71 :- Hiding the Truth

" What..What secret ? " asked Hiroshi

" Abel..he....is " murmured Gorosuke

" Abel is what?? " shouted Everyone

" He is Your Uncle , my son " said Gorosuke to Hiroshi as he patted his shoulder

Everyone Flipped and had a common expression of disappointment on their faces

" WE KNOW !!!! " shouted everyone in synchronisation

" Oh , well that's the half truth , you know " said Gorosuke

" Half truth?? " asked Hiro

" Well 1st , we must go back to the school and visit the village " said Gorosuke

" Why so ? " asked Ryo

" You don't remember? Today is the Village festival , the day this village was established. It's an annual celebration where the people of the village , worship the Deities and Demi-gods of the village , and offers them something from their fortune or buisness in exchange of for good health , good fortune , good Buisness , and this year our Shinto shrine is the one that will be decorated " said Gorosuke with excitement across his face.

" Oh yeah , well maybe we should really visit it , it's so famous that for this special day , other villages and clans , bury their past grudges and tension , unites to celebrate the festival in order to please the Demi-god of Love and Kindness " said Jetchi

" Who ? " asked Hiro

" Benzaiten and Kanzeon Sama "

" And why so ? "

" Kid's let us get out of here first and then we can talk about it on the way back " said Gorosuke

" Yes Grandpa " said everyone as they proceeded to move out

" Hey Flit " asked Jetchi

There was no answer to the question

" Flit??? " shouted Jetchi

There was dead silence

" Dude where is Flit " asked Kanako

" Idk wasn't he with you Hiroshi " said Ryo

" Yeah but i remember he wasn't around when Abel left " said Hiroshi

" Ahh I see , maybe his time was up " said Hiroshi

" Hiroshi ? " asked Hiro

" Do you really think , we can trust Flint " asked Hiro

" Well , I understand your concern , because he is a demon , working for the person who killed our mother , but he isn't the bad guy here " said Hiroshi

" How do you know " asked Hiro as they stared to ascend the stairs

" He was the one who helped us when the village was under attack , he was a human like us after all and we do share a common enemy Camille and the person she is working for " said Hiroshi

" You think too emotionally Hiroshi " said Hiro

" Well that's me " said Hiroshi as they closed the gate of the staircase

In the Basement , something glowed , emitting a vicious aura. The Candles started to flicker , the bookself started to rustle , the pond water started to ripple.

" Look at those fools , who thinks that you won't betray them " said Camille

Flit , whose mouth was grabbed by Camille , tried to utter few words , but they all were unclear. Flit , with last bit of strength bit Camille's finger.

" OW you son of bitch " shouted Camille as she took out her Wakizashi and was about to stab Flit , but hesitated.

" Kill me , you old hag , kill me " shouted Flit

" No no no....You see this scar on my arm and beautiful Face!!! Someone who destroyed , damaged the most beautiful thing , must deserve a severe punishment...one to two century of torment is still pending "

" How you got here you...you Dai-shi whore " shouted Flit

Camille , tossed Flit in air and caught him , with her tail. She bitch slapped his face two to three times.


" Well you see , I hid here. Flit you moron , due to my curse , your body senses are connected to mine. I just sensed a retaliation , a mutiny boiling in you. I sensed rebellion and revolt. Someone by the likes of you , alone? Nothing like these happened in the past 6 centuries and all of a sudden...I suspected that someone must have motivated you to do so "

" You.... Bitch " whispered Flit

" Well , I also tapped into your memory and boom , I heard that you all were about to visit here... I am a Chameleon you Buffoon , I camouflaged and hid here , hiding my senses , aura and energy everything hahahaha " said Camille

" Thanks to your trust and the village festival Dai-shi 2 commanders are on their way " giggled Camille

" No....no... " said Flit

" Yes... Yes .... YES !!! " shouted Camille

" Rhy and Thm are on their way " she added

" Fuck.....fuck... " said Flit

" You know who will led them to the vessel and that man Hiroshi " asked Camille

" Who..who??? " asked Flit hesitantly

" YOU " said Camille