
Animals fury : Battle of the spirits

Hiro nohara is an average highschool boy who lives with his brother Hiro and his mother Arisu .Descendant of the ancient ninja clan and the prophecy to be fulfilled, hell ruler Daishi reincarnates and has a motive to destroy the reincarnation of the sage who sealed him which is Hiro.Unaware of the fact his life turns around when he discovers his secret what will happen next and will the reincarnation survive?

Red_King_Phoenix · Action
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113 Chs

Chapter 4 :- Destiny to be fulfilled

Arisu tried to fight off the Camille but failed she was able to switch the wooden box that she was trying to steal with an empty box. However it cost her, the razor sharp nails penetrated her abdomen and made a deep gush , which cause heavy bleeding .

"You are the chosen one Hiro ,You....must fulfill the prophecy.....open the box"! she said as her voice became weaker and weaker .

Hiro opens the box and was surprised to see a scroll.

" A scroll what is this mom "? Hiro asked

"Hiro....it's the scroll the one which was stolen it's not possible ..."!? Hiroshi looked at Arisu questioned

" I.... just ...open it ....!!! said Arisu

As soon as Hiro opened the scroll an emblem that represented the Ying Yang fell out of it but the yang side was empty.

" Bring it ..... to...me"! said Arisu

" What the hell is going on"?? Hiroshi shouted as tear rolled out of his eyes.

The Yang symbol started to emit a glow which started enveloping Arisu body as she turned into a soul.

" What the hell, I... ma what"! shouted Hiro

" My child , Arisu was just a body but the reality is I am not your mother and you are not an ordinary child " said Shin

Shin, is a guardian angel which represents the yang side and is one of the messanger of the sisters of fate. She has golden long hairs curly in the end , body covered in multiple bands and looms with the abdomen region covered with silk short robe and roots constricting her legs and arms. Her eyes are blue and green ornament around her neck.

" I can't tell you everything but one person can his name his , Gorosuke Nobunaga , you will be able to find him at far lands of Nihon.

" How do you know about our Grandpa and where is Nihon"?

" I can't explain you everything I am bounded by my duties but pls meet him before it's late it's the time "! Told Shin

As soon as she completed her words the yang symbol absorbs her and it grows to a size of a gourd in which Shin was sleeping attached to the emblem like foetus is attached to placenta.

" Hiro it's over we need to meet grandpa , he is the only one left who can explain us what the hell happened " said Hiroshi

" Maaaaaaaaaaa........"!!! Hiro cried and cried and cried holding her Arisu lifeless body.

2 Days later following the event at the company building, Hiro and Hiroshi after completing the funeral and other formalities spend their last night in the crowded city and meets up at the dinning table.

" Hiro we need to move to this place called Nihon I mean I don't know where it is"? said Hiroshi

" You were born before me don't you know where is grandpa"? asked Hiro

" The last time I saw him was when I was 5 years old and that's it "! said Hiroshi

" But we need to find him for the answers of what the hell happened in these following days" said Hiro

" Where is Nihon "? nodded Hiroshi

" I'll do you better what is Nihon"? said Hiro

" The scroll"!! they both shouted at the same time

" The found a map of a mountain divided into 4 region:-

Edo clan

Nada clan

Land of soul

Land of death

" The edo clan must be a reference to the Edo period" said Hiro

" Yeah it means that it's the outer most part of Japan! Google says that before the term japan it was referred to as the land of morning son or Nihon"! said Hiroshi

" Let's get ready bro , we need to get here as soon as possible"! shouted Hiro.

" Ease down there boyo , first eat the dinner and we will catch the first train tomorrow morning" said Hiroshi.

After having dinner Hiroshi and Hiro went to their respective rooms but before entering they have a short talk.

" Hiroshi , I love you " Hiro said

" Me too " Hiroshi said

As soon Hiroshi entered his room he laid down on his bed and started crying and crying and crying. His only nightmare was turning into a reality , Hiro have nothing left except his brother and is entirely dependent on him which will make him very vulnerable during Hiroshi absence

" I need to know , I will find my answers"! said Hiroshi

" Mom Dad pls provide us the strength to face the problems during our journey " said Hiroshi

He slept in his warm bed thinking about his brother and mother,

Preparing and strengthening his mind to face what was coming next.