
Animals fury : Battle of the spirits

Hiro nohara is an average highschool boy who lives with his brother Hiro and his mother Arisu .Descendant of the ancient ninja clan and the prophecy to be fulfilled, hell ruler Daishi reincarnates and has a motive to destroy the reincarnation of the sage who sealed him which is Hiro.Unaware of the fact his life turns around when he discovers his secret what will happen next and will the reincarnation survive?

Red_King_Phoenix · Action
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113 Chs

Chapter 3:- Fate is inevitable

Arisu runs to her car and drives away drifting and honking while driving

"What's the hell was that"?? Hiroshi enquired

Hiroshi J Nohara is 22 year old college student and brother of Hiro. He is exact opposite of what Hiro is, being calm collective well managed and a tad full of over achiever

He is exemplary in every field and cares the most about his brother after the incident at the company. He has a fear that his absence would cripple Hiro as he is dependent on him most of the time.

" Hiro?? Hiro? Are you there what just happened"? said Hiroshi

" Idk I think it wa mom she had a call and she rushed to somewhere" answered Hiro

" Something is wrong I can feel it, btw your eyes are swelled did you overslept"?? asked Hiroshi

"Yeah bro I had a very weird dream but last night you didn't answered my question will you now"? asked Hiro

" It's about dad isn't it"? questioned Hiroshi

"Yeah what happened 10 years ago tell me it's been 6 years what happened who is my dad"?

enquired Hiro

"(Sigh), Ok listen here, When I was 12 year old and you were 6 year old , There was an attack by a group on the company main building and wanted to take the vessel? I guess and they destroyed half the building , then" ...

" Then? what happens next??" asked Hiro

" Despite being injured he ran toward the group that attacked the building , he bought some time for others to escape and as soon as everyone ran away the building caught in fire" said Hiroshi while sighing

" Oh lord so our dad is dead"?? asked Hiro

" No, that is not the case, after the fire was extinguished building was searched and no body was found but there were 3 things missing from the secret test lab being the :-

Our family scroll, A wooden box and some machine" told Hiroshi

" Keep going what happened next"?? asked Hiro

" Since no body was found mom had a hope that he was still alive and started multiple search party for him but after 4 years as all hope was lost , he was declared dead but mom never accepted the fact and took over the company and started her own search for him" said Hiroshi

" I never knew Dad well but now that you mentioned I also have a feeling that he is alive " said Hiro

" Ok boyo, let's catch up with mom I have a weird gut feeling that something is going to happen!" exclaimed Hiroshi.

Soon the boys packed some snacks money and their phones they locked the house and left for the company.

Booooommmm!!!!! A loud explosion take place as soon as they were about to reach the building. The top of the building was completely destroyed and Hiroshi scared about what could have happened he rushed with Hiro to see the scenario

"Maaaaaa where are you maaaa pls maa don't leave us mom"!!!!! Hiro cried

"Hahahahaha looking for someone Honey " voice echoed

" Who are you show yourself where is ma leave her "!!!! shouted Hiroshi

A tall scaly women in a weird costume arrived the chest and abdominal region was covered with a chest plate that had a face of a chameleon on it her eyes were literally like of a snake and her long hair rolling like a chameleon tail. Her tongue was a foot long as she tried to attack Hiro . However beside her lied Arisu who was unconscious. The hand of the lady had very long nail and as sharp as an axe while other hand had multiple mouth on it each with a razor sharp fang.

"Leave her I said !!!" cried Hiro ,

"Indeed sweet heart our work is done already " said Camille

A black figure with hood and black clothing with nothing visible except the eyes stared at Hiro and Hiroshi sulking from the flames Behind Camille

"Let's go" figure said

"Nooooo stopp!!! shouted Hiroshi as he rushed to attacked them

"I don't have time for that "! the figure stared with a black aura emitting through his stare .

" I can't breathe it's heavy aura it's like a lion stared at me "! as Hiroshi startled

" Hiro run" !!!! as Hiro tried to get to Arisu

Both figured escaped almost vanished in the flames.

"Hi...r..oo? Hiro...sh..I"? asked Arisu as her breath were getting heavy and heartbeat getting numb

"Ma what happened Ma "?!! asked Hiro

" I don't have much time pls listen to me "! told Arisu

"Ma we can save you there's stil time"!! cried Hiroshi

"No no .... my...fate is ahh inevitable...,

just listen that Hiro you are not an ordinary boy...You are the vessel...."!!!! said Arisu