
Animalium~ Portal of Greed

The story is about a world of magic. Jhonatan is born into this world, but is soon kidnapped. You read the story as he returns to the world of Animalium after 10 years. Here, he must grow stronger to fight against the demons. He first attends school, where he is placed in the lower classes. There he makes two friends, Flinn and Jace, together they embark on a journey to battle a demon. They are aided by their teacher. Additionally, there are other individuals who help in defeating the evil. Also don't forget why you're doing it and know who you can trust!

StoriesBP · Fantasy
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13 Chs

~ The return

(POV Narrator)

In the middle of the forest, a large group of people stands, eagerly awaiting the moment when they can finally realize their dreams. It's the middle of the day and it's raining heavily, but no one here complains about it. Tension is running high among everyone. They see a man walking up to the stage. Immediate whispers fill the air as all present instantly recognize him. This is the moment that will determine their future.


(POV ????)

Of course, I have to oversee the lower classes in this competition. Why can I never win at rock-paper-scissors, even once!!! Luck is never on my side. The lower classes are nothing but weaklings. These kids will never have a future. Building connections is crucial for my family. They'll be disappointed again that I couldn't make it to teach the upper classes.

"Alright, we're going to begin, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Winston, and I'll now explain the rules to you. Before we start, I'll give everyone one more chance to leave. Becoming a wizard is not easy. It's perfectly fine if you decide to leave."


(POV Narrator)

No one on the square is surprised to hear these words. This is a standard procedure to commence the school year. After a few minutes of waiting, the square is still completely full.

The rules are immediately explained to the people on the square. "The first 60 people to reach the school gate will be admitted. If you want to give up during the competition, break the golden medallion on the ground. You'll be disqualified and teleported back to the starting point. Attacking your opponents is prohibited. If you do, you'll be disqualified immediately."

On the square, it's clear that everyone has understood the rules. These are the rules that have been in place for years. No one is surprised and everyone is eager to begin the competition. Winston announces that the competition is about to start and everyone should move to the starting line.

By now, the rain has stopped, but the atmosphere is very tense. It's quiet at the starting line, but the candidates' internal state is quite different. Hearts are racing, sweat beads on their foreheads and fists are clenched. Suddenly, the starting signal rings out and the chaos begins.

Right in front, two remarkable individuals are immediately leading the pack. Their mana control is exceptionally good, allowing them to channel enough mana into their bodies. Their exceptional control puts them far ahead of the other candidates. They are moving so fast that the other candidates are out of sight. What the rest don't realize is that these two are challenging each other.

"Jace, you can't possibly go any faster!!!," Flinn shouts. Jace mutters to himself, "What a show-off he is." "Hahahaha, Jace, you can't even come up with a comeback," Flinn taunts. While Flinn taunts, Jace channels even more mana and races ahead, leaving Flinn behind. And so, the two boys continue on their way to the gate. What they don't know is that Winston is eavesdropping on their conversation. Mana orbs are scattered everywhere, allowing Winston to observe the competition.

The first hour quickly passes and the first candidates reach the gate. Students from the middle and upper classes watch as the first two candidates pass through the gate. They hear cheers and see a crystal ball placed on the ground. Flinn looks regretful at his bag, realizing he shouldn't have taunted Jace.

Winston immediately says, "You've done excellently, and you should be proud of your performance." Flinn and Jace look surprised and realize they are looking at an official wizard. The other candidates can barely see the gate, and Winston's voice echoes through the forest. "There are only 58 spots left for the lower classes, so show what you can do."

Just as everyone wants to run faster, they hear a loud crash. All the mana orbs tremble and fall to the ground. None of the orbs work anymore and Winston can no longer see how the competition is going. The candidates look around in surprise but quickly continue their journey toward the gate. What they don't see is a small portal opening behind a tree.


(POV ????)


Before I can think further, I feel the ground shaking. It seems like a whole platoon is still chasing after me. I quickly peek around the tree and see people running. It's clear that demons are pursuing these people. Should I join the group to fight with them?

Fortunately, the mana here is much less corrupted, so I have enough energy to get involved in this fight. I calmly pass by all these people and see a beautiful portal in the distance. We're almost there and then I can see who we'll be fighting against. I realize I'm overtaking people a bit too quickly and it's wiser to adjust my speed. Suddenly, I hear that only 23 candidates will be accepted.

As I walk through the gate, I realize there are only 7 spots left. In the distance, the last group is heading towards the gate, sweat pouring down their faces. It's very odd to see a group running so slowly. Can these really be fighters against the demons?

I feel two people looking at me. I calmly turn around and see two boys gazing at me. All I hear around me is people laughing and some even crying. Are they too afraid to go into battle?

The two boys walk up to me and congratulate me on passing the test. Okay, it's clear that I need to gather more information and that they're not here to fight demons. Maybe it's a good idea to play along and congratulate them as well.

"Hello, my name is Jhonatan, and you've also passed the test!" Before I have a chance to ask their names, they burst into laughter. I hear that the boys are named Jace and Flinn. They ask me why I didn't finish higher. These two boys are not like the rest of the people here...