
Angel With A Shotgun.

All my life, I thought I was normal, but a part of me knew I wasn't. Somethings about me, my life story, my entire existance just didn't make sense. ________________________________ Kira has lived her entire life thinking she was human. Supernatural beings only existed in movies. Everything changed when she got accepted into Stanford University, where she met him.... Christian Remoné.. Christian was unlike any other 19 year old guy she had ever met. Little did she know, he most definitely wasn't normal. "There's no way a guy that hot could be human" she said to her tour guide while staring at the fine man candy walking into school. "Nobody here is human darling", Rachel replied. Kira was certainly shook by that comment " what do you____". Rachel walked before Kira could even finish her sentence. Later that day, she was greeted by her headmaster, who introduced her to some very shocking things. Much to her surprise; Stanford wasn't just an ordinary school but a school for supernatural teenagers. Not only did she found out that she's a freaking vampire, but she also found out that all her life, she was living a big lie. It was hard to believe at first but a part of her knew she belonged there. Being the bad girl had always been her thing and being a vampire, well doesn't exactly make you an angel. As usual, everything in life comes with a price...

itzshanna · Others
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Chapter 15: The New Girl

Kira POV

Getting ready for school in the mornings is not my favourite thing, never was.

I have no problem with waking up early, I don't usually sleep in unless I want. Now that my reason for waking up early is because of school, I have a problem.

I like doing things without being asked to do it. It's like when you're about to clean your room then your mom be like 'remember to clean your room'. Then all of a sudden, you're not in the mood to do shit.

Yes, this is a very similar situation. Almost every morning I wake up before 4am and now that I have school, I woke up at 7am and my brain is still like 'go back to sleep my dear, fuck school'.

"Are you planning to spend the whole day in there?!" I shout  at Rachel, who has been in the bathroom for the past hour. We both decided to skip breakfast since she wasn't in the mood for whatever they're making and I just wanted blood.

All of my stuffs were delivered to me late last night, Thank God. I force myself to wake up early this morning so I could finish unpacking and get to the shower early before Rachel does. Only one of those was accomplished.

All I remember was that I unpacked my stuff from 4:30 and then, hehe, I fell asleep and when I woke up Rachel beat me to the shower. This is one of the cons having a roommate... the sharing of the shower.

"Just a minute!" she shouts back turning off the shower. "Yeah right. That's exactly what you said 30 minutes ago."

As I finish my third blood bag for the morning, I hear her unlock the bathroom door. I quickly hide the empty blood bags in my closet where my perfumes are, so she wouldn't smell it. According to Rachel, vampires are only allowed four bloodbags during school days: one with breakfast, lunch, and dinner and another for when you're just feeling peckish. Me being me, ofcourse didn't listen, so I have Jackson sneak over and deliver three to me early this morning.

She's going to find out what i'm doing eventually but for now, I gotta do what I gotta do.


didn't want to bother Christian and Alli sure as fuck wouldn't have helped me because she thinks I'm greedy and has a feeding problem, which may or may not be true.

Anyways, my only option was the boy I thought I hated.

"Finally," I sigh.

"Ah shut up K," she giggles drying her hair.

I roll my eyes and head towards the bathroom. I have less than an hour to get ready. I brush my teeth and step into the shower. Allowing the cold water to run down my back, gosh I really needed this. My bathroom is always that one place where I usually go to think about everything. Now there's so much to think about, I just wanna turn my brain off and forget everything for atleast 5 minutes.

"You have less than 2 minutes in there!" Rachel shouts. Tf ! I just got in here.

I sigh to myself and finish my business. I just realize that, being supernatural really does make everything easier. I wrap myself up with my towel and walk into the room, where Rachel is applying her makeup. I really am starting to think that I'm amongst the 5% of girls that hates makeup.

"Why do ya'll white girls love pink lipsticks so much?" I ask picking out an outfit from my closet.

"Becauuussee...." she smiles cheesing in the mirror, "It blends in with our tone perfectly". Makes sense

I figure i'll just go with something simple today. And by simple, I mean something which is not black.. If I can find any.

After about 4 minutes of searching, I finally find an outfit that is pretty, appropriate and fits my mood.

Red is my second favourite colour. I'm not a fan of bright colours, unless it's yellow. Yellow just look so spontaneous on black skins. They say the colour you like, reflects on your personality, I have a very dark personality which is why I love black so much.

"Advantages of being thick," She smiles staring at me.

Ya know... I actually really enjoys her company. She's really friendly, sweet and adorable. It's kind of impossible not to like her, when she's so nice. I like the fact that she respects my privacy and doesn't question me about my past. Also she's not afraid of me, considering the fact that I could easily kill her in her sleep.

The problem with her is that, if she thinks it, she's sure as fuck going to say it.

I like people that speaks their mind but she did put me on spot while I was staring at the boys yesterday and that was not cool. If she did it to somebody else then I would've laughed but I was the victim so ney.

"Are you trying to drive the guys crazy here?" She said as I stare at my myself in the mirror. Not my intention but eh.

She's wearing a green knee length dress with blue heals. I gotta admit... She looks good. Be aware: I'm as straight as pinnochios' nose, but I do know when someone looks good.

The dress is very neat on her so it highlights her curves. It has a pink belt on it which matches her lipstick and the heels make her look a little taller than me since I'm wearing flat shoes. We dress the opposite of each other, she does have a more cheerful personality than I do which I surprisingly don't have a problem with.

"I'd ask you the same question, Miss Hudson, " I smirk at her, as she twirls around blushing. She reminds me of a little adorable cat, so innocent. Weird considering the fact that she's actually a wolf.

The only makeup i'm applying today is lip gloss. I brush my hair a little and grab my backpack "Ready?" I ask Rachel, who is still poking around with her messy bun. I just decide to let my hair down. That's how I love it.

She grins at me grabbing her phone and then literally begged me to take a couple of selfies with her. Damn, I can't even remember the last time I took a picture of myself. Cameras can be fucking deceiving I tell ya.

Sometimes you can look in the mirror and be like 'eh, I don't look that bad at all' then as soon as you take a pic 'nuh-uh, who the fuck is this?!'

Fun fact... When a girl asks for a pic.. You're more than likely gonna be taking a dozens of pics.

After a lifetime of snapping, we finally left the room.

I'm being honest when I say, 'my greedy ass isn't making up a reason to be hungry but Rachel literally just snapped out all the energy I got from the bloodbag'. I'm not even exaggerating, I am freaking hungry and now I have to wait until lunch because I drank my breakfast from 4:30am.

I'm starting to regret missing normal breakfast because an omelette would give my stomach great pleasure right now.

Since we have like 15 minutes left to get to school, we decided to walk. The walk across campus is about 5 minutes (if you're walking normal), but because we live on the top floor it's probably gonna take us atleast 9 minutes. I think.

I'm not exactly a genius in math.

"You know..." Rachel said as we make our way downstairs, "I never expected you to be so cool with us being roommates".

"Who said I was?"

She stops and give me that 'ouch' look before opening her mouth to speak, "Shh, I'm just kidding," I laugh and pat her shoulder.

"Me neither. I guess we just have that type of bond maybe" I shrug. She smiles at me as we continue our walk through the halls. I can't help but wonder if she ever gets tired of smiling, I could never handle being that nice.

Pfft, I can't even imagine not having the urge to punch somebody atleast trice a day. Nuh uh

The walk continues with me trying not to think about food and Rachel with her eyes glue to her phone, probably on Instagram stalking some hot guy that liked her picture.

We past a lot of students (werewolves) on our block as well as in the halls, most of them said hi, mainly to Rachel since they're familiar with her. Some of them past me like i'm invisible. It's not like I give a fuck.

I'm not even sure if they are aware that they're living in the same apartment as a vampire.

I sigh to myself and adjust my bag properly on my back. I have no idea what to expect from these people, especially from my fellow classmates and I really really hope I don't see 'lil miss perfect' today because I swear to God imma rip out her expensive hair extensions and shove it up her skinny blonde ass and feed her, her own heart for breakfast after I rip out her fangs one by-

"Hey are you okay?" Rachel ask staring at my hand. I slap myself mentally and realized my palm is bleeding.

I nod to her and walk off, "It'll heal".

It will... It always does. The only problem is, healing physically and healing mentally is very much different.

Gosh... Sometimes I even scare my own self

We continue our way out of the apartment. "We have less than two minutes," she gasp. "We are going to get into big trouble if we're late for our first class." Uh oh

"Fuck it! Let's make a run for it," I smirk. She nods and we both get into gear and dash across the lawn.

As expected, she's not faster than me but she is hella fast. I reach the door before her and breathe out before walking in. In a short while, we are both standing in the hallway. "I guess we're not entirely late," she breathe out adjusting her hair.

*ding ding*

The bell goes off, almost deafening me. "You'll get use to it," Rachel smile walking off. My poor ears

"Hey! where are you going?" I ask speeding over to her. "Class, duhhh"

Oh right... Class... yayy

I dig into my bag and take out I my timetable and a map of the school. I have V-Biology.

"What the fuck is V-Biology?" I mumble to myself.

"Vampire Biology.." Rachel says, "And if I were you... I'd get there quickly." Godammit.

I sigh to myself and walk off in the direction of the class. "You'll manage," she winks at me, "Just don't hurt anybody."

"Can't promise that," I mumble.

I rolled my eyes when I realize the amount of students also heading in the same direction as me. Ah come on

Wait! I wonder if Christian is in this class or Alli or atleast one person I can actually stand.

I shake my head and follow the other vampires into the classroom. The classroom is almost pack, everybody speeding around looking for the best seats. Well at previous schools I always sit in corner and closer to back. Some teachers tend to pick on you more when you're at the front and some pick on you more when you're at the back because they the know the ones at the back barely pays any attention (which is kind of my thing). Either way, it's easier to sleep down back.

"Hey sexy..." a guy calls out from the back, "There's an empty seat right here," he finish, pointing at the empty desk beside him. Why does he look so familiar.

He looks so freaking familiar, I think I've seen him before, I just can't remember where.

Anyways... imma add him to the list of people I already don't like.

"No thanks, I rather stand," I scoff under my breath.

The class laughs taking their seats. There's only two available seat left. One at the back corner and the other infront it. I shrug and walk over to the one infront, which is closer to the window. To be honest.. I'm really disappointed that neither Alli, Christian or even Jackson is in this class.

Now I'm gonna have to tolerate being around these people that I barely know for more than an hour, about twice a week. Ugh

After a few minutes, a man walk in. Damn. I gotta admit... He kinda cute.

Well well well... maybe this class isn't so bad afterall.

"Good morning class..." he said adjusting his tie, "Sorry I'm late."

'Class'? Wait... ohhh

Yes sir, you're approximately 2 minutes late but you're body makes up for it.

Man. I prefer when my teachers are bald headed and over 45 with a wife and 3 kids or a private life I couldn't care less about, but this man right here doesn't even look like he's over 35 and he's fineee as fuck. Shit, now I'm going to purposely need some private V-Biology tutoring.

I'm very curious to know what this man does in his spare time.

"For those of you, who are new here, I'm Professor Smith and I'll be your biology teacher... That is, until I get tired of you all and feed you off to the wolves," he said, whispering the last part. The whole class erupted in laughter even I smiled a little. Everything about him screams vampire.

He himself, looks like a snack... Ewwww what the fuck. He's my teacher.

My very attractive vampire teacher...

Professor Smith, is almost as tall the headmaster. They even have similar complexion, only difference between them is that the Professor's voice is way deeper than the headmaster. He's wearing a suit as expected from a teacher... except this teacher in specific looks hella sexy and professional and oh my goodness, I'm staring.

"Oh shut up. I'm just kidding," he laughs. I think i'm gonna like this guy. "The wolves would be very happy to have you though, just saying," he whisper staring out the window.

Lord, I'm probably going to like him a little bit too much... dayuumm

"Professor... are you single?"


I'm so fucking glad somebody else asked him before I did.

All eyes turns to the girl sitting beside me. I'm pretty sure she's new because if she wasn't, she would've known the answer to that question.

Wow, she's either crazy or freaking brave to blurt out something like that in the middle of class.

Brave or crazy, she definitely deserves her muthafucking answer.

"Sorry to break it to you sweetheart but if he makes your hormones go crazy... He's either: Fictional, a fuckboy, gay or doesn't mix business pleasure." 

I-I can't believe he literally just said that. I'm sure as fuck not hearing things, those words actually left the Professor's mouth.

He smirks before turning around leaving the girl wide eyed and most likely on heat. No need to say anything else, we heard you loud and clear.

The whole class goes silent all of a sudden and by the scent that I caught walking up to the room, I think I know why. I hate being a new student


"Buenos dias, Señor Smith."

Oh God no.

Oh God yes.

"Good morning Mr Remoné..." Mr Smith said with an obvious fake smile, "How nice of you to join us today." As far as I can see, they do not get along well.

Ooo this is gonna be so fun to watch.

Christian nods his head returning the same type of smile he received. I could've sworn he and the teacher are having a staring contest up there, I can literally feel the tension. My my, two hot men having a stare down...this is so amusing to watch, all I need now is popcorn.

"Are you gonna tell us why you're late?" Mr Smith demands raising an eyebrow.

"You see Professor, I could tell you... But uh" he bit his lip scratching the back of his neck, "Are you sure you wanna know?"

I dont need the smell of sex to tell me why he was late.

Atleast he was decent enough to shower before he shows up to a class with dozens of students because the scent would've made it alot more obvious.

The teacher shook his head and told him to take a seat. Christian smirks showing off his fangs and in the blink of an eye, he's sitting behind me.

Ofcourse the only available seat is the one behind me.

"Okay class so today we have a new student who will be with us for..." Mr Smith says shuffling through some papers, "Most likely a very long time."

The worst thing about first day of class, is the part where you have to introduce yourself. I hate that shit.

I can feel Christian eyes piercing through my soul and I can also see most of the girls in here pretend like they're not desperately trying to get his attention. See, this is just like normal school.

"Kira!" Mr Smith shouts making me flinch a little. I quickly turn my attention to him distracting myself from the boy behind me. "Do you mind introducing yourself to the class?"

"Do I have to?"

Believe it or not, i've always been known for talking back to the teachers. It's not a good thing but still, I can't help who I am.

He nods and ask me to join him infront of the class. I hesitate but I doubt I have any other option.

I have no idea what I'm suppose to say. 'Hi i'm Kira and I don't exactly know who I am because my whole life is appearantly a big fat lie.

Or 'Hi i'm Kira Williams and i'm a tribrid'.

Everybody is staring at me. It's not that I'm shy... I just don't know what to say.

Why didn't he call on the other girl to introduce herself? After all she was the one that blurted out 'Professor, are you single' not me.

"Come on new girl, vampires aren't suppose to be shy!" The same guy at the back shouts and winks at me. If there wasn't a teacher in the class, my hand would've been around his throat by now.

I glared at him and turned my attention to Christian, who mouthed the words 'just say it'. All of a sudden I knew exactly what I have to say. I smirk and fold my arms waiting for the perfect words to slide off my tongue.

"Hi my name is Kira Williams and i'm a crazy ass, blood thirsty tribrid who enjoys killing people."


Sorry for the late updates, School aka hell is giving me a hard time. Plus, this corona thing got me scared asf.

So please my fellow people, be safe... Remember to always be sanitary and avoid people who aren't being sanitary.

For ya'll who are, ya knw, trap in quarantine... 'may God be with you and your fam'

Anywaayyyyysssss hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you did remember to vote and comment (if you wish).

Hope this corona thing vanish soon..


itzshannacreators' thoughts