
Angel System

Seraph’s life is a sad one, bullied on a day to day basis, his emotions and feelings slowly become numb to interaction… his eyes dull and his body weak he can only hold in his rage and despair deep within his heart. However, one day he sits down in class and realizes that his seat has disappeared thinking it was another prank he fell down onto grass? Looking up he sees a system? His entire class is with him and this time humans aren’t in charge of this new world...instead it’s the monsters in the forests. ________ “On earth they said, Beauty is held in the eyes of the beholder.” A sensual woman's voice swayed through the void. “ Such a good quote, however it’s so untrue don’t you think?” A cold man’s voice replied “ What do you mean?” The sensual woman giggled, “Well… Once upon a time, I came down to meet the humans, I considered myself as the most beautiful woman in the world, in the eyes of all in heaven I was considered the most beautiful- even the lord recognized this...however every single one of the humans shunned me at a glance. Met with fits of screams and anguished cries, I got really depressed... “ “Get to the point.” The Cold Man’s voice sharply interrupted the women. “Oh, Oh just wait. It gets better.” The sensual woman replied and then continued “ The next time i saw another man. I graciously approached, Bowed head, a dazzling smile on my face. I remember wearing the best thing I owned at the time.” “ A beautiful victorian dress with white frills. I perfectly embodied the word of elegance. Not even a queen could compete against me...however, I was shunned once more. The man even called me monster.” “So I did the only thing, I thought was proper…so I took him.” “Really, what then?” A gruff voice was heard in the void. “When did you come out of your hole?” The cold man asked. “Shush, I’m listening to the story!” An elegant man’s voice came through the void. “Hum, It seems as if everyones here.” The most beautiful feminine voice said through the void. The sensual woman laughed “I never knew my story could attract such a crowd.” She continued “but let’s continue… After taking him I went to work. I gave him soo many gifts, I gave him so much of my love just like in any relation we gave and took from each other… In the end, his eyes beheld my beauty.” “Then where is he?” The gruff man’s voice spoke “What do you mean? You're looking at him aren’t you?”

1Hamster1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
54 Chs

Another Area

Pulling away bushes, Seraph saw another tree and then an open plain.

His search for a safe place was on pause because finding a safe place in wolf territory was surprisingly difficult. During his search for the safe place, he encountered a large group of wolves, something he couldn't handle so he was forced to abandon the wolf carcass and then hide in bushes.

'Growl' Seraph patted his tummy and muttered, "I've felt hunger before but this is different…"

[ When host enters a mana deprived state, system is forced to use energy from the host. ]

Seraph made a mental note about this. His eyes roamed the forest, his spear to his side and his dagger neatly tucked into his belt. Seraph looked feral, his armor had been battered, his clothes ripped along with him being covered in dirt from head to toe he looked like a fearsome person to meet out in the jungle.

He found another cave, he could see wolves going in and out… He pulled himself to a crawl, his eyes searching the wolves. The Wolves were similar to the dark wolves, However, they were slightly different because they were a little more taller and had sharper eyes.

The Wolves walking in and out of their caves carried many things in their jaws. Which were usually pieces of shiny metals or a carcass of some animal.

'I'm not going to find a safeplace am i... ' Seraph crawled away.

Reaching a place where he was sure they wouldn't find him. He walked away downtrodden, If things didn't go his way soon he would be starving to death…

After an hour, The sun was beginning to set. Red rays of the sun, cut through leaves and shined on the forest floor and its inhabitants which included seraph who was looking at a tree with a strange expression.

Seraph climbed up the tree and hid himself onto a stable branch that held many leaves. He was hungry, he didn't dare eat the berries in the forest, he had gone the entire day without eating anything at all…

He was bitter, 'I need to exit wolf territory... Seraph didn't believe the wolves were 'everywhere' after an hour of searching for a home in this territory he found a number of wolves. He killed 8 of those wolves over time, leveling him up.

All of his stats had increased, Except for the charm stat which confused him slightly and he gained 2 stat points. 'I should've asked Astrid about what levelling up was like... '

[Name [Seraph Morning]

[Rank: Novice (Monk) ]

[Level 2, 23/200 EXP ]

(2 Stat Points)

[Strength, 5]

[Agility, 6]

[Endurance, 8]

[Mana, 6]

[Charm, 2]


Resistance Pain,


Preach, Purify, Holy Light, Holy Spear

Souls: 1.5

[Spear Of John ]

[Max Souls ]

Seraph's System was unique, he was sure that no one else in the camp had a system that talked to them and allowed them to take souls…He didn't know if his stats were good or bad. He couldn't compare the angel system stats to others because he had no form of reference.

After confirming all of his stats, Seraph stomped on the tree branch a few times. To make sure that it won't break under his weight, it wobbled a few times but in the end it stabilized. Seraph sank down on the branch carefully and took a nap on the huge tree.

Early in the morning, The sun was rising in the sky. Tickles of light, licked at seraph's body However, A dark shadow lurking within the branches ran over searph's body, the tree leaves snapped to the side under the speed and was carried in the wind where they fell down gently.

Two red eyes pierced from the leaves that covered seraph. A drooling maw opened wide, showing its sharp teeth and its black tongue.

Seraph bolted awake, his gaze wildly whipped around and landed on the red eyes staring at him. His body moved first, throwing himself from one tree branch to the other, barley catching the branch with his arms and pulling himself up.

He heard a loud bang behind him and the wretched sound of splintering wood. His entire body dreaded to look but he still turned his head to see the massive figure of a wolf, its forelimbs latched onto the tree trunk while its hind legs were now resting on a splintered stub where the branch used to be.

Seraph whipped around, immediately jumping again, his chest slammed against the branch this time. He didn't have to look back, he heard the cracking of wood again. He wrapped his arm around the branch, pulling himself down and then swung himself to another branch.

His arms flexed hard and pulled his entire body up the branch, the branch he found was broad and strong, it could've operated as a diving board if he was at a pool.

Placing his back to the trunk, he took out his spear and pointed it in the direction of the wolf… But the wolf was no longer there, only the remnants of two cracked branches and gigantic chunks of wood and bark cut out of the tree.

The forest went eerily silent, no birds would sing and the sound of silence pervaded the air like a pollutant. Within silence, is calmness and that eerie calmness made seraph's body tense, a cold sweat slowly trickle down his back and his hair stuck to his scalp as stress made him twitchy.

'Screeee' The sound of scratching made its way to his ear, Seraph jolted looking left. There was nothing there, it was in fact peaceful and calm

'Fuck! I Was wrong!' Sudden realization made him curse inside his head.

He snapped his head around to see a gigantic wolf pouncing at him, he raised his spear but the wolf was quicker and had the value of surprise on his side.

The wolf bit down hard on Seraph's shoulder pulling him down the tree, it's two paws slammed into his spear knocking it to the side.

The fall was faster than seraph even expected, he felt branches snap under his back until another sturdy branch slammed into seraph's back causing him to spit out a mouth full of blood and lose his breath.

The wolf had never let go, it's maw was there and it looked like it was there to stay, the breathing of the large wolf was calm… It was sure that this would've killed its prey by now.

Seraph got a good look at it, but he didn't want to accept this thing as his killer. He pulled out his dagger, then cut it into the wolves jaw and pulled it up.

The Dagger barely dug into the wolf's jaw, When seraph had pulled it to cut more, the dagger got stuck and the wolf let go wildly, swinging its head from side to side before roaring into the sky and retreating back, dagger still stuck into its very powerful jaw.

Seraph had fallen down and had struck his back, however, he barely felt the pain of it… It was like a dull roar and the bite he suffered to his shoulder was also like the dull roar of how it should've felt. He gritted his teeth and began to stand up, his body was wracked with pain and he could barely focus.

Finally standing, he looked at the wolf.. Who was staring at him. Seraph was taken aback for a moment, he saw the expression in the wolf's eyes. He saw them in most people who had beaten him back at home… Although it was the wolves equivalent of disgust, it made him seeth in rage.

Bastard…' Seraph didn't want to run away, he could see Alex and shi-won's faces appear beside the wolf. He wanted to desperately kill them, the knife in the wolf's jaw made him smile.

"Just wait alex… I'm going to rip out that tongue of yours." Seraph's expression turned fierce. The wolf took a step forward, it was the size of a human and its limbs were strong enough to tear through the iron like trees…

However, Seraph wasn't going to let that stop him. His hand shot forward, a light spear immediately shooting from his palm and into the direction of the wolf. The wolf paid no heed to it, it rushed forward and bit down. The holy mana which made the spear was destroyed like it was mere child's play to the wolf…

"Fuck!" Seraph leapt to the side, grabbing another branch and swinging to another. He could hear the wolf rapidly approaching him, its angered roars made him frustrated.

'I can't kill it with those attacks!' He jumped again landing on a branch with dense foliage all over it, behind him the wolf was quite literally running on the tree using its sharp claws to walk.

'System!' He threw his body to the side, a paw slamming into the side of the branch ripping it down.


'I need some help here!' He jumped into the dense foliage, a claw narrowly scraping his armored leather chestplate… but even that piece of armor barley stopped the wolves claws from tearing through it.

[You may not have enough mana to do this-]

Seraph threw himself to the side, the dense pieces of foliage were crushed underneath the weight of the large wolf. Its jaw opened wide and tasted pieces of leave and foliage where seraph used to be.

[However, your spear is extremely sharp and could potentially pierce the wolf.]

The Wolf shooks its head, thinking it had its prey. Seraph took the chance to jump to another branch, the wolf realized its mistake and spat out the wood following after seraph.

'System! Allocate all points to strength!' Seraph looked around searching for his spear. He felt strength surge into him moments later.

He spotted a metallic glint on a branch…"Fuck! That's a few branches up!" Seraph had been going down the trees originally, but now… he needed to go up the trees in order to get his spear!

He whipped his head to the side, his body was being pushed to its limits… He threw himself off the branch, and extended his arm grabbing a small branch. He could see the wolf pounce on the spot where he used to be, enraged it roared at seraph before it started climbing the tree.

Seraph looked to the side, he saw another branch he leapt, pulling the branch with him. He could see the wolf approach him, it set upon him, it;s limbs opening wide and it maw opening once more to pounce on him.

Seraph let go of the branch he was pulling back, smacking the wolf directly in its face. Causing it to go into a daze and fall, the branch and wood of this tree was stronger than regular wood so he knew that was going to hurt.

He pulled himself up grabbing another branch, scaling the tree he was desperately attempting to reach his spear.

On the ground, the wolf shook its head. A new found rage came inside of it, never had it ever been so humiliated by a human in its life. 'I'm going to torture this human before i kill it!'

It began climbing the trees. It saw the human looking down at him, which enraged it further. It dug its paws into the tree and began sprinting up the tree to where the human was.

Seraph finally stretched his arm and grabbed his spear, the exact same moment the wolf was above seraph and decided to pounce on him.

Seraph immediately let go of the branch causing him to fall, timing it right he landed on a second sturdy branch and looked at the wolf… He saw the splintered wood and the wolf, the wolf whipped its head around and pounced again toward seraph overcome with rage.

Seraph raised his spear and thrusted it into the wolf, The power of the wolf's body still knocked him off the branch. The wolf let out a stifled roar, it's paws clawing wildly on Seraph's figure. Creating many wounds on seraph's arms and chest.

Seraph twisted his body, pulling the wolf's body impaled on the spear below him. Seraph saw the dense foliage and branches beneath the wolf and smiled, the wolf was enraged it desperately attempted to cling onto seraph.

Then the wolf's body slammed onto the branch and foliage, the force of it driving the entire spear through the wolf's body. Killing it instantly.