
Angel Lord In An Isekai (WN)

What will happen when billions of people from Earth get isekai'd to a place called Endless Continent where Magic reigns supreme and are given a castle and an initial unit to fight for hegemony and immortality? Let's find out through the eyes of our protagonist Kazehaya Haru, a fresh University Graduate who gets lucky and is assigned the powerful Angel Race as his troops. Become A Member At My Ko-fi For Access To Upto Dozens Of Chapters Ahead. » KO-FI.COM/LORDARCHDUKE THIS ISN'T ACTUALLY A FANFIC BUT SINCE I WANT TO KEEP THIS WORK FREE, SOME OTHER AUTHORS RECOMMENDED ME TO PUT IT HERE AS WELL. I'M A NEWBIE SO PLEASE DON'T HESITATE TO POINT OUT ANY MISTAKES YOU SEE. P.S. This is a translation. This is NOT my novel.

LordArchduke · Anime & Comics
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95 Chs

CH78 Two-Headed Demon???

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{Word Count - 1692 Words}

"Two-Headed Demon?" Haru frowned slightly. Looking at the Goblin Elder kneeling before him he asked, "Why would they invade your territory?"

The Two-Headed Demons were not monsters. Just like the Gnomes, they belonged to the local intelligence forces of the Endless Continent. The Two-Headed Demons were far stronger than the Gnomes. Gnomes were located at the bottom of the Endless Continent. They belonged to the low-ranked intelligent race, and most of their clansmen were below the Tier 5.

As for the Two-Headed Demon, it was considered an intermediate intelligent race in the Endless Continent. When they reached adulthood, they were all elites. Their potential to become a Commander and a Lord was higher than the Goblins and Gnomes.

Haru was confused. The Two-Headed Demon looked like a surface creature. The Gnome Tribe had always been built in the underground world. The frequency of contact between the Gnomes and the underground dark creatures was higher than that between the Gnomes and the surface creatures.

"Almighty Lord, the territory of the Two-Headed Demon is not far from our Gnome Tribe," the Gnome Elder said, trembling. "We've been in contact with them before and both sides were peaceful but now, the chief of our tribe, the commanders, tribal warriors, all are dead and have headed to the Divine Realm! The Evil Two-Headed Demons sent an army to invade our tribe."

"Almighty Lord, your believers pursue the light, have a firm faith, and regard and evil creatures as mortal enemies, but we can't resist that group of Two-Headed Demons that have fallen into darkness. The people of the tribe are on the brink of death. We pray for your protection! Please send a powerful Divine messenger to destroy those evil creatures!" Hearing this, Haru immediately understood. The Gnome Tribe and the Two-Headed Demon Tribe used to coexist peacefully.

Although the two tribes had some contact, there was no war. This was because the Gnome Tribe had the protection of a Tier 9 Gnome Chief. The Two-Headed Demons did not dare to invade the Gnome Tribe easily. Now, the Gnome Chief and the commanders of the Gnome tribe, as well as many elite Gnomes, have been killed by his Angel Team, the tribe's strength had plummeted.

The Two-Headed Demon immediately took advantage of the situation and invaded the Gnome territory. Speaking of which, the Gnome Tribe had been invaded, and it was directly related to him. However, to Haru, this was good news. He was worried about where to find other local forces in the Dark Forest. Now, the Two-Headed Demon Tribe had taken the initiative to present themselves!

At this moment, the Six-Winged Angel Auriel stood up. She pointed her Holy Sword at the Gnome Elder's head and said coldly," You lowly Gnome, as believers of the Lord, how dare you to fear death? Looks like your faith is not firm!"

"Honorable Divine Messenger!" The Gnome Elder lay on the ground. Being pointed at his head by the Angel's Holy Sword, he did not look frightened. On the contrary, his expression was firm and his gaze was fervent. He said, "The believers of the Lord are fearless of death. Our faith is incomparably pious! Death is our path to eternal life in the Divine Realm. This is the highest honor of believers! We are willing to sacrifice everything for the Almighty, including life!"

"However, our mission has yet to be completed. We must spread the Lord's faithfulness to all Gnome Tribes, to the Kingdom of Gnomes, and every corner of the world! When the Lord's Divine radiance envelops, the entire Endless Continent, pious believers will be led by the Holy Spirit to the Divine Realm! We will put ourselves in the embrace of the Lord and serve the almighty Lord for eternity."

"Very good!" Six-Winged Angel Auriel was quite satisfied. She put away the Holy Sword in her hand and said, "Believe in God and have eternal life! The Almighty would protect devout believers! As long as your faith is firm enough, you will be as eternal as a God!"

"Praise the Lord!" The Gnome Elder and the others looked even more fervent. They knelt in front of Haru, their faith unprecedentedly firm. Haru did not doubt that once he asked the Gnome Elders to die; they would not hesitate to use a 'flame' to burn themselves to ashes, allowing their pure soul to ascend to the Divine Realm.

This was the power of faith! The God of Faith would protect the believers. Haru believed that sooner or later, he would become a True God, open up a Divine Realm, and bring the souls of devout believers to his Divine Realm! Believing in him and obtaining eternal life was not a casual remark.

As for now, it was more important to destroy the Two-Headed Demon Tribe. The matter of becoming a God would be discussed later. Haru nodded to Seraphina, the Angel of Love. She understood what the Lord meant. She looked at the Gnome Elder and asked, "Almighty Lord will protect your Gnome Tribe! Tell me more about the Two-Headed Demon Tribe!"

"Praise the Lord!" The Gnome Elder said excitedly," The one who invaded our territory is a small tribe of Two-Headed Demons. They have more than five hundred Two-Headed Demons, and their general strength is around the Tier 5! There are nearly three hundred elite Two-Headed Demons, eight Two-Headed Demon Commanders, and a Tier 9 Two-Headed Demon Chief!"

"Before our Chief headed to the Divine Realm, our Gnome Tribe and the Two-Headed Demon Chief are not much different." Overall, the Gnome Tribe was slightly weaker than the Two-Headed Demon Tribe in their heyday. This was because the Two-Headed Demon was stronger than the Gnome. An Elite Two-Headed Demon could easily deal with two or three Elite Gnomes.

However, if a Tribal Battle was started, the Two-Headed Demon Tribe would not be able to completely defeat the Gnome Tribe. They would suffer heavy losses. This was the reason why the two tribes could barely coexist peacefully. If one of the tribes was much stronger, then war would have already occurred.

The local forces of the Endless Continent were not harmonious and peaceful. Especially for races in the chaotic camp, it is common to go to war. Only in the center of the Endless Continent would there be fewer wars. The races in those areas called themselves the Good Order Faction. At least on the surface, they maintained peace in the central area to prevent the invasion of the evil forces. As for the chaos camp and the evil camp's ruling area, war was common. Especially the underground world, which is the paradise of the evil camp and dark creatures, unknown times crueler than the surface world.

Haru ordered to the Seraphina, Lysandra and the other upper rank angels," You lead the Angel Team to the underground world to help the Gnome Tribe defend against the invasion of the Two-Headed Demon. After, attack the Two-Headed Demon's territory. Destroy that Two-Headed Demon tribe!"

"Yes, my Lord!" Seraphina, the Angel of Love, and the other upper-rank angels complied. Following that, the Angel Team set off. Together with the Gnome Elder, they headed straight for the Gnome Tribe in the underground world. Six-Winged Archangel Mary stayed behind as usual. She followed Haru to guard Angel Castle.

For Mary, it was an honor to serve at the Lord's right hand. She was very happy. In comparison, advancing to a higher rank was not that important. However, in Haru's opinion, the job of guarding the castle was a huge waste of time for the Six-Winged Archangel, Mary.

She should be with the Angel Team, killing the enemy and obtain energy points to advance to a higher rank. This was more valuable. Six-Winged Archangel Mary was now at the peak of Tier 9. Just like the Angel Of Love Seraphina, she was a step away from advancing to King Tier but now, he was trapped in Angel Castle and could not fight. It will be a little delayed.

However, Haru had no choice. Angel Castle must be protected. His strength was limited. He could only station more angels to guard the castle with him. Among all the angels, his favorite was Mary.

"We need to increase the defense of Angel Castle as soon as possible. It would be best if we have a protective barrier to cover the entire castle! "That way, you won't have to stay in the castle."

"My Lord! Protecting the castle, protecting you, it's my job as an angel! I'm very lucky to be by your side. Seraphina, Lysandra, and the others all envy me."

"It's different." Haru waved his hand. Of course, he knew that the angels' faith was fervent, and serving him was their honor. However, he was most focused on the improvement of the castle's strength. In this plan, Six-Winged Archangel Mary was one of the key points. An Archangel like Mary could not always be on the job of guarding the castle. She had to go out and fight to realize her potential.

Haru thought to himself," After a period, when the Angel Reincarnation Pool reaches the level 4, we will prepare to set up an Angel Guardian Shield to protect Angel Castle.' Losing the Beginner Protection Barrier with absolute defense was a huge headache for all Castle Lords. The Castle Lords could no longer send out all of their troops to hunt wild monsters. On the contrary, they had to station a portion to prevent the castle from being attacked and destroyed by the enemy.

To station troops to protect the castle directly affected the efficiency of hunting. It was annoying. The basic reason was that the castle's defense was insufficient. Haru now hoped to raise the [Angel Reincarnation Pool] to level 4 as soon as possible and then immediately prepare to arrange the Angel Guardian Shield.

With the Guardian Shield, his castle's defense would be greatly enhanced. Even if the King Tier Fire Dragon attacked, he would not be afraid. With the defense of the Guardian Shield, it could delay the attack till the Angel Team's emergency return.


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