
Chapter 2

*Jasmine's P.O.V.*


'Ok, I got to go pack now' I thought to myself. 'But first I need to make a list of what I need'

--Jasmine's list--






•High heels



•Birth control pills

•Other vitamins

•A couple books

•.... (Other things I can't think of right now)

'Ok, now that I have made my list I got to pack!'

I grabbed everything I needed and checked the list afterwards.

-One hour later-

'Ok, I'm done. Time to go say bye to Daddy!'

"Come on Angel, come on Demon." I called to my two cats.

I walked to where my dad was before speaking.

"Dad, I'm ready to go now." I spoke softly.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yes sir."

"Alright, I'm going to miss you!"

"So am I!"

The portal appeared.

"Bye Dad!" I said giving him one last hug.

"Bye my sweet Jasmine!"

I walked through the portal.

*Steven's P.O.V.*

"Father I'm ready to go." I said to my father.

"Good, now go." He said as the portal appeared.

"Goodbye father." I said as I walked through the portal.