
Chapter 1

Hi, I'm Jasmine, and I'm an Angel, and this is my story.

*Jasmine's P.O.V.*

-A month ago-

"Jasmine, I have a job for you." My dad, God, called.

"Yes, daddy?" I asked.

"I need you to go to Earth."

"Where to?"

"Georgia, USA."

"Where do I have to go to?"

"Anywhere, as long as it is the capital or the southwest."

"How long can I stay?"

"As long as you want, as long as you behave."

"Ok. When do I go?"

"Next month."

"Ok, do you want me to go pack?"



*Steven's P.O.V.*

"Steven!" My father, the Devil, yells, not knowing I was behind him.

"Yes" I answer.

"Fuck! Steven, don't do that!"

"Oh, come on! It's funny!"

"Like hell it is!"

"You owe me $100,000,000 now."


"Yeah, you do! You made the wrong choice by betting that I couldn't do it."

"Fuck you!" He growled, as he paid me the money he promised.

"I don't think so, besides, I'll fuck whom I want! Anyways, what do you want?"

"God sent Jasmine to Georgia, USA, and you are to follow her."

"Why do I have to follow her?"

"Because I want you to **** her."


"You will do as your told, or else you will never be the next devil!"

"Fine" I growled. "Where do I have to go?"

"Colquitt County."

"Guess I'll go pack now."

"Good boy."

I walked out the room after I flipped him off. I walked off to my room, and grabbed my knife, opened the blade, and threw the knife at the target on the wall, before I started to pack.