
Angel Down, Deception

Angel Kael refuses to believe that his brother has fallen. Logan was a great guardian angel; he would never become a fallen angel. Another question that baffles Kael is who murdered Prophet Joshua of earth and why? These questions drive Kael to break one of heaven's rules - that of going down to earth to investigate. On earth he quickly discovers that nothing is as it seems and before long, he finds himself breaking a few more rules as he unravels numerous secrets and mysteries, and the most important rule that he ends up breaking is that of falling in love with a human. Angel Down, Deception is a supernatural, romance thriller.

Ursula_Graetz · Fantasy
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26 Chs


A dark gloomy mist encircled the oversized iron gates of purgatory. Even the large torches lighting the entrance seemed no match for the ominous darkness, which seemed to have the ability to fizzle out the lighting effects these torches were trying so hard to achieve.

Kael wore his usual outdoor attire whilst doing business in the surrounding areas of the Kingdom. Plain white cotton trousers and matching white top comfortably accommodated his large, white pair of intimidating wings. He strutted along the coal-like cobble-stoned pathway with a burning fortitude. Despite the stuffiness in the air, he had strength in his step, and a determination in his heart, as he headed down the path toward the charcoal-coloured gates of purgatory. His white loafers were soon black-coated from walking over the grit and grime, but it did not bother him today, as it would normally have. His only goal right now was his mission to prove his brother's innocence.

"Overseer Kael, it's so good to see you." One of the two angels guarding the gates greeted Kael warmly as he approached.

"Angel Dan," Kael greeted with a courteous nod, which was devoid of a smile.

"What brings you to the gates of purgatory, Overseer?" Dan asked.

"I need to see Jamael," Kael replied. "Please let him know I need to see him, immediately."

"Yes sir," Dan replied humbly, before turning around to scurry down the pathway. He did not want to keep an Overseer waiting.

Kael took this as his chance to proceed forward but immediately stopped dead in his tracks when the long, sharp edge of a sword almost touched his neck, mere inches away from piercing his skin.

Kael glowered.

"That's far enough. Step back," the second angel warned, and Kael could detect the angel's over-eagerness to challenge him.

Kael bit back his desire to teach the angel a lesson on Respecting the Chain of Command 101. But he didn't have time to waste. He knew this angel's rebellious nature all too well.

"Angel Khan," Kael greeted stiffly and then irately pushed the sword away with his index finger before regarding the angel with a quick disapproving glance. He finally broke his tempered gaze and instead peered through the gates, into the deep dusky depths of purgatory. As he narrowed his eyes, he focused his gaze on trying to recognize the angel who was strolling toward them. It was Jamael, the Gatekeeper of purgatory himself. An angel who refused to leave the confounds of purgatory. And the angel was taking his sweet time getting to the gates. As usual this annoyed Kael, who had a thing about punctuality and never keeping people waiting.

"Kael, I've been expecting you." The angel's voice was shrill and irritating, much like his personality.

"Then you know why I've come, Jamael. Take me to see Logan."

Jamael shook his head and Kael was almost sure he had noted a smirk smudged across his pudgy face for a split second.

"You know I can't do that. Rules are rules," Jamael replied, his words painfully slow.

"He's my brother, Jamael," Kael's own words were growing louder and igniting with anger.

"It makes no difference here."

Kael fumed and his face burned red hot with an already dangerous fury that kindled a growing rage deep within him. With fingers scrunched tightly together in a fist he uttered between clenched teeth, "I need to find out the truth. You are the Gatekeeper, so you are the only one who has the authority to let me in. So, let me in."

"And I am telling you now, as Gatekeeper, I cannot allow you to enter purgatory." His eyes were filled with a stubbornness that was surely made of steel, and which Kael was sorely tempted to break. Nothing would please him more.

Sensing Kael's wrath the Gatekeeper quickly added, "if I bend or break the rules, then I am no different from your brother. And before I know it, I too will be sitting beside him, locked up in chains and waiting for judgment day like the rest of the fallen." He paused just long enough to add a stiff smirk. "You will have to wait until then."

"What? Wait until judgment day? Are you insane? That could be another thousand years for all we know. God has His own time."

"Precisely my point."

"No, I demand that you take me to see my brother, now."

"Not going to happen." Jamael's stubbornness was usually like glue, only this time it came with an icy frosting of spite.

Kael was ready to explode but he knew it would get him nowhere. Arguing with Jamael was like arguing with a jellyfish – you'll just get stung again and again.

"Fine, but hear this, I will get to the truth behind my brother's alleged falling, with or without your help. And rest assured, my brother is innocent, and he will be getting out of purgatory – and not in a thousand years' time, but sooner than you can blink an eyelid."

"Really?" Jamael rolled his tongue and there was no mistaking it this time; he had a distinct sneer on his face. It was no wonder he was chosen to be the gatekeeper of purgatory, destined to spend all eternity within its dark and grimy borders. It suited his personality perfectly. Although purgatory was a part of the Kingdom, it was the furthest part – known as a grey area. A place where it almost seemed as though a continuous vacuum devoured the life essence right out of a soul in its proximity, draining it from the very source of light and joy.

Actually, now that he thought about it, Kael realized it was the perfect place for an angel like Jamael. He definitely didn't belong in the heavens and nor did his guard, Khan. He almost felt sorry for poor old Dan who had to put up with this gloomy duo. But then again, humble and kind Dan had a purpose for being there. He had to keep the light shining and maintain balance. It didn't make it any easier a job though, he guessed. Kael made a mental note to, at a later stage, do something nice for Dan to show his appreciation.

"Will that be all, Overseer?" Jamael coaxed Kael.

Kael glowered and without another word, he indignantly turned and plodded back down the dark, murky road. He would be back and then both Jamael and Khan would have to attend extra lessons on Show Brotherly Love 101. They would soon learn that even though the Kingdom consisted of various regions, purgatory being one of them, albeit that it was situated on the outskirts, they were all subject to the same laws of love and compassion, something these two clearly knew little about.

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