
Angel across the MULTIVERSE.

The worlds need saving and who better to the job than an ANGEL? So, things happen and one thing leads to the other, and a lot of things happen. Oh, curious are we? Just give it a read.

PuRplE · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

Chapter 3: Witnessing a Miracle.

Bibi Dong was absorbing the spirit rings like eating candies, popping one after the other as her Spirit Power kept rising like a torrent. Each of them was built specifically for her, personalized to meet her needs meticulously. Xiao Lu's connection to nature let him draw on its energy as he was condensing the rings for her to absorb.

The tree Title Douluos on the other hand was contemplating Xiao Lu's offer. It was a really big gamble on their part, for they knew that if he were to renegade on their deal, they would fall a rank and have to cultivate back up from the 80th rank.

But on a positive note, Xiao Lu wanted a parlay between the humans and the spirit beasts, they had seen him bestow Spirit Rings to Bibi Dong and they were made tailored to her specifications and were much better synchronized with her Spirit Souls.

They shared a look and nodded together to see that they were in favor of the motion to give Xiao Lu a Spirit Ring each, despite having no idea how he would do that. The closest thing to that was the Ring Exploding Technique used by the Clear Sky Clan, but somehow, they knew that they could trust the huge tree before them.

After a while, Bibi Dong finished assimilating her 16 rings and sat down in meditation to consolidate her increase in strength. The three Title Douluos placed their hands on the trunk of Xiao Lu and felt like they were rooted to the spot and their Spirit Power was leaking out at a rapid pace as they could feel themselves regressing a rank as they lost their rings.

They saw three 100,000-year rings floating around Xiao Lu in a menacing scarlet glare as they started spinning as they were being absorbed by him.

The clear sky was overcast with dark clouds as streaks of thunder flashed through them, a vortex forming over the towering Golden Tree.


A blinding flash and a resounding boom shocked the world as the first bolt of lightning hit the crown of the tree. Birds and beasts fled for their lives as their instincts dictated, they knew that being anywhere near the tree could cost them their lives.

The tribulation was unforgiving, as it shot dozens of bolts to any life it sensed around its target. But Xiao Lu stood there like a lightning rod, not letting a single bolt of the lightning pass, effectively saving the lives of all life around him. Qian Xunji who was the most knowledgeable shuddered at the sight as it unfolded before him.

He knew that the bests would have to pass through a heavenly tribulation to cultivate beyond every 100,000 years. The very thought of the fact the tree before him absorbed three 100,000-year rings at once while his own spirit power that was at the threshold of reaching the 100,000 mark was rapidly increasing.

Eight bolts of thunder later, when the nine tribulations were over, the colossal tree started glowing as it shrunk. Slowly the light faded and there stood a child around the age of four or five. The boy stood there in a yellow shit and a green overcoat.

He had lustrous green hair with mystifying teal eyes with hints of ocean blue that looked like they held the starry skies within. He had a charming face despite the traces of baby fat on him, with the two little moles under his left eye making him fatal to any woman's heart.

"Excuse me for a while, please have a seat while I consolidate my form and mold a divine brand." Xiao Lu said in a childish voice that no longer sounded like the ancient far-sounding voice he had before.

Bibi Dong who was done with internalizing her increase in rings and cultivation had opened her eyes as she saw 'the cutest child' she had ever seen. She wanted to do nothing more than smother the cuteness out of him, but seeing the Golden Tree missing and the presence of the child in front of her, she simply added one and one together.

It did not take her a second to realize that the child before her was none other than Thomas, and the thought that Thomas would stay with her managed to make her hold the irresistible desire to cuddle the little sugarplum before her eyes.

Xiao Lu meditated to internalize his cultivation. A towering shadow of the Golden tree formed behind his little frame and a beautiful bright purple ring formed around him and softly hovered with him in the center. A string of beautiful green patterns glowed beautifully in the purple ring as Xiao Lu absorbed it.

It did not stop there, another ring formed around him and this time the color was not the same one as before, it was a shade of dark purple.

They were shocked to see Xiao Lu awaken with innate full spiritual power rank 20. With the second ring that was nearing a 10,000-year ring, Xiao Lu was a Spirit Grand Master, a six-year-old Grand Master. Just the mere news of it would cause storms back in the capital and all of them knew very well what that meant.

"Let's go and meet the Seraphim God's Apostle. Your rings will be returned there, so don't worry about it, and let me have a word with the others before I leave with you." Xiao Lu said as he walked off towards the lake.

"This will either be the greatest blessing or the absolute undoing of the Spirit Hall, I pray to the Goddess that it all ends well and the Sprit Hall rises like a phoenix." Qian Xunji whispered looking at the departing back of Xiao Lu.

The beautiful eyes of Bibi Dong glittered with hope and excitement for the future. She decided to step up for the first time and now she has the backup she was waiting for, she was finally prepared to enter the political turmoil.


Xiao Lu's Ring Configuration.

1st ring: 4000 years. Skill: Nature's Grace. <AOE Healing Skill>

2nd ring: 9800 years. Skill: Bind and Absorb. <Vines entrap the target/s and absorb vitality or directly from the ground.>

Future ones will come as time shall pass.

And for those who are new to Soul Land.

There are five kinds of rings and one is mythic.

10-year old ring <White>

100-year old ring <Yellow>

1,000-year old ring <Purple>

10,000-year old ring <Black>

100,000-year old ring <Red>

1,000,000-year old ring <Golden> [The Mythic one]

The normal and optimal configuration is 2 yellow, 2 purple, 4 black, and 1 red ring combo.

I am sad to inform you that the VGA that was delivered was a bit faulty and it needs to be replaced.

It is really troublesome to type on the phone.

Respect for the writers who do it on a regular basis. But for me who has bear hands, it's quite... no it's absolutely hellish.

Pardon the small chap and don't worry I will get a replacement in the next three days.

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