
Angel across the MULTIVERSE.

The worlds need saving and who better to the job than an ANGEL? So, things happen and one thing leads to the other, and a lot of things happen. Oh, curious are we? Just give it a read.

PuRplE · Anime & Comics
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75 Chs

Chapter 2: The Negotiator.

"Xiao Lu, you were really awesome out there. Can you speak? Just how strong are you? Will you become stronger once you cross the 100,000-year threshold? But I am still the big sister alright?" Xiao Wu was shooting off with her mouth at a pace that could make rappers blush.

"Yes, I can speak, I will get much stronger after I cross the threshold, and you can be the big sister, you old woman, you will never find a husband if you keep being petty, childish, violent, and being cute won't save you then. And back to the point…" Xiao Lu spoke answering her while taking a jab but was unceremoniously interrupted by her trying to kick Xiao Lu's trunk and hurting her foot in the process.

"Xiao Wu, let Lu'er speak. Don't interrupt him." The mama bunny chided the little bunny.

"Thank you, aunty, now as I was speaking, the humans who came here were from the Spirit Hall and they came looking for a 100,000-year ring for themselves. The force they have is impossible to impede for me alone, but even if we start a beast riot, it won't do us any well other than a meaningless loss of lives of the ones who had nothing to do with this mess." Xiao Lu spoke in a soft voice that was almost ethereal and far sounding.

"There is nothing for you children to worry about, I will take care of it." The older rabbit said with her gentle voice.

"Oh, we have a visitor. Let's welcome her and see if we can sort this mess without any of us dying or killing." Da Ming spoke for the first time.

"Yes, I was the one who let them come for parlay, let's hope we can sort this one out Da Ming, and make sure that Er Ming does not throw a tantrum with the humans around, they tend to be fragile." Xiao Lu spoke as they looked in the direction from where Bibi Dong was approaching.

A beautiful woman approached the base of the Golden Tree, with skin flawless like jade and fair as ivory. Her lustrous amethyst hair crowned her head as they cascade down to her waist, her eyes like that of a child's innocent and demanding of attention, yet her bearing held a grace of regality and poise.

She was the Holy Maiden of the Spirit Hall, Bibi Dong. She walked through the forest as she reached the base of the tree known by many names, 'the golden tree', 'the crowning jewel of Star Dou', 'the heart of Star Dou', and such. She knew that she would meet Thomas in this forest and already guessed that it would most likely be the most eye-catching thing in the whole forest.

The reason for thinking so was because her father said and I quote, "You will meet him in the star dou forest and don't worry you will know once you are there, quite the visible form he is in, HAHA."

"Welcome to the forest human, I hope you are here for parlay." Xiao Lu spoke.

"Yes it would be so, but I have to admit that I am quite surprised to see you knowing so much of our ways." Bibi Dong spoke in a voice that could ensnare man and beast alike.

"It would appear so, but could you call that man to have a seat with you, I rather not have humans talking about us for being poor hosts." Xiao Lu spoke as a beautifully made table formed out of his roots accompanied by four chairs and a little basket.

Bibi Dong was shocked at the display, while the Ghost Douluo was sweating bullets. Regardless they took the seats while on the other side sat Xiao Wu and her mum.

Xiao Lu graciously gave them a few spirit fruits to eat, while Xiao Wu was smiling ear to ear as she was nibbling on her fruit, absolutely unconcerned about what was happening around her.

"No need to be so tensed, what we want is a little accord with you humans. I will bless you with nature bestowed rings, one that will not have the hatered of the beasts or the spiritual shock that accompanies the ring. It will be quite similar to the God Bestowed rings but they won't grow as you do. They will only suit you and your needs and form at an age that is optimal for your body."

"I would do it for any of you humans who desire a spirit ring over 50,000 years. You can just make a pilgrimage to here and place a hand on my trunk, I will do the rest. No more killing of sentient beasts, accord?" Xiao Lu asked as he dropped a bomb on them.

"I know that this decision is way beyond your station, but worry not, for I will accompany you back to the Spirit Hall to have a little chat with Qian Daoliu." Xiao Lu spoke with a jovial tone of voice.

"You little lady will have the first nature bestowed ring, even if you have doubts or reservations, we understand for it is only natural. But once you place your hand on me, you will know what to choose. But that's for later, please call the rest of your people, even if we don't have much, we can still put up some guests for a while." Xiao Lu spoke as the Ghost Douluo nodded.

He left to bring the rest while Helena picked up a fruit that looked like a big apple but with a golden shine to it with spirit power flowing through it. She modestly took a bite as he eyes opened wide and she ate the rest of the fruit with gusto, only after it was finished did she realize her barbaric manner of eating and blushed a little because of her display.

"Aunty, Xiao Wu, you guys go with the boys and leave this to me. I promise that there will be no more bloodshed, no innocent shall die in another's quest for power." Xiao Lu spoke softly.

Now that they were alone Bibi Dong broke the silence, "Are you Thomas?" she asked as her dainty hand touched Xiao Lu.

"I am milady, I come on my God's request to aid you in your quest. The first step has already been taken and the die has been cast, it's a gamble now for the answer to the choice between peace and war. But please remain assured that now that I am here, no harm shall befall you milady." Xiao Lu spoke telepathically.

"My name in this world is Xiao Lu and I shall be your sword and shield as I aid you in your quest. Now please take a meditative stance as I make you a spirit ring that will suit you the best and grow once I unlock my divinity after crossing the 100,000-year threshold." Xiao Lu said as his leaves rustled in the wind.

"I accept your services, but I will not be your better, as we hold the same status in this world. Treat me as you would treat a peer Xiao Lu, and for the ring, can you give me the rings needed for my other Spirit and replace the ones I currently have?" She asked with a tinge of doubt in her voice.

"Yes, I can do that for you milady. Please prepare yourself and imagine the skills you want from them and make sure that your thoughts are as clear as possible." Xiao Lu said as he used Legilimency to see through her thoughts to get an idea of what skills she wanted from her rings and started constructing them.

Time passed and the three Title Douluos came to find Bibi Dong sitting in a meditative state as she was absorbing a spirit ring that glowed in a scarlet hue but the patterns were even more intricate and beautiful compared to the 100,000-year rings they had seen so far, but the most intriguing thing was that thin loop of symbols that were sparking in a vibrant shade of green.

The whole process took no longer than three minutes as she assimilated the ring. But what left them with their jaws on the floor was the sight where another similar ring floated out of the damned tree that had troubled them to no end but now the feelings were bittersweet.

At first, the three were simply unwilling to believe that a tree could bestow spirit rings like a God, but now that they were witnessing it happen right before them, they were left with no choice to believe and be grateful that their disciple/Holy Maiden was receiving such a gift.

"Welcome humans, and the descendent of Seraphim's Apostle. Please take a seat and have a fruit while the little lady is done with accepting her rings. As we speak, the little lady is on her way to be a Spirit Douluo with rings on both her spirits. Yes, before you ask, I replaced the ones she had before coming here and the ones I give would be no worse than the God bestowed ones after I cross the 100,000-year threshold." Xiao Lu spoke.

"Are you a God?" Qian Xunji asked.

"No I am not a God, but I am the Nature's Spirit or the manifestation of nature's will. I will have a divinity after a while but you guys can help me with that, lend me three 100,000-year rings and I will return you better ones. So, capiche?" Xiao Lu spoke with the three dumbfounded Title Douluos who felt like their worldview was going on a massive update.

After the three rebooted, they started an exciting bout of internal discussion as they would throw a look at the huge tree once in a while as they discussed with more fervor.

"Alright, we accept, but for your proposition, only my father has the power to decide on something like that." Qian Xunji spoke with an earnest look on his face.

The die has been cast and the plot is starting to roll as the canon is going to be hurled off the cliff.

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