

Lauren was a mortal who died mysteriously at the age of 18 years old and was reborn as an angel. Fate is Lauren's love interest. They met during his mission as an angel. Lauren did not know that she is the daughter of a man named Lucas who was responsible for his death. Lucas is an evil cult leader and a follower of Asmodeus, one of the princes of hell and the personification of lust. He has been targetting Laurel, a Nephilim, to offer his soul to Asmodeus in exchange for immortality.

Daoist1Iq31K · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Second Mission

He was sitting on the roof top of the building again, still trying to sink what he saw earlier in his mind.

He had the opportunity to save a human's life, or even a human's soul but he was not able to do anything at all.

l am not used to being an angel yet. I don't know yet the things I can and I can' t do. Is there like Angel 101 subject in heaven?" He waited if there could be someone who would answer him, but no one did.

"What happened earlier? It was too sudden. He wiped his face using her hands, trying to clear his thoughts.

I could not believe what happened back there. Can someone tell me what is going on? Do I have to fight demons in taking human's soul to save them or just let them take the souls?" he asked loudly.

He tried to recall what happened earlier. "The woman canit see me, she intentionally killed herself and her soul was taken away by a demon-based on his appearance-and did he laugh at me? He was mocking me!"

He punched his leg out of frustration. Let me see you one more time, I will make your demon life miserable!"

He looked up in the dark sky. "How come the woman could not see me? Do I still need to do something for humans to see me? How can I blend in with them if I am invisible?" he asked loudly. He was trying to ask Arch Daniel, hoping he will respond to him.

He waited for a response but no one did.

"Archangel, can you hear me?!" he screamed. His voice echoed in the air.

"You need to save one soul while you are invisible in order for you to have a physical form," a voice out of nowhere said. He recalled Archangel Raniel's voice. "You need to make someone believe in you, and restore his or her faith to our creator.

"How can I possibly do that if I can't even touch them?" He felt so frustrated thinking of his impossible task.

"That's your problem, not mine. You requested this, solve it yourself. Bye for now." Archangel Raniel's voice echoed and slowly faded.

"What? His eyes rolled. "How can I do that? You're impossible!" he screamed, but not response from the archangel. "Raniel? Raniel!" he kept calling his name but he did not reply.

I wonder if he is just watching over there and laughing at my misery. He could feel his anger meter rose up, but he can't complaint. He asked this mission and he wanted to uncover his past.

"I am a hopeless angel" He sighed deeply while watching the busy city below.

The vehicles kept coming back and forth. The headlights and streetlights shone bright, looked like constellation of stars in the sky. He looked up again to see the sky. There were no stars because of thick cloud and smoke. He looked down again to see the entire city.

Stars aren't in the sky anymore. He exhaled deeply. "I need to get down and roam around. Il try to save one more soul."

He released his wings and flew a few meters above the ground. "No one could see me anyway. I will use my wings to look for a lost soul to save.

He continued flying for almost an hour and he could not still decide who will be his next mission. "How will I know if the personi's soul is lost or not?"

He wanted to give up, but he could not do so. He wanted to find his family-if he had one on his past life. He also wanted to find his killer.

He flew towards the riverbank, hoping to see someone he could save. "How can l save them though?"

He landed at the riverbank's side, and saw a middle-aged man sitting on the edge. He was just staring at the water.

"He's just probably trying to see his reflection in the water."

The man bent and tried to see his own reflection, but he failed because the river's water is black. "Pollution in the sky and pollution in water... humans, what have you done?" He slapped his own forehead. "1 forgot, I was once a human, too."

He gazed at the man who started murmuring words he could barely hear. He walked closer and tried to listen to him.

"Why is my life so miserable?" the man asked to himself ina soft, slow voice.

"Are you okay?" he asked the man, almost forgot no one could see him.

"My wife left me, ny son died, my daughter was abused, our house was foreclosed. What did I do wrong? Why am I being punished?"

He saw tears flowing in the man's eyes. He sobbed while talking. "I hate my life. I hate everything in this world. God forsaken me and abandoned my family!"

"Hey, don't say that!" he said. "God just gave you trials. Hang on tight and believe in Him. He won't give you problems you cannot resolve. "Trust Him!"

The man could not hear him. He continued blabbering giberish words, and cried. Itveent on for a few more minutes before the man stopped. He slowly stood up.

"What are you planning to do?" he asked. He could feel his frustration and depression. His mind is unstable and he is emotional now.

The man slowly stepped forward towards the river, and hanged one of his foot in the air, ready to jump in. Lauren quickly went closer and tried to pull the man back, but he failed. Physical contact was impossible.

The man jumped into the river.

"Nol" He opened his wings to save the man. He flew above him and tried to pull him up, but he could not hold him. He just passed through the man's body, even the river water could not get him wet. "Damn!"

He looked around to see if there's anyone around who could save the man, but there was none.

"Somebody help us!" he screamed and panicked. He tried to see if he has any power he could use to save the man.