
Chapter 2: Finding Daddy

Finding daddy for Julie was never so hard as it was for Anna because she dont know how can she make sure about the real daddy among those 5 names.

Their 1st Target was Stephen Josh.

He was a rich and handsome fitness trainer.

Anna & Laila Joins his fitness center as Anna need to get trained for the beauty pageant as well as this was a good chance to get to know about Stephen.

Laila and Anna thinks about getting Stephen's hair for the DNA test but when they met him in the gym they were all shocked and sad because Stephen was a blad.

Anna asks her doctor friend about other source of getting DNA then doctor recommends her to get his saliva.

As Stephen was very disciplined man he never keep his used things like bottles, cups so on carelessly that's why it was also very hard for Anna to get his saliva.

Then Anna decides to date him so that she can get his saliva. Anna tries to hit on Stephen by doing some sexy moves.

While Stephen was also all into her moves.

As Stephen was whole into her they started dating.

And finally the D day came when Anna had her 1st date with Stephen. They goes in a beautiful restuarant for the dinner there Anna spills wine on Stephen and asks him to clean it off so that stain won't harm his dress.

At the mean time Laila comes in and take a glass used by Stephen. So, with the glass used by Stephen their 1st target was completed.

But unfortunately Stephen was not the man they were looking for because his DNA didn't matched with Julie's.

But they still had 4 options still remaining.. They looks up at the 2nd option and their 2nd target was Joseph Lee who was an American-Korean pastry chef.

Laila remembers that Joseph once had crush on her so she takes the leading part of this mission.

Laila enters inside Joseph's bakery and orders a red velvet cake. She tries to talk with him.

"Josh? Joseph? is that you? " Laila acts as she was not sure about his identity.

"Yeah I'm Joseph.. How can I help you mam?" He replied.

"Joseph! yeah.. I know you.. aren't you the Joseph Lee from St. Montero High?" She asks.

"Yeah.. I'm. How did you knew about me?" He asks again.

"it's me Laila, Laila Stewart. " she introduces herself.

"Laila.. omg! Laila is that you" He replies with an exciting face.

After that Laila and Joseph talks to each other as they liked each other very much.

After dating each other continuously for 3 days Laila pushes Joseph towards the wall and starts kissing him. As Joseph also liked her very much he too kisses her back and they were having very intimate moment.

In between these moments Laila Pulls his hairs and then pushes him back.

"Ah! Joseph just now I remembered something very important, I will get back soon" Laila runs from there.

After getting Joseph's hair samples Anna gets them to the lab for the DNA test. But once again they were unfortunate.

As they didn't had much time so without wasting a second they head toward the 3rd target, William Kennedy.

William was a very rich businessman, model , brand ambassador & one of the Judge of the beauty pageant world.

With such a high profile background it was difficult for Anna to meet him so they made a plan to get into his life.

Anna gets a job at the make-up department.

While working as a make up artist in William's Anna also focuses on her 4th target as they have very less time with them.

Michael Smith, he was a married man who was having affair with another women. Smith was an interior designer as he was womanizer so Anna thought it will be easy to get his DNA by seducing him.

So, Anna goes at his show room and tries to flirt with him. Smith invites Anna to his hotel room.

Anna wears a very sexy red dress as it might help her to get into his weak point.

At her way Smith's to room she bumps into her boss William. He was all wasted and drunk.

Anna gets shocked to see him drunk like this. But she thoughts this will be a very good time to get his hair samples for the DNA as he was a very busy personality.

Anna gets William into his room and take off his tie and belt. She was trying to get his hair but William grabs her hands and pulls her towards him. He looks into her eyes and says Anna I love you . William kisses her very passionately in her lips. Anna tries to stop him but as her weak point was handsome man. She can't resist him and there again they had a very great sex.

Next morning, Anna wakes up. She doesn't find William in his room. She wears her dress and take William's comb for the test. But unfortunately the result was still same.

Anna was very furious with the results as she was fade up from acting and all. At the mean time she sees Michael at a jewelry shop with an another women she was neither his wife nor his mistress. When she went inside the shop and looked into them then she realised that the girl with Michael was under aged girl and Michael was her sugar daddy.

Anna was already furious and tired from her failures were as she sees him with that under aged girl her anger crossed it's limit.

Anna raise her step towards Michael and slaps him.

"How dare you to date under aged girl. Do you know how hard it will be for her if she gets pregnant at this age, she can't go to the school, can't get to fulfill her dreams, she can't be herself at all" Anna shouts at her.

"What hell.. what ever I do with this girl it's my decision. I brought her.. I can do anything with her, I can beat her , kill her or ask her sexual favours It's all on me" Michael replies with his shameless face.

After listening to Michael, Anna looses her cool and attacks Michael. She pulls his hairs and kicks him off.

William sees Anna and pulls her towards him.

"Leave my hand William" Anna orders.

"Okay" Williams leaves her hand.

"Why are you fighting with that man" William asks.

"He is an ass hole. He was paying an underaged girl for sexual favours. It's totally illegal " She replies.

William was very impressed by her helping nature.

"That's impressive. But you can't beat him like this in public. He can sue you for that" William consoles Anna.

"Let him, I will also sue him for having affair, mistress and paying underaged girls for sexual favours then we will see who will sue whom" Anna replies.

"You haven't changed a bit Anna. You are as bold and beautiful as you used to be 9 years ago" William says.

"Pardon! Do you know me?" Anna asks.

"Yeah of course I know you. You were my 1st girlfriend. How can I forget you." he replies.

Anna tries to act as if she don't know him and acts very excited to see him.

William gets a call so he asks Anna if she wants lift. Anna declines him as she needs to see doctor because while fighting with Michael she got his hair sample.

She checks the samples.. But again the result was same. But this time she was happy to get this result because she doesn't want that dirty Michael to be the real daddy of Juile.

She decides to find her last target as he was the only last hope for her.

Adam Evans. He was the closest boyfriend she had ever because they both were carefree , no rules, no love and only friends with benefits.

But things gets very intense and tragedict when she gets to know that he is no more.

With a soul without any hope she moves towards the road without having any subconscious.

Anna was so lost into her thoughts that she didn't even looks at the traffic lights but the it got very serious when a huge truck was coming towards her but fortunately a man pulls her towards him and saves her.

"Have you gone mad? Why do you walk on the road when can't do it properly" he shouts at her.

With an eyes full of tears Anna replies, "did I asked you to save me? Why are you so nosy. If you really wanna help me then help me to get my dreams true. Get my ex boyfriend alive."

''excuse me?" the man asks.

Laila comes there and apologizes instead of Anna.

Anna Hugs Laila, she tells her about Adam and cries out.

Laila confronts her and gives an idea to have a new boyfriend who would accept her daughter.

"Why would someone date a girl who will die soon and why would he take responsibility of someone else daughter." Anna asks.

"No, baby see. It's all about true love. Even though if you were healthy that man would never love your daughter as his own if he doesn't have true feelings for you. But if he loves you truly then, he will take responsibility of your daughter eventhough he knows that all you can give him is a couple of days of your life" Laila confronts Anna.

Next day, While Anna was going to her work. Some group of mens kidnaps her and makes her unconscious. After some times she gets up but her eyes was blindfolded. A man comes in and takes off her blindfold and says, "It's nothing personal you are kidnapped because you messed with someone named Michael Smith "

He was the same man who saves Anna last night.

Anna stares at him very carefully, "Ad..Ad..Adam? Is that you?" Anna confirms.

The man looks at Anna very carefully.

"Anna? Anna Woods?" he replies.

"Yeah it's me Anna, you fool untie my hands right now" Anna orders.

He un-ties her hands and they hug each other.

"Oh Adam it has been so long..where have you been till now? I asked about you and found that you were no more. What's happening" Anna asks.

"Life was unfavorable. We had huge problems because of my dad so I had to change my everything including name and address. Here you can call me James" He replies.

"James nice name, nice to meet you Mr.James. But can you please spare my life. Trust me I was just trying to help someone that Michael is son of a bitch" Anna tell her story.

Michael comes in and asks James about Anna.

James punch Michael and warns him to stay far from Anna because she is his bestfriend.

Anna thanks James.

James offers her a lift.

Anna get on his bike and he drops her at her home.

Outside of her home Anna Hugs James and pulls his hair secretly.

After that Anna sends James's hair sample to the doctor.

Laila and Anna both were very nervous to see the results.

The bell rings.

Anna opens the door and takes the report in.

She open them, reads the result and BOOM! there he go. Adam AKA James was actually the real daddy of Julie.

To be Continued...