
Ancient Supreme Overlord

Ban was heading home after tiring day from school when he was hit by truck-kun while saving a kid. He was hit so hard that he flew a few meters away. At midair, he thought to himself. "So this is my little life will end" "Wait wait wait! I know this scene!" "I've read plenty of novels like this. All of 'em reincarnated or transmitigated to other world and gain some powerful abilities like sh*t" "Goodbye! cruel world! Hello New world!" "Im gonna be like some bad*ss boss in there! yeah!" Ban muttered in his head in 1 second after adrenaline struck his head. He fantasized being reborn in a new world while imagining wild things. He was hoping, expecting, desiring in his mind before he closed his eyes. .... A day later.. In a hospital near the accident area. "The patient have 99 bones fractured, several light and serious injuries and blood loss but he was still alive. I don't know if this is a miracle or a tragedy. Poor kid." The Head Surgeon read the report while shaking his head. ... "Oh the Light! I see the light!" Ban opened his eyes a little saw a light. However, after a few seconds he realized something. Ban then sighed depressedly "Dang those novels! A freaking scam!" A/N: Heads up! This is a fantasy novel. Has Powers and sh*t - Cover is not mine. - English is not my 1st language. Please bear with my grammar. Thanks! Cheers!

MoonBang · Urban
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213 Chs

Borrowing Three Ant Kings

5 in the Morning...

Ban woke up and already felt the changes in the mansion.

"Such dense Profound Energies. What a paradise. It's like thousand times more denser than the outside." He even felt his breakthrough coming just by staying a few hours in this kind of atmosphere.


Beside Ban was the naked Sally who also woke up. She yawned and was startled when she also felt the atmosphere in the area. She turned to Ban and made a surprised expression.

"Heh! Aren't I awesome?" Ban lifted her up and kissed her passionately.

Sally yelped for a second before responding to his advances.

"What just happened? How come I felt so much Profound Energies around?"

"I made a new array formation. This is just the beginning. Later on, this energies will be five times more denser or more than now. However, due to it's overbearing pressure, I will make an adjustment later and will make it to the minimun so that the family can withstand it's pressure. This is like Elemental Gathering Array, the energy only lingered within the area of the mansion" Ban pinched her nose and gave her a round of kissing session again.

Sally chuckled after their kissing session, "You better do something about it now. These Energies kept on growing stronger by the second."

Ban nodded and stretched his body, "I will go and check the array now." He then headed to the backyard where the pillar was located.

Ban was prepared for this and draw ten concentric circle runes on the ground where the pillar was located as the form of seal to control the Energy flow in his mansion. After the array was done, it was absorbed to the ground and no longer visible.

If he and his family become stronger in the future, he will remove one circle seal for another level of Energies.

While he's at it, he created a new array formation that covered the mansion. Once the array formation is activate, no one under Sky Profound Realm can break his place. However, just like Clara mentioned, his planet was evolving at a faster rate. This formation is also growing alongside with the growth of his planet.

He also placed the Fire Elemental Stones at the corner of his backyard for decoration.

While Ban was busying himself at the array, he suddenly noticed having guests in his mansion. He then headed to received them.

"It's been a while, brother-in-law." George made a loud laugh contrary to his slim stature.

Ban scratched his head as his mother was watching at him from afar.

"I see you have brought Mr. Tom." Bam squinted his eyes at the burly bald man behind George.

"Oh yeah. I have an urgent news for you, brother." George's face became solemn. He turned to Tom and made the latter do the explanation.

Tom coughed and greeted Ban with respect.

Ban waved his hand, "Let's go inside first to have some tea." He led his guests into the Bar-like room in the mansion.

George was shocked upon entering the mansion. He felt that, if he meditate now, he might consecutively leveled up.

"So what is this urgent news you are talking about?" Ban sipped a glass of juice prepared by Eden and squinted his eyes at Tom.

Tom made a solemn look as he said, "The other countries are making their move. They wanted to take the newly formed islands from the west of our land. These countries sent their elites to to ensure the claiming of the new islands."

Ban raised his brow. He knew these greedy countries are making their move soon so he expected this outcome.

"Why not send our country's elites too?" Ban paused and continued, "Our land was near on the islands. Surely you guys can get it so easily."

Tom rubbed his bald head, "That's the main problem. Our Prime minister refuses to take those small islands. Instead, he wanted the big one. From the east of our land, a huge island recently discovered. It's size was twice than that of our country."

"Oh?" Ban became interested. His country has a radius of five thousand square kilometers. If that newly island was twice as big than his land, then he guessed that his planet was growing bigger and bigger everyday.

"So, why are you telling me this news?" Ban asked. He continued, "Do you want my help to conquer that huge island? I have to decline you though. I am busy with something else than conquering islands."

"No. No." Tom shook his head. He coughed awkwardly as he stared at Ban. He wanted to say more, but words cannot come out of his mouth.

"So you want me to fend off those elites from the west?" Ban squinted his eyes at Tom.

"That's the plan, brother." George nodded his head. He continued, "I will also head there to secure the safety of our islands."

"Really? Hmm." Ban pondered for a second and asked Tom, "How many newly islands are in the west?"

"There are three newly discovered islands there that has an average radius of 50 kilometers." Responded Tom.

"Alright. I will send my men to defend our west." Ban nodded and called for the three ant kings.

*Swish!* *Swish!* *Swish!*

Edd, Eddy and Edward arrived in a flash. Their auras were not restrained making George and Tom felt suffocated.

"Calm your aura. You're giving my guests a scare." Ban waved his and the kings relaxed their bodies.

Tom felt a goosebump seeing three burly men just like him with intimidating presence. Even though he's big, he felt like a kitten facing a group of adult lions.

Ban introduced them to George and Tom. He added, "These guys are more than enough for you to defend our west, even conquering that three islands."

Tom still hesitated if he wanted to secure the new islands. They will be facing more than five countries in this operation if he decided to enter the brawl.

Seeing the dissatisfied look of the kings, Ban chuckled, "Should I let your mother come with you? I can see that you guys are unwilling."

"N-No. W-We.. Do.. it."

They became flustered and replied immediately.

Ban snickered, 'Quite amusing for these kings to be afraid of their mother.'

"Alright. You can destroy their weapons. However, you are prohibited to kill, at most you beat them senseless. Restrain the enemy if you can." Ban reminded them. He pointed at George, "Follow his instructions. If he tells you to destroy the enemy, then do it. If he tells you to retreat, you obey."

The kings nodded obediently and faced George in silence.

"H-Hey, brother. It's not necessary for me to command them. I can feel that they are stronger than me. They can command me instead." George waved his hand.

Ban squinted his eyes at the kings, "Don't mistreat him. He's my brother."

"Y-Yes." The kings bright mood suddenly became downcast. For the past few days, Ban called them for a sparring, but they ended up brutally beaten by him. How could they mistreat George now that they know he was Ban's brother? That's a suicide act.

George had no choice but to agree on Ban's request after few persuasions.

Ban turned at Tom, "I won't help you in the east." He paused and continued, "There many problems in the cities like slums and you already started conquering other lands? You should be ashamed of yourselves."

Tom made a wry expression. He knew the serious problem in every cities, but these crimes were connected to those prominent families. Only the highest authorities has the say for this matter.

Ban squinted his eyes at Tom, "Send a meeting request to the leader of your bureau later. I will face him myself a few days from now."

Tom was startled. His bureau wasn't aware of Ban's existence. If they tried to be lofty, he didn't know what will be the consequences of it.

Ban excused himself as he was busy with the completion of his array.

George and Tom exited the mansion followed by the three kings in tow.


I'm tired now. I'll upload the rest later.


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