
Ancient Pride

Quinn, a dragon Prince was suddenly involved in a scheme greater than he could ever possibly imagine!

Monkey_Godking · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Vulcan's Forge

Quinn dropped his stuff off in the room and followed Rocco to the smithy part of the shop. It was a big forging room with an open wall, allowing fresh air to circulate inside.

Quinn looked around and said, "Not bad, old man... Missing a few things, but I can't complain." Rocco sat in a rocking chair by the door and smoked his pipe as he said with a smile, "It's no dragon forge, but It works for humans! Hohohohoho! My ancestors were all blacksmiths after all!"

Quinn smiled and said, "Fill in your end of the deal, old man." as he looked around and grabbed a hammer, Quinn sighed and mumbled to himself, "I have to make my own tools too eh?"

Rocco cleared his throat and started speaking about everything he knew as Quinn got to work. He just blew black flames at the metal, turning it bright orange in seconds before starting to hammer it. Quinn was training his Observation at the same time by listening to Rocco while also focusing on the minute changes in the metal itself.

Just like that a few days passed

Quinn finally finished on a completely new set of tools that matched himself. They were simple, but if you looked closely you could tell that they were a bit special.

Quinn was holding a hammer that was perfect for him, after all, he made it. Rocco sat in his chair and lit his pipe as he started talking again, Quinn started making weapons. Swords, war-hammers, axes, halberds, everything he knew. He also looked in Rocco's blacksmith book and saw some weapons he hadn't seen before.

Quinn continued to forge while listening to Rocco speak, he had learned a lot in just a few days. Rocco was really a well of information, he knew almost everything! The seas, Devil fruits, the government, the marines, pirates, even Poneglyphs surprisingly.

Quinn had no idea Poneglyphs still existed, they were used frequently 800 years ago. Naturally, Quinn could read and write on Poneglyphs, he had learned from a young age, along with Dragonian language and the common language that the humans used.

Being royalty in the Dragon Race, Quinn was highly educated. He could speak most languages and knew many things, such as strategy, business, how to rule effectively, and many more. It could be said that while Quinn wasn't an expert in many things, he knew a lot of things.

Mainly, strategies and fighting were Quinn's strong points. It only made sense because while the Dragon Kingdom was a peaceful nation, wars could happen at any time. Almost every citizen of the Kingdom knew how to fight, that was one of the reasons why the Dragon Kingdom was at the top of the world at the time.

There was a popular saying before Quinn went to sleep, 'Beware of the Dragon's scales' what it meant was, never provoke the dragons. It was very simple really, the dragons as a whole were a very cohesive nation, if you offend one, you offend them all. The entire Kingdom was a singular entity with a very strong camaraderie between the people, even the King wasn't exempt from this.

Quinn remembered the times his father would eat with some of the people, laughing happily as old friends, rather than a King and his subjects. There was no discrimination between classes and all dragons were equal. Dragons with wings, Dragons without wings, Wyverns, Long Dragons, Newt Dragons, Kirin Dragons, Drakes, Wyrms, all of them.

There was only one King but Quinn's father was a very kind King, but it was obvious to all that the other dragons deeply respected Quinn's father. Even when they were laughing like friends and having a good time, there was always deep respect and reverence in their eyes. It was only natural, the King's job, other than ruling, was to protect the citizens and do things in the interest of the people.

Quinn's father wasn't born in royalty. He was once just a simple citizen, the previous King was a tyrant and forced the Dragon people to work like slaves without even giving them enough resources to live. When Quinn's mother got sick, Quinn's father gathered all the people and rebelled against the tyrant King, killing him in the process.

Quinn's father had no intentions of the throne and stepped away with only enough food to feed his wife and himself, but fortunately for him, he was unanimously voted in to be the King by the entire Kingdom. Left with no other choice, Quinn's father took up the mantle and brought a long period of prosperity and peace within the Kingdom.

Quinn used to think if he was even just half the man his father was he would be satisfied. Truthfully, he had big shoes to fill in even when he was just a boy, the expectations to be great pressured him immensely, but he never complained.

For Quinn, his father was his idol and there was no other option than surpassing him, no matter how hard it may be, or how rough it got, Quinn would always push through and do his best.

The pressure was only greater now, Quinn was determined to bring back the Dragons and continue his father's legacy. He had no other options at this point, he couldn't give up or his people would die with him.

Quinn swung the hammer on the metal and with each strike, it was as if Quinn's will was being tempered instead. Quinn hit the metal in a particular rhythm, Rocco stopped talking and listened to the rhythmic hammer strikes as if it were music.

Quinn focused on the sword he was hammering as he struck down, the sound travelled out of the building to the town and soon enough people gathered around and watched after hearing the sounds.

A while later

Quinn dumped the sword into a barrel of oil used for quenching. He pulled it out and his hand turned into a dragon claw as he spat a little fire on it before clamping his hand over the blade and running his hand over it in one fluid motion.

Quinn hung the sword up, upside down, before continuing to work on something else. Rocco looked at the sword and said "That's it?" Quinn nodded and said "You haven't been speaking, old man."

Rocco grinned and started talking again, the group of people dispersing since there was nothing to watch anymore. Quinn continued to work until late before going to Rocco's backyard and doing some light strength training just before going to bed.

Quinn quickly fell into this routine as the time slowly passed.

2 years later (1404)

Quinn finished his newest weapon and hung it up, there was already an uncountable number of swords that Quinn had made. They were in barrels, boxes, hung up on the walls, on display. Basically, there were weapons everywhere.

Rocco didn't even bother to advertise, he just sat in front of the shop, smoking on his pipe, living normally. He had already taught Quinn everything he knew and Quinn stayed to make weapons even after he was done. Quinn was fond of this old man, he was nice and he paid him for the weapons whether they sold or not.

Quinn was working on another weapon when someone walked into the shop and started to look around. Quinn didn't even look over but his Observation Haki was all over the man, watching his every move.

The man picked up a sword from one of the barrels and said "You made this?" Quinn nodded and kept working on the weapon in front of him, the man nodded and said "I'll take it. How much?"

Quinn looked over and looked at the sword before turning back saying "250,000 Beli." the man raised a brow and said "That's it? This sword is at least a grade sword!" Quinn shrugged and said "250,000." The man smiled and paid out 250,000 before leaving with his new sword.

Rocco hummed and smiled as he sat in front of the shop, rocking back and forth in his chair.

After that man, tons of people started buying swords and weapons. Quinn kept making weapons without an issue, even if all the weapons were bought out, he could just make more. There wasn't an issue with production speed, the materials however..

Quinn said "Old man, we have no more metals." Rocco said, "I'm just an old man, what do you want me to do?" Quinn felt his eye twitch as he said "Just get more, old man. What else are you going to do?" Rocco chuckled and reached for a snail in his coat before calling someone.

Around a week later

A ship landed at the docks and brought dozens of boxes to the forge shop. The man smiled at Rocco and said "Long time no see, old man!" Rocco smiled and said "Craig, how are you?" Craig smiled and said, "Not too bad, yourself?"

Rocco chuckled and said "Not too bad. Not too bad at all." Craig looked at Quinn, who was in the forge, working, and said "Who's that?" Rocco said "A friend of mine. He took over forging for me, maybe you should introduce yourself?"

Craig grinned and walked over to Quinn before saying "Hello, I'm Craig. Nice to meet you." Quinn smiled and said "Quinn, nice to meet you. Can I help you?" He knew why Craig was here but he wanted to see what he would say.

Craig grinned and said "I'm the metal supplier. The old man said we should meet so here I am." Quinn smiled and said "Yeah. Well, I have a deal for you, if you're interested." Craig raised a brow and said "A deal?"

Quinn nodded and said "I want to make a Trading organization, mainly weapons, would you be interested in joining? I assume you have connections." Craig was silent and said, "Sounds good, but can you keep up with the demands?"

Quinn pointed to the boxes of weapons and said "That was all in 3 days. There are around 100 more boxes and barrels in the back." Craig looked over and rubbed his eyes saying "WHAT?! Those are all at least Grade Swords!"

Quinn grinned and Craig said "Deal! Deal! Let's do it!" Quinn smiled and said, "You'll be the face while I make the weapons and we meet behind the scenes, I hope that this is okay?" Craig paused and said "You.." Quinn nodded and said, "You just need to consult with me first, how does that sound?"

Craig smiled and said "No problem!" as he stretched out his hand, Quinn kept a calm smile as he shook Craig's hand and said, "How does Vulcan's Forge sound?" Craig nodded and said, "Can you only make weapons?"

Quinn shook his head and said "I can make pretty much anything. If you can find gems, gold, silver, etc. I can make jewelry." Craig rubbed his chin and grinned "I got a guy for that! This is gonna be great Quinn!" before laughing and reaching above his head to pat Quinn's shoulder.

Quinn wore an amused smile and shook his head, getting back to work. Forging was actually a great work out for him, he could train his Observation and body at the same time. He used to keep his Armament Haki out the whole time, but nothing happened so he stopped after a year. The only thing he noticed was that his Armament control was finer and more precise as well as lasted longer than normal.

Quinn thought maybe he should go back to using it. So he did, but he only used it on his fingers, trying to contain it to just his fingers and working on his control over it.

Time passed slowly

Quinn bought the buildings next to Rocco's forge and built a tall and beautiful building with a signboard saying 'Vulcan's Forge' on it. All the weapons were sent to the shop and Quinn hired people on the island to work in the shop as he made the weapons in the small forge next to the store.

10 years passed

Quinn was teaching a young man how to forge correctly. It wasn't the Dragon technique but it was something he came up with during his time forging here. Quinn told the young man to practice on his own as he started forging by himself, he passed by Rocco on the way to the forge and said "Start talking, old man."

Rocco chuckled and said "Quite the business you have, kiddo." Quinn smiled and heated up the metals as he replied "Not too bad. Not big enough yet." Rocco wheeled over and said "Kid.. If you want to do what you said, you'll have to start training them soon."

Quinn smiled at Rocco and said "I know. I'm starting tonight.." he paused and looked troubled as he said "But you…" Rocco waved his hand and flexed as he laughed "I'm as healthy as a horse!" Quinn sighed and smiled as he said "My deal still stands, Old man."

Rocco scoffed and wheeled away saying "Keep your blood essence, this old man has no use for it!" Quinn sighed again and started hammering away.

Night rolled around

Quinn gathered a bunch of children in the backyard and said "You all have been living here and helping out for 2 years now. Now, some of you are 10, others are younger but I want to ask you something." Quinn crouched down and smiled "Do you want the same thing that happened to your village to happen again?"

The children teared up and said "No.." Quinn smiled and said "Do you all want to be strong?" the children were silent, but the oldest of the children stepped forward and said "I want to be strong."

Quinn smiled and said "Anybody else?" slowly, all the children stepped forward and Quinn smiled softly "Good. I'll train all 15 of you, okay?" the children nodded their heads and Quinn smiled and said, "First.. Who's hungry?"

The children brightened up and said "Me!" Quinn chuckled and brought them all into the kitchen before making them a meal. After the meal, Quinn started to train the children, before practicing with Ikari for a bit and heading to bed.

6 years passed (1420)

Quinn was standing straight as a rod, dressed in black as he watched a coffin slowly sink into the ground. The 15 children were standing behind him with red eyes, the oldest of the 15, Roark, was standing right behind Quinn. It had been 8 years since Quinn took them in, if Quinn was considered their father, then Rocco was more of a grandfather.

Even for Roark, the leader of the children, it was extremely sad and he couldn't help but tear up slightly. Quinn looked at the coffin with a straight face, he was sad but he had told Rocco he could save him several times. Rocco had denied him every single time, claiming he wanted to see his friends who were waiting for him.

Quinn sighed and turned around, he looked at the children and smiled lightly "He was proud of all of you." before patting Roark's shoulder and walking away. Roark looked at the grave and wiped his eyes slightly, one of the girls said "Big brother.. Did Dad, not like Granpa Rocco?"

Roark shook his head and said "Dad and Gramps were really close. I'm sure he's sadder than us right now, Lucy." Lucy was the youngest of the 15 and looked towards Quinn's back as she said "Does he need a hug?" Roark smiled and patted her head as he said "Maybe later.." Roark felt a heavy burden on his shoulders, he was the oldest at 17 and he had to take care of the rest while Quinn did business.

He didn't blame Quinn because he knew that Quinn genuinely cared for them. After their village was destroyed by the evil men, Quinn killed them and took all 15 of them back here, giving them food and shelter.

It was true, Quinn did really care for these kids, they might not have been his but he cared for each of them. They weren't just tools but almost his own children.

One of the kids lit a cigarette and said "Anybody finds it weird Dad doesn't look any different?" Roark looked over and said "It's been 8 years, Jack. If you're healthy enough you won't change much. If you keep smoking, you'll look like Gramps in a few years."

Jack clicked his tongue and said "Whatever you say, 'Boss'" before turning around and walking away, leaving a trail of smoke behind him. Roark watched him go with a frown.

Lucy tugged on his sleeves and said "He's just upset that Grampa is gone." Roark smiled and rubbed Lucy's head as he said "I know, Lucy. Let's go back." before leading the rest back to the forge shop.

The forge shop had been renovated while Rocco was alive to accommodate all the kids and a bigger forge. Quinn had even made all the tools and devices inside, it was very luxurious.

Quinn was currently in the forge room with only shorts, hammering away on a sword, fully focused. Each strike was deep and powerful. Little by little, the sword started to take shape. Quinn bet his thumb and dropped a single drop of blood onto the orange metal before hammering it in once again.

Very soon

Quinn held onto a katana. It was long and sharp with a dreamy wave-like pattern running across the blade. The hilt was wrapped with black lace and white triangle patterns on both sides. The guard was a red dragon biting its own tail and the pommel was a red dragon head biting onto a red string with a golden bell at the end of it.

Quinn sheathed the katana in a black lacquer coated wood sheathe. There was a red cord wrapped around the sheath at the top, three inches below the guard. He took the sword and placed it on a rack before putting a glass case over it and walking away.

Craig found Quinn and said "I'm so sorry, Quinn. Rocco was a good friend of mine." Quinn smiled and said "Ashes to ashes, Craig. The old man's time had come." Craig said nothing but just patted Quinn's shoulder in support.

Quinn smiled and said, "The old man wouldn't want to see you like this, I have a job for you." Craig perked up and Quinn continued "Spread Vulcan's forge to other islands, can you do that? I have 800 boxes of weapons for you to transport." Craig said "No problem!"

Quinn nodded gently and said, "Thank you, Craig." Craig smiled softly and left. Quinn looked up at the Vulcan's Forge store before sighing and walking back into the forge.