
Ancient Pride

Quinn, a dragon Prince was suddenly involved in a scheme greater than he could ever possibly imagine!

Monkey_Godking · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

The Town of Beginning and End

The Oro Jackson was sailing towards the final island when a loud voice was heard "ROOGERRRRRR!" Roger looked up and shouted "Quinn!" Quinn's voice was heard "What!" Roger shouted "He's back!.. Again!" Quinn appeared and looked up saying "Wanna see something cool?"

Roger nodded excitedly and Quinn grinned before diving into the water and disappearing. Buggy looked over the railings and said "Do you think he ran away?" Shanks chuckled and said, "He's not you." Buggy scoffed and said, "Didn't you see my flashy entrance the first time we fought Shiki!?"

Shanks just chuckled and said nothing.

Suddenly a loud roar was heard.

The crew looked over and Quinn in his full dragon form blasted through the water and flapped his wings shooting into the sky. The crew's eyes widened as their jaws slacked. Roger was so shocked he couldn't even laugh, Rayleigh said "Big!" Crocus added "Around 5000 meters." everybody looked at him and Crocus said "What? I'm a doctor."

Quinn appeared over the Oro Jackson and looked at Shiki's ship as he grinned, Shiki gasped and said "You!" as he touched the wheel stuck in his head. Quinn chuckled and said "Scram for me!" before slapping Shiki, sending him flying away, twinkling in the sky.

Shiki's crew shouted "Captain!" and rowed in the sky, chasing after him. Quinn chuckled and barreled into the water, leaving his upper half as he loomed over the ship and grinned "Surprised?"

His entire head was bigger than the ship. Roger burst into laughter and said "Surprised! Hhahahaha" Quinn grinned and snorted, blowing half the crew over in the process. Quinn laughed and disappeared into the sea, before jumping back onto the ship with his mask back on.

Roger cheered and said "To the last Island! Hahahaha" Quinn and the rest cheered as they sailed away.

A few days later

The ship was stopped again, this time by the marines. Quinn, Roger, and Rayleigh were playing cards and looked over. Quinn quickly changed his cards while no one was looking before saying "Marines?" Roger waved and said "It's just Garp." before turning back to the game and saying "I got 2 pairs!"

Rayleigh grinned "Full house!" the rest put their cards down but Quinn grinned and said "Four of a kind! Hahahaha Thank you for your money gentlemen!" as he racked in all the cash.

Rayleigh was incensed and said "One more round!" Roger chuckled and said, "You've lost every single time.." Buggy sighed and said "Me too.." as he looked at Shanks' stack before looking at his and grumbling.

Garp landed on the deck and saw Roger, Rayleigh and Quinn playing cards. He felt his eye twitch and he said "What are you doing!?" Everyone looked over and Roger said "Playing Cards." Quinn added, "Wanna join?" Rayleigh grinned and said, "Marine money is good too!"

Garp felt a vein pop up on his forehead as he snapped "I'm not playing cards!" Quinn muttered "Your loss, Rayleigh is a bank…" Rayleigh glared at him and Quinn gave him the finger.

Garp said, "You're all under arrest." Everyone looked at him and it was silent before they all started laughing. Roger said "Garp, why did you come?" Garp sighed and said, "I need to talk to you."

Quinn whistled and the crew all left, leaving Rayleigh, Roger, and Garp. Garp said, "They wanted me to stop you." Roger said, "I'm not going to stop, you know that." Garp shrugged and said, "It's gonna be bad if you continue, that's all I know."

Roger laughed and said "It doesn't matter! Hahaha, I'll keep going until I die!" Rayleigh gave Roger a deep look and Garp looked sad, only Quinn was just smiling, not understanding the double meaning.

Garp turned away and said "Alright. I'll see you around then." the three waved and Garp left.

A few days later

Roger and the rest finally arrived at the last island and explored around, seeing only ruins. After exploring for a while Quinn said "Roger!" Roger walked over with the rest and saw a giant poneglyph with a chest by the side.

The crew looked around and gasped.

Roger looked in the chest before bursting into laughter, the rest came over and started laughing too. Quinn walked over and looked at the chest before chuckling, it was a bunch of East Blue alcohol. Quinn pulled out a bottle and said "The cheapest kind too! Hahaha"

Roger wiped his eyes and said, "What does the Poneglyph say?" Quinn put the bottle down before looking at it as he started speaking "The army attacked, they wouldn't listen to reason. It seemed like they thought the devils would help them. We couldn't hold them, thankfully the Dragons provided support.."

The rest was a detailed description of the war and finally with the mutual destruction of the two leaders, Quinn's father and the leader of the human army.

Quinn clenched his fists and read the whole thing out loud, the rest of the crew was silent listening to him. They could feel the rage bubbling up in him.

Quinn finished and was silent. Roger patted his shoulder and said, "You okay?" Quinn took a deep breath, looked at Roger and nodded with a smile as he said "My father died a warrior's death…"

Quinn turned back to the Poneglyph and said "He took the leader down with him, letting some of the allies escape." Roger smiled and Rayleigh said "You're the King's son? So that makes you a Prince?"

Quinn nodded and Rayleigh grinned before saying "I didn't know I was in the presence of royalty! Would you like a massage, Prince?" Quinn chuckled and said, "You think Shakky will give me one?" Roger burst into laughter and Rayleigh snapped "You fake Prince bastard! I'll kill you!"

Quinn grinned and said "Come and do it, you goatee bastard! Hahahaha" Rayleigh lunged at Quinn and they started a dust brawl. Roger cheered and said "Let's party! Hahahaha!" The crew cheered and they drank from the cheap alcohol in the box, leaving a few bottles per Roger's order.

Eventually, they all ended up in a dust brawl and laughed while partying.

When the dust settled, all the crew had bruises and passed out drunk, with smiles on their faces. Only Quinn, Roger, and Rayleigh were still awake. Quinn chuckled and said, "Where to next Roger?"

Rayleigh sighed and closed his eyes. Roger sighed and said "Nowhere, Quinn. We're disbanding." Quinn was startled and said, "Why?" Roger hesitated before finally saying "Because I'm going to die soon. I barely have another year or two."

Quinn froze and dropped his glass in shock. He chuckled and said, "That's not a funny joke, Roger." Rayleigh said "He-" Roger cut him off and said "It's not a joke. I'm serious." Quinn went silent before saying "Why didn't you tell me."

Roger said "Because we finally came to get you after so long.. I didn't want you to be upset." Quinn snapped "Not upset?! You two are my best friends! How could I not be upset?! Were you just going to die in secret!?"

Roger didn't say anything, confirming Quinn's thoughts.

Quinn dragged Roger's collar and said angrily "You really think, I would be happier not knowing?!" Roger couldn't say anything except "I'm sorry." Quinn calmed down and said "I can heal you, my blood essence will save you." he was about to bite into his finger but Roger stopped him and said seriously "No."

Quinn frowned and said "I can save you! You can live! What do you mean no?!" Roger said seriously "I mean no. I won't do it, I accomplished my dreams. I have done everything I wanted."

Quinn trembled in rage and shouted "No! I refuse!" Roger screamed, "IT'S MY CHOICE!" Quinn snapped back "Think about everyone else! How many people will be sad if you die!" he looked at Rayleigh and said, "Why aren't you saying anything!?"

Rayleigh sighed and said "It's his choice. I want him to live too.." Quinn tugged on the hope and said "Yeah! Me too!" he turned to Roger and said "Roger, me and Ray both want you to live! Think about the rest of the crew! Please, just let me save you!"

Roger closed his eyes and shook his head, Quinn clenched his teeth and teared up as he said "Why! Give me a reason!" Roger smiled and said, "Because it's my time, Quinn." Quinn let Roger go and stood up, he closed his eyes and a teardrop fell as he turned around and said "I can't accept this.."

Roger sighed and Quinn walked away, Rayleigh said "Quinn!" Roger said "Ray. Let him go, it's okay. It's my fault for hiding this from him." Rayleigh said "But he-" Roger cut him off and just shook his head, Rayleigh looked at Quinn's back and sighed.

Quinn collected all of his things from his room in the Oro Jackson, before transforming into his dragon form and flying away.

Quinn reverted and crashed into his backyard on Carapace island, he removed the clown mask and held it tightly before changing back to his normal horned state. He clamped the golden cuffs back to the base of his horns and his hair turned white again as he walked into his house.

Quinn walked to his room and put everything down. He pulled out a bunch of things from his bag, mostly memories from the different islands he had been to until he pulled out a picture.

Quinn stared at the picture for a long time as tears dripped down from his eyes and landed on the frame. He wiped his eyes and put the picture on his wall before leaving the room.

The picture was of Quinn, Roger, and Rayleigh all grinning in front of the Oro Jackson.

Quinn left the forge shop and greeted the smiths lifelessly before telling them to go back to work as he roamed the town before settling in a bar and drinking by himself.

It had taken a year to gather all the Poneglyphs and travel to the last island. Roger had named it Raftel and the name spread through the world. Soon bounty posters came out for most of the crew.

Quinn looked at a bounty of a black-haired man with a clown mask.

'Killer Clown' Quinn 4.36 Billion Beli

Quinn folded the bounty into a square before using it as a coaster for his drink.

2 years passed (1500)

Quinn was passed out at the bar as he had been for two years now. His days were extremely bleak, he woke up and drank till he passed out, repeating every single day.

Quinn was woken up by a knocking near his head, he opened his eyes and looked at the bartender who said "Got a letter for you, Quinn." Quinn had a groggy voice as he said "Thanks, Frank." Frank smiled "No problem."

Quinn took the letter and read it 'Meet me in your house in 5 minutes' there was no name or anything. Quinn groaned and got off the stool before waving bye to Frank and walking out of the bar.

Quinn covered his eyes from the sun as he walked home.

He got inside and looked at the table to see two men sitting down. Quinn's eyes shot open and he sobered up immediately as he said "It's been a while."

Roger and Rayleigh smiled and said "Yeah." Roger got into a coughing fit and coughed up blood before wiping it with a rag. Quinn's eyes dimmed as he sat down and said "Still sick.."

Roger grinned and said "Yeah.." there was a silence between them and Rayleigh said "How have you been?" Quinn said "Great. I live in that bar now." Rayleigh sighed and said, "You look like shit, Quinn."

Quinn said "I know. One of my friends died." Roger was silent and Rayleigh shook his head.

Roger finally said, "I came here to say goodbye." Quinn looked at him and Roger continued "I barely have till the end of the month." Quinn said "I can sti-" Roger said seriously "No."

Quinn went silent and Roger said "I didn't just come here for that. I want you to listen to what I have to say…" he looked at Rayleigh and said, "You too."

Quinn and Rayleigh both focused on Roger as he took a deep breath and started speaking "My whole life has been everything I've ever wanted! When I was a child, I lost both my parents in a fire and was alone ever since." he looked up at Quinn and Rayleigh while smiling "Until I met you guys.."

Quinn and Rayleigh both smiled and Roger continued "You two are my best friends, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Even if we're not I think of you two as my brothers.. I'm sorry I have to go first but this was the way I wanted to go. Getting old and dying isn't what I want."

Quinn and Rayleigh were silent and Quinn left the table, Roger sighed and looked down, but Quinn came back with three red cups and a bottle of Sake. He placed them in front of himself, Roger, and Rayleigh before filling them saying "Never in my life have I had as much fun as I've had with you, Roger."

Quinn paused before saying "I never had any brothers and all of my family is gone." Quinn raised the cup and said, "While I'm frustrated, angry, and sad that you're going to leave, I think about it every day.."

Quinn teared up and said with an ugly smile "I wouldn't want anyone else to be my brothers." Roger and Rayleigh looked at the cups before smiling and laughing as they raised their cups.

Rayleigh said, "I love you guys." Quinn grinned and Roger laughed as they clinked their cups before drinking them down in one go, becoming brothers for real.

Time passed slowly

Rayleigh and Roger left Carapace island a few days later and a few weeks after that, the marines announced Roger's capture and subsequent execution.

Quinn was sitting on a rooftop that was surrounding the square where the execution platform was in Loguetown. Quinn looked down at the execution platform to see Roger there with a big grin on his face. Quinn sighed and listened to Roger's speech.

Roger looked down at the crowd and said "You want my treasure?! Go ahead and find it! I left everything on the last island! Hahahahaha" Quinn lifted a drink and closed his eyes before draining his glass and laughing with tears flowing down his cheeks as Roger was executed.

Quinn disappeared as did Roger's body, stunning the entire crowd. Shanks looked in a certain direction before saying "Buggy, come with me." Buggy nodded and followed Shanks through several alleys into an extremely hidden spot.

Quinn was digging a hole with a coffin next to him with the letters 'G.D.R' on it. He had already prepared everything. He sniffed the air and turned around to see Shanks and Buggy, Quinn smiled and said "Hey. Wanna help?" Shanks smiled and nodded, grabbing a shovel and helping dig.

Buggy said "Quinn?" Quinn grinned and said, "How's it going, Buggy." Buggy looked sad as he grabbed a shovel and said "Terrible." Quinn smiled and said "Everyone has their time, boys. Roger's time was up. Before he left, he told me something.."

Shanks and Buggy listened quietly and Quinn continued "I'll live forever! Hahaha" as he wiped his eyes and continued digging as he added, "I guess, he was right." Shanks and Buggy teared up as well and finished digging.

Quinn carefully lifted the coffin and placed it into the ground before pouring a bottle of Sake into it. Shanks and Buggy were silent and Quinn said "Anything to leave?" they both shook their heads and Quinn said "So then, we'll ju-"

A voice interrupted him saying "I have something." The three turned around to see Garp standing there with red eyes, holding onto a picture. Quinn smiled and stepped out of the way, Garp nodded and walked forward placing the picture of him and Roger inside the hole.

Quinn pulled out the clown mask and teared up before putting it inside as well. Shanks touched his straw hat, but ultimately decided to keep it for the memories. Buggy threw his skull cap in the grave and Quinn smiled before handing Garp a shovel and they filled in the hole. Quinn lifted a tombstone and placed it down before becoming silent.

Shanks pulled out the sword hanging on his waist, revealing it to be Yume. He stuck it in the ground next to the tombstone before backing off. Quinn looked at the sword and the memories of Roger staying at his house a long time ago resurfaced, he smiled to himself as tears started falling once again.

Shanks and Buggy had a moment of silence before saying their goodbyes to Quinn and Garp and leaving. Garp patted Quinn's shoulder and said "I never had a better friend than Roger."

Quinn smiled and said "I'm your friend too, Garp. Plus nobody knows my real face." Garp smiled and said, "Yeah, you're a tricky one." Quinn smiled and turned around to walk away, Garp followed him and Quinn smashed a fist on the wall. A metal sheet fell down and blocked the view of the grave completely.

Quinn walked away with Garp, going through several twists and turns, hopping over buildings and fences before getting back to the streets, walking out of a restaurant.

Quinn and Garp walked together on the street and Garp said "You ever think about joining the Marines?" Quinn laughed and said, "Are you joking?" Garp shook his head and said seriously "Not at all. With a high enough status, you can protect anyone."

Quinn frowned and said, "What are you trying to say." Garp said, "Roger has a son." Quinn stopped and said, "What." Garp nodded and said, "He told me to take care of him when he's born." Quinn was silent and Garp added "I don't need you to do it, because I will take care of him, but some things are out of my hands. I think you know how it will be for that kid if anybody finds him."

Quinn nodded and said "Just say what you want to say, Garp. We've known each other for a while now, stop beating around the bush." Garp grinned and said "Join the Marines. How many pirates are like Roger? Or Whitebeard?"

Quinn said simply "Almost none." Garp said "Then you can fix that! Not everyone is like Roger, but not everyone is bad either! I can fight to a certain extent but I'm alone, even Sengoku won't help." Quinn sighed and said "I don't know Garp. I was a pirate.." Garp pointed out "Nobody knows."

Quinn sighed and said, "Let me think about it okay?" Garp smiled and nodded, Quinn smiled and said "Thanks for showing up today, means a lot. Come find me on Carapace Island if you need me." Garp nodded and gave Quinn his snail number before leaving.

Quinn looked at the snail number before sighing and leaving Loguetown, swimming back to Carapace Island.