
Ancient Pride

Quinn, a dragon Prince was suddenly involved in a scheme greater than he could ever possibly imagine!

Monkey_Godking · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Grand Adventure II

Quinn, Rayleigh and Roger talked for a while as the ship slowly sailed away from Carapace Island. They reached the Redline and saw the upwards waterfall. Quinn looked at the Redline and said, "The great divide!" Roger and Rayleigh were confused and said, "The great divide?"

Quinn said, "That's what it was called a long time ago." Rayleigh said, "How old are you?" Quinn grinned and said, "Should be.. 1076!" Roger and Rayleigh's eyes widened and Quinn chuckled saying, "But, I slept for 800 years, so I'm only 276. If I put it in human years, I should be 27."

Roger and Rayleigh looked at each other before laughing. Roger said, "Hahaha! You old bastard!" Rayleigh said, "Do you need a walker, old man? Hahahahaha" Quinn felt his eye twitch and he snapped, "Oi! Fuck off! I'm only 27!" as he lunged at Rayleigh and Roger, starting a dust brawl.

The ship was full of laughter and shouts as it sailed up the Redline before sailing back down at a fast pace. Quinn, Roger and Rayleigh separated all sporting bumps and bruises. They looked at each other and laughed happily.

The rest of the crew were holding onto the railing of the ship tightly in fear as Quinn, Roger and Rayleigh stood straight on the deck and looked around. The ship landed at the bottom and Roger said, "Grandline! Woooooo!"

Quinn chuckled and went to put his stuff away in a cabin, Roger watched him go before coughing up blood and grinning. Rayleigh frowned and said, "Are you sure, you don't want to tell him?" Roger said, "What am I supposed to do? Tell him that after 25 years, he's never going to see me again?"

Rayleigh sighed and shook his head when they both heard a voice "You're sick?" Roger and Rayleigh turned their heads to see a man with a flower hairstyle. Roger said, "Are you a doctor?" The man nodded and said, "Yeah, Crocus." Roger grinned and said, "I'm Gol D. Roger! Nice to meet you! Join my crew! I don't have a doctor."

Crocus shrugged and said, "Alright." Roger cheered and Rayleigh smirked, Quinn walked out and Roger quickly wiped his bloodied hand on his jacket, Crocus noticed and turned to Quinn.

Roger grinned and said, "We got a doctor now!" Quinn smirked and said, "Think we'll need one?" he flexed and said, "I'm as healthy as a horse! Blue hair! Come feel, these!" a boy with blue hair and a red nose came over and poked Quinn's muscle before saying "Strong!"

Quinn laughed and grabbed the boy before rubbing his knuckles on his head saying "You're a funny guy!" the boy looked at Shanks and said "Help! I'm gonna die!" Shanks looked away and whistled, the boy cried "I thought we were friends!"

Quinn chuckled and threw the boy at Shanks before walking over to Crocus and saying "Quinn, nice to meet you!" as he stretched out his hand. Crocus smiled and shook his hand saying "Crocus." Quinn pulled Crocus in and wrapped his arm around his shoulder as he said "Great! This is the most fun I've had in 276 years! Hahaha"

Roger and Rayleigh chuckled, while Crocus just smiled wryly. Roger said, "Let's celebrate!" Quinn pulled a bottle of rum from his back pocket and grinned, while the rest of the crew cheered and started to celebrate Crocus' arrival.

The ship sailed on past Twin Capes and visited all the islands on the Grandline, getting new crewmates as they went along.

One day

Roger said "Hey! A Giant Whale!" Quinn looked and said, "That's a ship!" Roger gasped and Rayleigh mumbled "What kind of ship looks like a whale…" Quinn looked over and said, "Our ship looks like nothing." Rayleigh turned green and glared at Quinn, who gave him the finger and chuckled.

Roger said "Set sail to that Island!" one of the crewmembers said "Aye Aye Captain!" Quinn scoffed "So formal!" Roger just laughed and the ship sailed towards the island where the giant whale ship was docked.

Roger and the rest got off the ship and immediately saw a man with a Kimono and two swords charge at them. Quinn shot forward and his hands turned black, leaving a trail of flame-like Haki behind them as his fists clashed against the two swords.

Roger grinned and shouted "Attack! Hahahahah" the Roger Pirates grinned and charged at the other pirates, Roger clashed with an extremely tall man, who was holding a naginata, Rayleigh clashed with a young man, who turned into a phoenix.

Quinn was fighting against the men with two swords and laughing as he kept throwing punches, being blocked by the swords. The man smirked and charged at Quinn while crossing his swords and slashing out an 'X'.

Quinn jumped to the side and pushed off the ground before punching the man in the stomach, sending him flying in the air. Quinn jumped and dragged the man back down before pummeling him.

A while later

The man was sitting on the ground with bumps and bruises all over his face and Quinn was laughing as he dragged the man along with him to where the others were fighting. Only to see everyone sitting down and talking.

Quinn was confused and Roger looked over saying "Quinn! Come meet thi-" before seeing the man in Quinn's hands. Quinn scratched his head and said "I thought we were fighting…" as he held the man up, who said, "Me too!"

The rest were silent before bursting into laughter.

Quinn put the man down and said "Quinn. Nice to meet you." The man grinned and said "Oden!" Quinn grinned and joined in on the party with the rest. Roger was talking to the tall man, who said "Who is that?" as he pointed at Quinn.

Roger grinned and said "Quinn, our dragon friend!" The man hummed "A dragon? I knew a dragon once.." Roger raised a brow and said "Really?" the tall man nodded "A real asshole too." Roger chuckled and said, "Quinn, come here!"

Quinn walked over and said, "What's up?" Roger said, "This is Edward Newgate or Whitebeard!" Quinn looked at the man at eye level and said "Quinn, nice to meet you." Whitebeard grinned and said "Likewise. You're a dragon?" Quinn nodded and Whitebeard stood up but Quinn kept the same eye level as he said: "I don't have a habit of looking up when I speak."

Whitebeard grinned and said "Oh yeah? I knew another dragon, he was a real piece of work. Hopefully you'll be different." As he punched at Quinn.

Roger and the rest backed off and watched.

Quinn's arm turned black and he stopped Whitebeard's fist as he said "Who was it." Whitebeard said "Kaido." Quinn growled and his horns shot out, turning his hair back to white, as he spat "Don't lump that disgrace in the same group as me!"

Quinn's arm turned into his dragon form and he spread his Conqueror's Haki along with his Armament as he threw a punch at Whitebeard at full power. Whitebeard grinned madly and punched forward with his own blackened fist, covered in white light.

Their fists collided and cracks started to form in the air along with electrical sparks. Neither of the two moved back an inch. Quinn reverted to his hidden state and said "I will remember you, Edward Newgate."

Whitebeard grinned and spat out a bit of blood before sitting back down and said, "Get me more booze!" everyone cheered and Roger ran over and grinned "Strong?"

Quinn nodded and smirked "Strong." Roger chuckled and said, "You're not too bad yourself!" Quinn chuckled and joined the party once more.

A few days later

Roger and the rest left the island with Oden and his family tagging along. Quinn looked from the deck and saw Whitebeard grinning at him and waving. Quinn smirked and waved before walking back on the deck. Rayleigh said "A rival?" Quinn scoffed and said "Him? Not even close! That guy is just annoying!" Rayleigh burst out laughing and said, "Whatever you say, fake horn boy." Quinn snapped "You goatee fuck!" and starting a dust brawl with Rayleigh. The boy with blue hair and a red nose passed by and a hand reached out and dragged him into the dust brawl as he screamed "Shanks! Save me!"

Shanks whistled and looked in a different direction, the boy shouted "I thought we were friends!"

The ship sailed on and the crew found a giant cat and dog hiding on the ship as stowaways. They were called Nekomamushi and Inuarashi and they followed Oden around, quickly integrating themselves into the crew.

Quinn was teaching Shanks and the blue-haired boy named Buggy how to use Haki and fight. Roger called them his apprentices but he never really did anything for them, so Quinn started teaching them.

Buggy really couldn't get the hang of it but Shanks was a great learner. Quinn had developed a lot of patience over the years and taught the two seriously, Shanks had even unlocked his Conqueror's Haki under the pressure of Quinn's own haki, just like Roger and Rayleigh.

Eventually, Oden, Nekomamushi, Inuarashi, and a few other crewmates joined in on the training. Quinn taught them all and developed a new method to train observation, basically, he hit them with a stick and they had to dodge.

Rayleigh seemed to take a liking to this method and helped train them… Well… he was just beating them silly with a stick but it seemed to work! As soon enough, almost all of them had learned haki and started training by themselves.

1 year passed (1497)

Quinn had been almost everywhere in the first part of the Grandline.

They even fought a man named Golden Lion Shiki, it made Quinn chuckle as he remembered.

Quinn was talking with Roger and Rayleigh when a flying ship appeared. It touched down on the sea and a man with long golden blonde hair appeared saying "Roger! Join me and we can rule the world together!"

Roger, Rayleigh, and Quinn looked over, Roger picked his nose and said "Who are you." the man choked and snapped "Golden Lion Shiki!" The three 'Ohh'd�� and Quinn shook his head saying "I still don't know who that is." Rayleigh said, "Me neither."

Shiki was trembling in rage, while Roger said "Guys!" Quinn and Rayleigh looked at him and Roger said seriously "Don't you see!? This is the Lion Shiki!" Shiki looked happy but his eyes turned red when he heard the rest "It must be a lion that ate a human fruit!"

Shiki snapped "ROGER! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" Roger jumped up and grinned, he unsheathed Yume and pointed it forward as he said "Prepare to attack! Hahahaha!" Quinn and Rayleigh grinned and Buggy said "Why don't we just join him.."

Quinn grabbed Buggy's collar as he said "Go Buggy!" before throwing him at Shiki's crew as Buggy cried and screamed, waving his arms around wildly. Shiki's crew saw Buggy shooting towards them and were scared, it must be a crazy one! Buggy slammed into the group and blasted them apart.

Roger laughed and said "Buggy made the first move! Let's go!" The crew cheered and attacked Shiki's crew. Quinn fought against a clown and Rayleigh fought against a gorilla, while Roger fought against Shiki. A huge storm picked up and Roger was having trouble against Shiki.

Quinn looked over and said "Roger! Switch!" Roger looked over and grinned, he jumped up and grabbed Shiki before throwing him at Quinn, who did the same with the clown.

Quinn and Roger chuckled as they both held up their arms and smashed their biceps against Shiki and the clown's faces.

Shiki slammed into the deck and Quinn grinned as he said "Thought you'd be stronger, little lion." Shiki jumped up and said "I'M NOT A LION!" as he floated up and flew towards Quinn, swinging his sword.

Quinn dodged the swipe and punched Shiki in the stomach, sending him back before chasing after him. Quinn jumped up and made a hammer with his hands before smashing them down on Shiki's chest, shooting him down.

Quinn went under Shiki and spun before shooting out his leg, catching Shiki in the side and sending him flying towards his own ship and smashing into the wheel.

Roger looked up and shouted "All of you! Retreat! Massive storm!" The crew looked up and retreated back to the ship. Roger kicked the clown back to Shiki's ship and Rayleigh threw the gorilla back as they sailed away.

After that, they traveled to a Sky Island and met people with wings. They even found Poneglyph writing on a giant golden bell. Roger left a message and Quinn and Oden wrote it before chuckling to each other.

Roger said, "What does it say?" Quinn said, "I, Gol D. Roger, have sailed all the seas and will soon travel to space." Before being unable to contain himself and laughing hysterically, Oden leaned on Quinn and wheezed. Roger felt his mouth twitch and he snapped "Bastards! What kind of friends are you!?"

Quinn wiped his eyes and said "Alright, calm down. We wrote 'I will sail to the ends of this earth. -G.D.R' better?" Roger crossed his arms and said, "Better." Quinn chuckled and carved in a bit more before they left.

Oden read what he wrote and said "Dragons will rise again?" Quinn grinned and said, "I have to leave my mark, no?" Oden shrugged and grinned "You should've put a '-de gozaru!' at the end. Much more powerful!"

Quinn kicked him away and laughed "I'm not from Wano! Go gozaru yourself! Hahaha" Oden jumped over the kick and chuckled as they bade farewell to the Sky people and went back to the Blue sea.

Time passed and while they were sailing, Shiki showed up again and screamed "You bastards!" Quinn didn't even look up and said "Don't you have anything better to do?" Shiki quipped "Beating the shit out of you." Quinn felt his eye twitch and he threw a cannonball, hitting Shiki in the face and sending him flying away.

His crew rowed away on the flying ship shouting "Captain!" Quinn grumbled and went back to his card game, Roger said "Royal flush!" Quinn looked and said "Fuck!"

A few days later

Shiki returned and Quinn grinded his teeth as he threw Buggy at Shiki, Buggy flew towards Shiki and sent him flying away before returning to the ship like a boomerang.

Shiki kept coming back again and again, seemingly never giving up. Quinn was annoyed, but he had to admit that Shiki's persistence was admirable. He just wouldn't give up, even when he was beaten back 2 times in one day.

A few weeks passed...

The crew reached Water 7 and met a shipwright named Tom and he built a ship made out of Adam's wood called the Oro Jackson. After leaving Water 7 they reached Sabaody and met Shakuyaku, Rayleigh was enamored with her and their stay on Sabaody Archipelago was extended.

Quinn had a talk with Shakuyaku and invited her to be part of Coiling Dragon, to which she agreed. Quinn was happy and told Rayleigh to hurry up before leaving the bar.

Roger was talking with Crocus, who said "You only have approximately 1 year left." Roger was silent before sighing "One year is enough. Maybe it'll be even more! Hahaha" Crocus sighed and patted his shoulder.

Quinn came over and chuckled "Ray, sure is taking his time." Roger waved and said "Bah, who needs him? Let's leave him here." Quinn chuckled and shouted, "Pack up boys, we're leaving!" Roger laughed and they all ran to the Oro Jackson, hearing "Bastards! Wait for me!"

Their adventure continued on to Fishman island, finding out about the Ancient weapon Poseidon. Quinn was intrigued and said "Poseidon?!" Roger said, "You know?" Quinn nodded and said, "The sea people always had an ancestral connection to the Seakings. It was said that they were blessed by the sea and are kings of all sea creatures, with Poseidon ruling them all."

Quinn got serious and said, "But there was another passage that was still there a long time ago.." Rayleigh was curious and said, "What was it?" Quinn said seriously "When the devils rise, the sea will churn and awakening will be the only outcome."

Roger said, "Devils?" Rayleigh, said "The only outcome?" Quinn shrugged and said, "It's a legend, even I don't know what it means." Roger and Rayleigh forgot about it and continued having fun around Fishman island before finally leaving.

When they surfaced in the New World, Shiki was waiting for them.

Quinn pointed and snarled "How many fucking times has it been!? How do you keep finding us?!" Shiki sneered and said, "I can smell you." Roger said, "He really is a lion!" Shiki turned green before screaming "Everyone attack!"

His crew just sat there and said "How many seconds will it take this time?" The clown, whose name was Indigo, said "The last time it was 5 seconds, the time before that was 6, the one before that was 3.." one of the crew said, "I got my money on 4!"

Rayleigh shouted from the Oro Jackson "I'll put it 10,000 on 2!" Indigo shouted, "Minimum is 20,000!" Rayleigh waved and said "Fine." Roger said, "I'll put it on 3."

Quinn pointed "Get down here! Shitty Lion!" Shiki said "No, come get me!" Both crews 'boo'd' and Rayleigh said, "That's cheating!" Shiki sneered "I'm using my abilities!"

Quinn said "Fine! Fine! I got this!" he grew giant wings on his back and flew up to Shiki before punching him in the stomach, catching Shiki by surprise as he was shocked that Quinn just grew wings. Shiki went flying through the sky and disappeared with a twinkle.

Indigo looked at his watch and said "3 seconds. Damn it!" Shiki's crew threw money off the deck before rowing after Shiki. The money floated down from the sky and landed in Roger's hands, Rayleigh grumbled and slapped 20k beli in Roger's hands before sulking in a corner.

Time passed and Nekomamushi and Inuarashi left to go back home after arguing over a piece of news. The crew was sad to see them go but understood their situation.

The Oro Jackson stormed through the New World and visited all the islands, fighting an uncountable number of fights and laughing along the way.

Until they reached Lodestar Island.

Roger looked at the log pose and it was spinning around rapidly, he said, "This is it?" Quinn called Roger over and Oden said, "This poneglyph says that this isn't the last island."

Roger ran over with the rest and said, "What does it say!?" Quinn said, "It says that we need to find 4 road poneglyphs to find our way to the final Island. They're red and there's one right here." Roger grinned and said, "What are we waiting for then!? Let's go!" The crew cheered and they recorded what the Poneglyph said before leaving.

Unfortunately, Toki had fallen ill, so the crew made a stop at Wano and recorded the road poneglyph that was there. Quinn smelled something familiar yet faint on the island but dismissed it and left along with the rest of the crew, leaving Oden, Toki, Momonosuke, and Hiyori there.

They traveled to Zou and got the road Poneglyph from there before going to the last one.

Quinn and Rayleigh looked at Roger with deadpan expressions. Roger had a rag tied under his nose and over his head, looking like a thief as he said, "Good?" Rayleigh said, "Barely noticeable.." Quinn added, "Who are you again?"

Roger grinned and disappeared.

A while later

Roger ran back, laughing as he shouted "Set sail! Go! Hurry! Hahaha" A giant woman was following him shouting "Roger! I'll kill you!" Quinn and Rayleigh scrambled onto the ship with the rest and escaped while laughing.

The crew surrounded Roger and said, "Did you get it?" Roger grinned and said, "Of course I did! Let's party! We're going to the last island!" The crew cheered and started partying. Quinn had a big smile on his face, behind the mask, as he toasted with Roger and Rayleigh while the Oro Jackson slowly sailed towards the last and final island.