
Ancient Kingdom in Marvel.

GC_GAMING · Fantasy
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A Terrible End


This is a Fantasy and fanfiction. All the characters used except my own belongs to their respective owners. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

I have 2 stories Planned one is a fanfiction and one is my own which will come lately. I can't make and publish as i go like other stories.


Shiva was finally ready for everything to come to an end, he has preparing for 7 years already. They thought he and everyone along with him was dead but wrong, he came as the "Dark Devil" no body knows who he is? where is he from? what does he want ? but what everyone knows is he is against the Illuminati , the Secret Society nor what they call themselves now as "The Matrix".

Shiva was indian entrepreneur that started as Network Security Company and gradually increased their influence in other Industries. They were Majored out of India. Everything was going good he was married had child living happy life with his Parents, Friends. He also gave multiple extra advantages or offers to his employee's who were loyal and stood with him but everything changed at one moment. It was the gathering of elites he knows something is wrong with his country and other companies cause recently lots of companies and other governments had cancelled the Contract. He was invites here stating he will get the answer here. All of the world's business man's and top billionaire's were here suddenly all of the entrances closed and smoke fallout he was panicked but only he was, everybody knows what's happening. They are coming the matrix.

Council of 10 Assembled. They started accusing him and his family of all the atrocious things in the world, he denied but nothing was heard he was voted against . His family was given a choice he thought his family will stand with him or that is only his thought his parents stood with him but his wife left his child and gone over to his enemy and the current son of the PM who is standing beside the Council of 10. He was shocked before getting the answer his parents were brutally killed while he was being chained, his 7 year old daughter Mahi was raped in front of him by multiples of people while his daughter was pleading for help and looking towards his father while he was unable to do anything, he thought the general public will help him because he and his Company has freed them of the corrupted corporate and goverment people but no they were all watching this live while this was been telecasted.

Today Tamili Groups of industries along with the employees of 10Lakhs and their families have been burried for going against The Matrix and this is the final warning for everyone watching.

You shouldn't have helped the Farmers and the middle class. Do you think your country was not under our control? idiot it was under Control from the start of British Empire. you could have joined with us but denied it your inventions, archeological findings were beyond what we thought waa possible. But you failed to share with us after knowing about our intentions. Dont you find it amusing all the major technological innovations is from the western world? cause everything was done already by Previous civilizations be it Atlantis, Amazon or Lemuria ho, you call it Kumari kandam right. so anyway that's why the archeological findings of any said findings were banned by all the countries but you found a way. Thanks for getting us the missing Piece.

Shiva: hahahaha ,

Council of 10: Did he finally became insane.

Shiva: I was warned that this might happen when I uncovered. i never thought that was Real.

Shiva: Mahi initiate Protocol "Stone Age"

Council of 10: Your daughter is dead. don't you see it.

Mahi: Protocol Initiated.

Mahi: All devices, equipment's, weapon's etc under ********* Computer. Destroying the modern technologies, weapons, equipment's

Mahi: Initiating a Nuclear meltdown. Warning Sent. T-10 Mins.

Musk: This can't be happening all mu Quantum super computers were hacked.

Chinese: ours too.

Council of 10: what dis u do. Did you really built a AI Life knowing it will destroy humanity.

Shiva: hahahaha you all are dumb people believing that the current human generation is the strongest one? idiots

Shiva: I named my daughter after I uncovered ancient site which is underwater. I was warned that there is a certain restrictions on DNA level and they were the one that put it. cause they discovered something that will happen from outside our galaxy if we crossed our limits.

Council of 10: what was it? what did they say?

Shiva: do you think they will say that easily? They destroyed their own civilizations so that nothing should go out. who are they guarding it from? i don't know.

Shiva: All i know is that they warned me. Few high society people will kill you and your family along with the people who follows you.

Shiva: i asked how to prevent it.

***** Being: you can't its your destiny to die there. you has 2 Paths after that it's your choice.

Council of 10: who is it.

***** Being: Son go and finish it.

***** Beings Son: but why can't I save him and his family.

***** Being: Its Destiny son, Nobody can escape from it even us. if we could interfere, we would have.

Council of 10: who are you people and who are you sending here.

***** Being: hoo you guys still haven't found yet. this is the end of Kaliyuga. A New Yuga starts now.

Son start it. save the People who still supports the justice enough is enough. a lot has already happened.


After the Nuclear Meltdown after math.

Human girl: who are u? are u going to save us

Mom: honey who are u taking to? come here we have to go checkpoint.

Human girl: don't you see him he is floating.

Mom: huh...Please don't hurt us..

***** Beings son: don't worry we are here to save us all.

Human girl: who is we?

***** Beings son: you may know as Jesus, Prophet or Kalki avatar of Lord Vishnu.

Human girl: God is real?.

***** Beings son: Yes My girl.

***** Being: is it done?

***** Beings son: yes father. All the good people have been saved, i have got the report from all of them.

***** Being: For the Sin of corrupting the world and deviating it i here by sentence you-all and the world to Eternal Doom. May the world start anew after this.

***** Beings Son: Shiva you along with rest of the few people were something else but the heretic gods and their pantheon has doomed it all. I know what you are u thinking yea they have used a loophole.

Now since I destroyed the world all the connections to all the Pantheons is cut and heretic gods Pantheon is already been destroyed with along with this.

***** Being: Shiva even though you were destined for something your time is up. Don't worry your Parents made a decision to join us in the Pantheon to Help Us.

Shiva: My...My Daughter.

***** Being: well your daughter. Made a decision to go with you in the next life.

Shiva: My next life?

***** Beings Son: well you did pretty much became like a Messiah and saved the lives of many.

***** Being: We can't say anymore than this. There's already a person eagerly waiting for you.

May you be blessed in your next life.

Shiva: Thanks God for all.


***** Being and ***** Beings son : Gods

Mahi: one is the daughter of Shiva and other is an ancient computer.

Eternal Doom: Once the KaliYuga ends only Eternal Doom remains. after that again new era starts.