
Ancient Godly Monarch

Author: Jing Wuhen
Eastern Fantasy
Completed · 74.6M Views
  • 2053 Chs
  • 4.4
    2.4K ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Ancient Godly Monarch

Read ‘Ancient Godly Monarch’ Online for Free, written by the author Jing Wuhen, This book is a Eastern Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ROMANCE Light Novel, ADVENTURE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: In the Province of the Nine Skies, far above the heavens, there exists Nine Galaxies of Astral Rivers made up of countle...


In the Province of the Nine Skies, far above the heavens, there exists Nine Galaxies of Astral Rivers made up of countless constellations interwoven together. For Martial Cultivators, they could form an innate link with one of the constellations, awaken their Astral Soul, and transform into a Stellar Martial Cultivator. Legend has it that, the strongest cultivators in the Province of the Nine Skies, were beings that could open an astral gate every time they advanced into a new realm. Their talent in cultivation was such that they could even establish innate links with constellations that existed in a layer higher than the Nine Layers of Heavens, eventually transforming into the heaven-defying and earth-shattering power known as the War God of the Nine Heavens. Qin Wentian is the MC of this story. How could a guy, with a broken set of meridians, successfully cultivate? There were countless Stellar Martial Cultivators, as there were countless constellations in the vast starry skies. What he wanted to be, was the brightest constellation of all, shining dazzlingly in the vast starry skies.

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Your Highness, Why Are You Being So Shameless?

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Resto steak prambanan resto tempat ku berkerja. Temanku biasa memanggilku Dewi. Di sana ada karyawan 6 orang yang berkerja 2 shift. shiftku Chandra,Dyan. Sedangkan shift satunya Elma, Putra dan Koh Adi. Model resto tersebut rumah joglo. Aura nya seperti suasana zaman dahulu. Aku merasa pernah mengalami suasana ini familiar sekali. Baru pertama kali menginjakkan kaki disini aku langsung suka. Karyawan yang kerja dan menginap disini banyak mengalami hal diluar nalar. Bagi yang belum pernah mengalami hal mistis tentu takut. Resto ini berhadapan dengan sebuah candi tempat pariwisata di Prambanan. Dan ini pula yang menjadi suasana resto tambah kuat aura mistisnya. Ada beberapa karyawan yang pernah diganggu dan tidak berani ke dapur resto jika menginap di sini. Ada suara aneh di sekitar area sumur tua ditengah resto ini. Sumur yang ditutup rapat oleh batu semen bundar. Dan tempat tersebut kotor dan dipenuhi tanaman liar. Sedangkan kamar mandi di area resto ada 6, 4 untuk umum dan 2 untuk karyawan. Dapur resto besar dan terletak di tengah. berhadapan dengan pohon yang terlihat sudah tua. Depan area resto pun banyak pohon yang usia nya lama. Di dapur dan area depan resto pernah muncul ular dan tiba-tiba menghilang. Dan karyawan yang berada di dapur kadang merasa tidak nyaman apabila saat sendirian. Tetapi bagi yang cuek merasa biasa saja. Bagi sebagian yang bisa merasakan aura mistis ada yang merasakan energi negatif dan merinding. Adapula yang merasa nyaman dengan keberadaan mahluk astral. Saat malam hari suasana resto di prambanan sunyi dan sepi. Padahal belakang resto bnyak rumah warga dan ada mushola. Aura mistis malam hari kuat sekali. Ada 4 kamar disana, 2 dipakai aku dan sebelah ku untuk koh adi jika menginap. 2 lagi untuk karyawan laki. Aneh nya kamar ku yang bersebelahan dengan sumur auranya dingin sekali. Jadi aku kadang tidur diluar dengan karyawan lain posisi kasur masing masing. Diluar justru tidak dingin padahal terbuka aneh sekali. Pernah aku terkejut dengan suara barang jatuh digudang padahal ada raknya tidak mungkin jatuh akhirnya kudatangi dan kuletakkan di atas rak tersebut. Banyak misteri di resto ini yang membuat banyak kejadian dan ketakutan untuk para karyawan resto. Sedangkan untukku ini pengalaman berharga dan mengenal sisi alam lain. Yang penting kita jangan mengusik mereka dan mereka tidak akan mengganggu kita karena kita hidup di dunia ada 2 alam. Misteri itu ada dan nyata.

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1 Chs
Table of Contents
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Volume 1
Volume 2


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one of the best novels I keep track on. even if it has changed platform, so long it can continue publishing, I will keep reading! I care about novel itself, rather than the platform hosting it. so wish u the best lordbluefire!


Make sure to not read this novel when your life is busy as this novel will get you addicted pretty fast. It's great. It's a mixture of Coiling Dragon and Against the Gods in my eyes. Somehow, it has this Coiling Dragon vibe, especially. I really like it. The characters are not shallow but deep and real. You can feel them as you would a real person. MC is very likeable and relatable. Plotarmour isn't OP and cliches aren't that common either. It has very realistic views and the world works out as it would in reality. If you have spare time, this should be a must read.


Worthless translator, audacity to call his readers ungrateful brats but actually expect us to pay soul stones for chapters? What happens when us ungrateful brats leave his ass for the dogs? Pitiful, no maturity, actually makes a livelihood off us readers and our donations but can call us brats. Anyways enough of this rant and forget this trash attitude translator.


Dropping translation quality down. Continuously repeated phrases and scenes throughout the story almost word for word. The translator is also super ungrateful. Update stability is also dropping down because of the premium. Chapters have slowed down tremendously in preparation for releasing multiple premium chapters at once, to reduce the amount of free chapters for the week on top of making it premium. Story development is almost non existent, he's always the strongest, and he chases a woman through half the current novel. Character design is a joke, cultivators are introduced as "experts" and women are introduced as "supreme beauties" and sometimes never actually given names. Characters fade into the background frequently, especially if you're friends with the MC. World building again is a joke, somehow even when you're going to different worlds the author managed to keep it dry. Describing the "immortal realms" has "impossibly vast" doesn't actually tell anybody anything. This novel is mediocre at best, possibly worth the read, definitely not worth premium though.


Greedy translator cant even keep his quota of chapters per week and thinks he can win us over with 10 chapters after premium, like is this novel really worth me paying this much stones, trash translator.


Reveal spoiler


Horrible greedy writer Horrible greedy writer Horrible greedy writer Horrible greedy writer Horrible greedy writer Horrible greedy writer Horrible greedy writer Horrible greedy writer Horrible greedy writer Horrible greedy writer Horrible greedy writer Horrible greedy writer Horrible greedy writer Horrible greedy writer Horrible greedy writer Horrible greedy writer Horrible greedy writer Horrible greedy writer Horrible greedy writer Horrible greedy writer


This is one of my absolute favorites. Sad that it left WW but I actually like webnovel a LOT! it even has a library and stuf flike that amazing. The app is nice as well but back to the review! Translation Quality: Top Notch what do you expect? Update Stable: Damn he is like on steroids... fun aside it is really really stable Story Development: The Story itself is well written and has a really nice pace to it. Nothing to add or substract. 4/5 because at some points it does feel a bit streched but that is so rare. Char development: Amazing I loved every second of it till now. World background: Your Standart WebNovel Martial arts world a perfect 5 nothing wrong.


Rating: 3 stars Why? Because the translator is shameless and this story deserves better. It's honestly a really great story. However, the translator has decided to go premium and, unlike other premium stories, has continued his 1 chapter a day release schedule. Let me say that again... He is now charging 12-13 stones per new chapter (up from 4/Ad watch) and he is still only releasing 1 chapter a day. Other premium series tend to at least release 2-4 on a consistent daily basis. This is truly unacceptable and the only reason I gave his 3 instead of 1 is so that people can know that the story itself is genuinely good. I just wish the translator didn't suck so much. I wish he had passion for it still so he could release more than 1 a day.


Ridiculously greedy translator and can't even admit it. Leaves ww to come here for more money then switches over to premium for more money with the excuse of giving more back to the author. Like anyone believes that mess. If that was the case why not set up something to directly donate towards the author but no you just want a bigger piece of pie. Not to mention how many ranks this novel jumped after going premium.


you are the entiteld brat , and the fact that many of use do not suport you directly does not mean they don;t suport at all there a a lot of comercials that paid for this story by our viewership , you sound more entitled by your decision and you will soon see you will lose more by acting this way


This story is exceptional it creates a realistic character and development and although the MC is very overbearing and arrogant he has his ups and downs. AGM is a brilliant example of a strong MC but not ridiculously invincible.


I must say, I want to thank this damnable translator. He opened up a new world to me. Through this novel translator and ****ty qidian, I've found my way to underground community in reddit. No more spending ss.


Translation quality is poor, reads like edited machine translation. Story is so-so. I managed to read through ~300 chapters.... but seeing as it didn't improve, I couldn't stand it any longer and dropped it.


Reveal spoiler


Rubbish translation on this novel. Too much machine-translation like phrases, too much unnatural syntax. Too many words repeated again and again.


I simply cant understand whats so interesting that its even in the top 20. Nothing unique here. As in all other mediocre novels he gets pretty solid plot armor, clan is all of a sudden in danger, sudden jumps in strenght, all of a sudden there is again the unoriginal fatty, dumb enemies not killing cause of some dumb reason... So why is this than in the top 20??


Compared to True Martial World's translator, the translator of this novel is way too greedy. While comparing their translations on both novels, the translations on this novel is subpar with a lot of grammatical errors. If you're going to compare it to TMW's smooth translation and not google translated which you can read from 7-11 spirit stones per chapter and unlocks after a week or so where you can read it for free, this novel's beyond compare and beyond redemption. Though a lot of people are still reading this novel (well, me included) this novel is becoming like those novel that are being dragged too much to become a milking machine for the author/ttanslator. 1.1k plus chapters and the protaginist is still a weakling. And the stroy being too much of a repetition. That's a hell of snail paced and over hyped and mainstream chinese novel for you.


A very good chapter, I will be waiting for action in next few chapters. Very good translation. What will be your posting schedule here? Same as in wuxiaworld something else


Childish translator. Story is genuinely good tho, hope another translator can pick up this translator’s slack. Lots of cliffhangers, heaps of betrayal.


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