
Chapter 3 {Loud Mouth}

Two days later. Qin Tang Long walked inside Red Court Academy library his finger ran through old time books that haven't been picked up for thousands of years as he is moving around a black red book fall down hitting his head.

Damn it what kind of book is this? Huh demonic heart? Sigh let's move on Qin Tang Long threw the book to the side as he moved on to the next books he decided to walk to higher floor. In Red Court Academy they are fifty-five floors each floor has different types of book but to get into higher floor one must have strong cultivation skills and spiritual energy. For him because of the problem that happened when he was first he is unable to learn martial arts cultivate or even feel his spiritual energy. The only reason he was able to get into Zygote Empire top school because of the scores he made. Yea for Qin Tang Long he will play dirty if he must.

"Aww if isn't the trashy prince he is unable to go to sixth floor or any other floor how about you kneel and beg for me to give you a seal and I will—"

Qin Tang Long looked up and saw Aiken staring at him before his lips crawled up into a smirk.

"Aiken I know you are deeply in love with me but we can't I don't like you nor am I into men so please stop flirting with me!" Qin Tang Long shouted for everyone to hear as he hugged himself and stared at Aiken.

"I will kill you!" Aiken shouted he releases his Heaven Resonance Attribute which was the fire king beast his speed and strength was much faster then that of a normal person the moment he raised a punch Qin Tang Long hit the bookshelf and he touched his chest he clenched his jaw as he stared at Aiken. Aiken let out a ugly laugh as he stormed on Qin Tang Long none stop.


A light brown skin tone young man appeared he had red hair and his eyes were blue as he clenched his fists together Aiken was shot back and the guy pulled out a white plastic metal stick device which was called Louis. When he pulled the Louis apart to the side a screen showed up and he pushed a video.

"Aiken I know you are deeply in love with me but we can't I don't like you nor am I into men so please stop flirting with me!" Qin Tang Long said on the video.

"I am going to send this to the whole school Aiken is in love with my sworn brother!"

"Really gossip everyone come on they gossip!" A different guy shouted and rushed over as he pulled his hair back and slammed his hand on the bookshelf trying to cool.

"Chikaru Hotaru what are you doing!?" The two guys asked their best friend.

"Zion Quinn and Qin Tang Long as your best friend how can you live this beauty behind come everyone pay up if you want to see a fight our first class Aiken has a crush on Qin Tang Long are they going to get married oh no look at that face many people would think they are meant to be! 45 points if you want to hear the gossip! Oooh you want to hear about the prince his our first class trash prince he is unable to use SHM! What do you I mean by that everyone knows he can't awaken his Sacred Yuan, Heaven Resonance Attribute, and his one hundred fifty meridian channels! Of course because of his looks his so popular his a player!"

"What about Zion I sent the points!"

"Zion is a person who loves blackmailing people his nothing but a scammer made from hell!"

"I am going to kill him!" Qin Tang Long and Zion Quinn snapped in unison as they kicked Chikaru Hotaru off fifth floor he let out a scream as he was falling.

"Humph just you wait trashy prince!"

"You two are so unreasonable I wanted over nine hundred points!"

Qin Tang Long and Zion Quinn stared at each other as they cracked their knuckles and stepped forward. Chikaru Hotaru felt a bad feeling about this before he could run away he was being beaten up endless by his two best friends. Qin Tang Long grabbed Chikaru Hotaru by his shirt.

"Zion and I also get paid after all loud mouth you sold us our you better pay us!"


Few minutes later.

Qin Tang Long likes seeing his new points he slammed his hand on Chikaru Hotaru back and let out a light laugh.

"Well done men we earned so much by the Qin, in just three months we will have our school competition if you lose you will be kicked out of the elite 1 class."

"Zion don't worry I have a plan."

Chikaru Hotaru and Zion Quinn stared at each other and nodded their heads.

"Alright men we want to go to the same school in two years time they will be the exam for that school so I want to you see ready."

Qin Tang Long nodded his head and clenched his fists together in two years he much reach the highest level.

"Brother Tang!" A young beautiful girl shouted she has short brown hair that went by her shoulders, her eyes were bright hazel and she looked like a fairy.

"Miao what brings you here?"

"I heard Aiken was bullying you so I thought I should pay visit but I saw the video you are cunning."

"Don't make me laugh Miao how can I am innocent person slender anyone?"

Miao presses her lip together and she let out a laugh and she waved Qin Tang Long before handing over a box.

"Happy belated birthday."

"This is ninety grade elixir pill Miao I can't!"

"You must you are my best friend and maybe this will help you in the future."

"Thank you."

Miao nodded her head and walked away with a happy smile. Qin Tang Long let out a yawn and walked outside well it seems like school is over! After tomorrow he will be living with his father to go to a mysterious place he was honestly excited. Maybe this will save him!