
Chapter 2 {Sacred Yuan}

Numerous young and young girls with immature faces and youthful faces are wearing exercise clothes, sitting cross-legged, looking at the center of the venue, where two figures are in a fast confrontation, and the wooden swords in their hands are in fierce collision, and there is a crisp sound, echoing. In the training ground.

Two young handsome man were standing on the training ground. The handsome yet beautiful young man on the right has a long body, handsome face, energetic eyes under the eyebrows, and good body and temperament. Not to mention other things, just this top-notch skin can attract you. When some girls in the field cast their bright eyes with dazzling eyes, with a hint of shyness.

"Come on Brother Qin Tang Long!"

There was a girl who was brave and screamed Qin. Tang Long name. They were two people who were holding signs like crazy those two were Qin Tang Long best friends Lin Niko and Chikaru Hotaru.

"FUCK YEAH THAT'S OUR DAMN YOUNG MASTER BEAT THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF THIS MAN!" Lin Niko shouted and threw flowers on the training grounds. Qin Tang Long looked away he was so embarrassed what kind of sworn brothers are these two.

"BROTHER SO YOU KNOW WE PUT ON A BET SO YOU BETTER WIN AND DEFEAT THIS FOUR EYE!" Chikaru Hotaru shouted. The man who they called four eye was Aakio Goro. He clenched his jaw as he shot daggers at Qin Tang Long. Both Aakio Goro and Qin Tang Long hate each other. As Qin Tang Long rushed forward he waved his finger the air and he twisted his body as he jumped in the air and threw daggers in the air. Chikaru Hotaru sighed he opened his eyes everyone let out a gasp.

"Heaven Resonance summoning gate! Wow that's rare."

Qin Tang Long narrowed his eyes and he landed on the ground as a fire ice winged spirit beast tiger appeared threw the summoning gate it rushed toward Qin Tang Long who covered his face he felt pain all over his body but he didn't give up. The shadow dagger appeared in Qin Tang Long hand this was a gift from Gu Kiomi Miyu the first he got it he couldn't even control he didn't understand where Gu Kiomi Miyu but he knew that she must know the disappearance of his parents four years ago Qin Ray Mu and Li Millie Snow disappeared from thin air a year went and no words soon the Qin Dynasty House started falling apart but some mysterious clan appeared offering for help and saying that they will protect them. For Qin Tang Long he has to take care of his little sister Qin Mia Hina.

Qin Tang Long did not have the time to think about it he threw his shadow toward Aakio Goro who dodged the dagger but it came back hitting on the shadow.

"That's the Genesis Rune Tiger Roar first tier!" Someone shouted. The Genesis Rune is another cultivation way for Heavenly Resonance Master besides Genesis Qi. It is harder and more profound to cultivate as it requires deep comprehension and manipulation of the divine soul.

Every Genesis Rune is made from numerous strokes and lines. In general, the more strokes and lines there were, the greater the quality and might of the Genesis Rune formed.

The Genesis Rune is divided into 50 grades. There are also a low realm before one reaches the first grade of Garden Light Realm. One must understand Genesis Rune master are truly profound when it comes to what they are doing in battles they need more spiritual power then cultivation.

For Qin Tang Long he decided to learn both blacksmith and Genesis Rune he knew that he would never catch up to everyone but it was a worth a try. For eleven years he has been unable to awaken his Heaven Resonance abilities.


"Look oh my gosh Handsomeness is losing right now to loser what should we do! Come on QIN CHANT WITH ME QIN QIN QIN QIN!" Lin Niko shouted. Qin Tang Long looked up what that's his his sixth level Heaven Resonance Ice Demon Gate. As one gets stronger their Heaven Resonance will also develop as time goes on they are 950 Heaven Resonance level but to think his already at his sixth level it shows his a genius humph so what?

Qin Tang Long stood up and he spat blood on the ground he waved his finger forward for Aakio Goro to attack him.

Aakio Goro couldn't handle his anger Aakio Goro dashes forward like a bird his speed was so fast but Qin Tang Long didn't move the moment he saw Aakio Goro coming at him a cruel smirk appeared on his face. Suck a fool Qin Tang Long held out his hand and used his family techniques the moment he opened his hands Aakio Goro felt like giant claws were coming at him. Aakio Goro released his cultivation warrior.

"Oh my gosh Aakio Goro cultivation warrior is outstanding this amazing!"

Cultivation Warrior appear when one his at second rank of their cultivation which everyone here has a cultivation warrior but this is a grade 6 which meant it was truly powerful.

"I lost," Qin Tang Long said.

"Haha you will always be a loser."

"Aakio if I were I would hold onto that pride of yours because the next time I might as well kill you," Qin Tang Long said with a smirk and he jumped down.

"Boo so mean we lost so much money."

Qin Tang Long sighed as he shoved his hands inside his pockets.

"You guys worry to much but I am alright now."

"Damn it you are treating us!" Chikaru Hotaru snapped as he kicked Qin Tang Long.

"Brother Qin you did well."

"Oh thank you," Qin Tang Long replied as he threw his adorable smile. The girl let out a scream and she touched her cheeks as she rushed off.

"Don't you feel bad for the young prince?" A girl whispered.

"Who wouldn't after he is unable to awaken his Heaven Resonance Attribute, his one hundred fifty meridian channel haven't even awaken yet all but not just that his Sacred Yuan hasn't awaken either his a crippled but his so handsome," someone else said. Qin Tang Long let out a sigh and kept on walking. His mind was in chaos as he thought about what other kids were talking about him. In Boundless Heavenly Continent there are three types of powers Sacred Yuan, Heaven Resonance Attribute, and meridian channels. Scared Yuan is a type of powers that is born within a child ever since they were born weather their Sacred Yuan is meant for greatness it always depends on what they inherited from their parents, the moment a child turns three years they awaken their Sacred Yuan so they can start training by the time they are seven years old they full awaken their other two abilities. Heaven Resonance Attribute Heaven,every human being is born with what is known as a ' heaven resonance Attribute either to a specific element or a powerful, mythical beast. People would use their resonances to draw upon the natural energy of the world, then convert it into the force known as power. There were countless different types of resonances, but most could be roughly divided into one of two camps; elemental resonances and beast resonances. Heaven Elemental resonances referred to the various elements that filled heaven and earth, such as fire, earth, water, lightning, healing, force, light, darkness, and foresight. As for the beast, heaven resonances? According to the legends, during the earliest dawn of human civilization, there was an almighty figure that attempted to strengthen humanity by extracting the spirits of countless beasts, then infusing these spirits into the various human bloodlines, giving birth to what was now called 'beast heaven resonances'. In general, both heaven elemental resonances and heaven beast resonances could be roughly divided into nine different grades.Seventh to ninth-grade resonances were considered high-grade. One should not underestimate what a high-grade resonance was capable of. The power produced by a seventh-grade resonance was not the same realm as middle-grade or low-grade resonances. The resonant power was denser and also possessed some form of spirituality. Spirituality was a difficult concept to explain; it was something that was ephemeral and could only be experienced when it was used on one's opponents. Thus, the seventh-grade could be considered to be a watershed. Those who could cross this gap would be in possession of an almighty resonance. One cultivation, spiritual realm, and their 150 meridian channels allows one to better understand their Heaven Resonance Abilities. Meridian channel helps one better understand the depth of their Sacred Yuan and Heaven Resonance Attribute when one breaks through meridian channel they would feel the different energy that surround them. Each and everyone meridian channels are different it always depends on what type or Heaven Resonance Attribute and Sacred Yuan you jabs awaken if one has a Heaven Resonance Attribute of water their meridian channel will be meridian channel thar deals with water.

Qin Tang Long found a peaceful open field and he sat down as he grabbed his Louis device. Louis device was a three inch white metal, when you pull it it apart a holographic screen appears this device is used for exterminate. Qin Tang Long started searching about the Wu Family sigh they are truly powerful.