
Ancestors: Starting with Gwen Spider-Man . Volume :2

Webnovel_Addicted · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 78: Court Session

"By the way, something unusual was discovered in New Mexico. Our satellite observed a hammer falling from the sky."

"Falling from the sky? When did this happen?"

Hill shrugged, "Not exactly. Upon inspection, it appeared suddenly tens of thousands of meters up, causing an electromagnetic storm."

"And after it fell to the ground, it couldn't be lifted by any means."

"Alright, now even hammers are causing worries," Nick Fury muttered, rubbing his temple. "Take control and let... Coulson handle this."


After the Expo, everyone gathered once again.

Tony, Gwen, Peter, Connors, Banner, Harry, and Felicia convened in a specially converted party room at Stark Tower.

Tony ordered food for everyone and popped open a bottle of champagne. Just then, an unexpected voice interjected,

"Sorry, I'm good with Pepsi."

"..." Tony glanced at Peter. "Kid, has anyone ever called you disappointing?"

"Just like how you love cheeseburgers, Mr. Stark."

"Fair enough, forget it, Jarvis, get this kid some Coke."

They ate, drank, and discussed the events of the Expo.

"Yeah, I think the all-in-one machine is still too cumbersome with too many limitations," Tony responded to everyone's inquiries about the armor. "I'm thinking of developing a model with ultra-remote control and automatic assembly and disassembly capabilities. Trust me, that'll be cool."

"Need any help?" Banner asked.

"Help? Nah, this is my armor. I can handle it myself."

"What about the Steel Legion? Today, you could probably command and control multiple suits simultaneously," Peter chimed in.

Tony frowned. "I haven't considered that yet."

Logically, having an army of suits could exponentially increase his power. However, it would undoubtedly provoke reactions from Capitol Hill. While they might accept Iron Man, an Iron Army was a different story. It wasn't just a technical issue but a significant political consideration.

Tony pondered silently.

"What about the guy who attacked? He... seems to have an Arc reactor too," Connors asked.

"His name's Ivan Vanke, and his father apparently knew mine... I'm not interested in dredging up old events."

At that moment, the news projection shifted to coverage of Black Superman.

"A Harlem victim is suing Black Superman, claiming he lost his legs during the disaster."

"This lawsuit has been ongoing for over a month, and now The New York court has accepted it, with a hearing scheduled soon."

All eyes turned to Banner simultaneously.

"Hey! I was there to save someone! Then he just attacked me for no reason," Banner complained.

"Um... we didn't mean it like that, Dr. Banner," Gwen quickly clarified.

Despite their loose agreement to form the Justice League, the news left everyone uneasy. Being heroes didn't exempt them from sometimes inadvertently causing destruction during major incidents.

But this lawsuit seemed to place all blame and economic loss squarely on their shoulders, despite their efforts to help.

Gwen felt disheartened.

"Ha..." Harry suddenly chuckled. "Why are they suing Black Superman? It's a bunch of clowns trying to grab attention while he's away."

But as soon as he finished, he noticed everyone's gaze fixed on him.

"What's up? Everyone," Harry looked around and explained, "I admit, I used to resent my father for his affairs, but I've moved past it now."

"Well, that's good to hear," Connors wiped his brow.

Odd, why was he sweating so easily today?

"Harry, relax, you're acting like a fan on TV," Tony added.

"Um... sorry, I got carried away," Harry apologized, feeling somewhat embarrassed.

"It's alright, human nature," Tony waved it off. "These things are never straightforward."

"Back then, just building the Arc reactor and the steel armor, and the military and folks on Capitol Hill were already up in arms. Imagine if it were Black Superman."

"You mean, it's a test?"


"What do you think Black Superman will do?" Felicia asked anxiously.

"What can he do?" Tony shrugged.

"With Superman's style, who can do anything to him?"

At Tony's words, everyone suddenly realized.


They had momentarily felt as though they were the ones being sued and heading to court, which left them feeling uneasy and somewhat down.

But in reality, it was Black Superman who was being sued!

Banner and Connors couldn't help but recall the impact of Black Superman's fists—it was painful.

Felicia also remembered the brutal training sessions Black Superman had put her through, almost to the point of breaking.

Gwen blinked. Despite Black Superman being a reassuring teammate, her personal experiences and memories of him weren't entirely positive...

She nudged closer to Peter.

And Tony, every encounter with Black Superman seemed to end without resolution.

"So," Tony spread his hands, addressing everyone, "If you ask me, we should worry about those guys."


"Do you think Black Superman will show up?" Felicia asked curiously.

"Why would he? I doubt it," Harry frowned.

"No, I think he will," Tony countered, glancing at Harry. "You don't know him yet, Harry."

Harry felt a surge of adrenaline, commonly known as a spike in blood pressure.

"Why do you say that?" he inquired.

Tony looked at Gwen and Felicia before answering.

"Do you remember what Black Superman said the night we formed the Justice League?"

"Um... that there may be more world-threatening crises in the future..."

"No!" Tony cut off Gwen. "He said he was having fun!"

"..." xN

"So," Tony shrugged, "If I were him, why not have fun?"

Harry squinted, suddenly feeling hostile toward Tony, sensing his position threatened.

Meanwhile, Connors struggled to contain his excitement, which was starting to affect his prostate.

He cast a quick glance at Peter, who seemed entirely engrossed.

Each person had their own perspective, discussing the topic extensively, with some finding enjoyment in it.

As for Peter, the one most directly involved... he playfully held Gwen's hand while engaging in the discussion.

Gwen secretly scratched his hand.

He scratched back.

Gwen scratched again.


In a certain prison,

Kingpin watched the news, his face flushing with anger.

"He'll come! He definitely will! Hahahaha!"


On the day of the trial,

The spectacle of suing Black Superman garnered significant media attention.

Of course, they knew Black Superman wouldn't show.

Even in New York's crime fighting, he rarely appeared, increasingly delegating tasks to Spider-Woman, his friendly neighbor.

According to reports, Black Superman seemed more active globally lately, though less frequent in New York, his impact spreading.

Starting from petty crime, terrorist attacks expanded to affect innocent civilians and nobles alike.

Yes, legally considered "innocent" in some eyes.

This sparked widespread protests.

His methods left people feeling insecure.

After all, who could be sure Black Superman wouldn't show up one day and deliver a swift, inhumane justice in their homes?

This underlay today's absurdity. Black Superman provoked some.

To some insiders, it was a test, a precursor to further assaults.

Attacks that could socially obliterate anyone in the world.

The media didn't grasp this. Some might have guessed, but few cared.

What they cared about was the spectacle and today's trending topic.

Trying the world's most powerful man in court seemed a turning point.

Though perhaps better if Black Superman had actually come to trial... some silently mused.

Beyond media, public opinion incited more.

Some simply gossiped, while others seized signs, demanding "Black Superman, get out of New York."

Let alone any underlying interests, these actions attracted another small but fervent group.

Black Superman's fans.

Both groups faced off with signs and words, escalating at times to physical altercations.

With no sign of the rightful defendant, tensions flared.

Desperate, court guards intervened, erecting barriers to quell the conflict.

Amid the shouting and swearing, one notable absence remained.

Inside the courtroom,

A black man in a wheelchair was wheeled forward by the crowd.

"Are you ready?" asked a white lawyer.

"Of course, ma'am," Jones replied after a moment, his tone tinged with sadness and anger. "Black Superman destroyed my home! He took my legs. I know this won't change anything for him, might even lead to his downfall."

"But I have to pursue this! To show everyone justice and natural law must not be abandoned..."

"Very good, reporters will join soon, just keep it as you are."

"Yes, ma'am."

Finally, after all the waiting, the hour arrived for court to commence.

Seeing the time, the lawyer remarked, "Looks like he won't be showing up."

Jones, practiced in his response, confidently declared, "Even if he doesn't, he can't escape everyone. Our trial!"

These images were broadcast live by reporters to major media and TV stations, captivating audiences nationwide, even sparking self-reflection in some.

Then, a loud bang echoed outside.

Before the courtroom could react, a tsunami of voices flooded in,

"Black Superman!"

"Black Superman's here!"
