
Ancestors: Starting with Gwen Spider-Man . Volume :2

Webnovel_Addicted · Anime & Comics
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123 Chs


Chapter 173: Massacre of Black Superman

The awkward emotions rising in Gwen's heart can be regarded as a minor episode. After all, everyone's focus must return to how to deal with Carnage.

Phantom also said, "There were several other symbiotes who fought with me against Carnage at that time, and they must be here now. We must find them quickly! Whether it is to join hands to fight Carnage, or to prevent Carnage from finding them first and devouring them."

"Carnage can create splits. If you give him time, he can create an army of massacres! This is the real reason for the fall of another world!"

"He can also split? Ha... Then this is interesting." On the side, Tony, who had finished formulating the strategy, came over and asked, "Who are the other symbiotes?"

"Venom, Riot, Ice Blue, Devour, and Green Whip."

"Especially Venom, he is the most important." The Phantom looked at Gwen: "Venom possessed Peter Parker in another world in the early days. If you are interested in these things, he will be a good clue."

Gwen will not admit that she has feelings for Mary Jane and Peter. "No, the most important thing for us is to stop Carnage, isn't it?"

"Well...actually there is no conflict."


Gwen felt that Miss Phantom seemed to be more eager to try than she was...


On the other side, Peter and the Ancient One came to the sky above New York through a portal and they could be regarded as witnessing what happened.

"It seems that you are busy, Black Superman." The Ancient One's calm tone actually contained a bit of schadenfreude.


Peter glanced at the old and disrespectful Ancient One and said without changing his expression, "I have a plan."



The Ancient One knew that she didn't need to take action in the next thing. She opened a portal and went back, then turned around and said, "This is your first lesson as a trainee to the Sorcerer Supreme. I'll wait and see."

The portal closed and Peter snorted, "I will use my way, the way of Black Superman."

His eyes immediately fell on one place. Carnage had escaped from the Justice League building, easily eliminating the other three steel armors that were chasing him, and blended into the streets that lacked surveillance, causing Tony to completely lose track of him.

He had already fought against various heroes of the Earth in another world and even conquered them once, so he was familiar with them.

He had realized that he seemed to be on another earth, but it didn't matter. There was also the symbiote god Knull in this universe, and he only needed to repeat what happened in the last world to conquer the earth.

The first step is to create a merozoite, a suitable host.

Unlike other symbiotes, ordinary symbiotes can only divide into "eggs." Symbiotes hatched from eggs have independent wills and belong to future generations. But Carnage can split into small Carnages and can also control the possessed host.

Soon, small slaughter eggs were excreted from his body. Although it took a certain amount of slaughter's physical strength, it was not a big problem and he could recover quickly...

"You symbiotes are really interesting and disgusting at the same time."

Suddenly, a voice sounded in Carnage's ears. 

Carnage was startled, and the fleshy flesh all over his body suddenly became "hairy." He jumped up as fast as he could, whirled in the air, transformed his right hand into a giant ax, and struck behind him.

Different from the usual tofu-like touch, this time, Carnage felt like he had been struck by an iron plate, and the shock from the other party even made him feel pain. Immediately afterwards, he lost feeling in his right hand.

He couldn't care much, so he could only quickly retreat and distance himself. Only then did he see clearly: a man in black and wearing a cloak floated behind him. His broken right hand was in the opponent's hand, turning into ashes bit by bit.

"Who are you!?" Carnage asked, feeling extremely solemn for the first time.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just very interested in Kull." Peter said in a relaxed tone, "I also want to invite him to Earth as a guest."

Hearing that the other party didn't seem to be a good person, Carnage's solemn heart relaxed a little. Of course, he was still on full alert, "How do you know this? What is your purpose?"

"I need his help with something."

Inexplicably... Carnage just felt that the man in front of him was extremely dangerous. The symbiote's instinct and desire for survival made him refuse: "No, I can do it myself."

Peter sighed, "That's a pity."

Carnage frowned, a little confused. He didn't know why, but at this moment, he became somewhat restrained. In the past, he was so powerful and ferocious that his enemies were afraid. Now, he was restrained.

You can't stay here for long... He quickly made this judgment and was about to find a chance to leave, but he found a scarlet light suddenly appeared in the other person's eyes.

"Ah, this... ah ah ah ah!"

On the street, people suddenly saw red light squeezing out of the alley between two buildings on one side, which could not be covered even in broad daylight. At the same time, there was a scream like a pig being slaughtered. Immediately, some citizens passing by took out their mobile phones to call the police, and some bold onlookers waited for the red light to disappear for a while before tiptoeing over to take a peek.

But when they reached the alley, they saw only a black mark on the ground, as if something had been burnt.

To summon Knull, you need the "sequences" in the Earth's symbiotes. Fortunately, Carnage had collected all the sequences, and there were probably only three or two big cats and kittens with venom left.

Although the body of Carnage was completely evaporated by Peter, the sub-body he had just split off was still there, and now it has fallen into Peter's hands, and the sequence has not been lost. Of course, it couldn't be used directly.

Peter found the sticky red oil in his hand disgusting, so it had to be slightly processed. Divine power emerged from his hand and began to invade this mass of "carnage flesh and blood" like a tentacle.

Generally speaking, even the Ancient One or Odin, although their power is strong enough to kill countless symbiotes in an instant, it is difficult for them to carry out more transformations on the symbiotes. Because the creator of the symbiotes is knull, this authority is in knull's hands.

But what is special is that Peter has a system in his hands. You can always buy some weird talents and skills in the system store. For example, this time, the symbiote is controlled, edited, and reconstructed.

Soon, all traces of acquired memories in this symbiote's genetic sequence were erased by Peter, and a new soul stamp was imprinted on it.

Symbiote, Master, knull? No! Symbiote, Master, Dark Superman!

Soon, the new symbiote released a message of intimacy to Peter, just like a newborn child meeting its parents. Peter was finally satisfied and let go of the restrictions.

The symbiote entangled itself and wanted to combine with "Dad." But he soon discovered that he couldn't parasitize at all, so he was very worried about this. He even stretched out two tentacles and hurriedly waved something.

What kind of the Man of Steel if a symbiote can invade at will...

Peter had to comfort the new symbiote. In the end, the symbiote could only wrap around Peter and form a new suit skin. Under Peter's guidance from the game, the new skin looks exactly like Carnage.
