
Ancestors: Starting with Gwen Spider-Man . Volume :2

Webnovel_Addicted · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 138: Choosing

"Of course, but..." Peter looked at Diana.

She was dressed in her classic low-cut armor, with a short skirt that ended at mid-thigh, showcasing her ample bust and powerful, toned legs—a perfect blend of style and defense.

Despite the impracticality in movies and comics, Diana's attire was both a reflection of her Amazonian heritage and a statement of her strength. "But what?" she asked, noticing Black Superman's gaze on her.

"Are you interested in changing your outfit?"


Early the next morning, after briefing with Steve No. 2, Diana prepared to depart for the battlefield.

With Black Superman accompanying her, the journey was swift.

Her meeting with Steve was to strategize and set clear objectives.

Diana understood that rushing in without a plan would be futile and counterproductive.

Good intentions could still lead to unintended consequences.

The following day, when Steve No. 2 saw Diana again, he was perplexed.

This time, Diana wore an additional layer of tights beneath her battle attire from the previous day.

It provided modesty without compromising her style.

Steve No. 2 was particularly intrigued by the fact that these tights were made from stockings.

While it reduced exposure, it also accentuated her figure.

Diana didn't fully comprehend the allure of such attire to men, but she complied with Black Superman's suggestion, knowing it wouldn't hinder her in battle.

Notably, these stockings were neither divine nor made from special materials, meaning they could easily be replaced.

"Steve?" Diana called, drawing Steve No. 2's attention back. "What's our plan?"

"Ah..." Steve shook his head, attempting to focus. "If possible, we should consider revisiting the meteorite from two nights ago."

Many officials favored a decisive nuclear strike.

"No!" Diana interjected before Peter could respond.

"People will die," she continued firmly.

She was resolute in preventing a repeat of that dangerous night.

Steve No. 2, relieved by Diana's decision, shared her reluctance, knowing firsthand how quickly things could spiral out of control.

"As long as we can communicate effectively," he agreed, nodding. "Then, if possible, please proceed to..."

...the frontline battlefield.

In the trenches, soldiers weary from prolonged warfare sought refuge.

Time had blurred their sense of duration; what once was a crowded platoon had dwindled.

Unnoticed, two figures suddenly appeared in the sky.

Moments ago, Diana and Peter had been in London.

Despite lacking the ability to fly herself, Diana marveled at Black Superman's speed.

She silently cursed her dependence on him, even as an Amazon.

Nevertheless, she was impressed by his capabilities.

But the immediate concern was the battlefield below.

"Is this what Steve meant? They've been holding out against the enemy for months," Diana asked.

Peter nodded. "Without our intervention, they would likely be overrun."

Diana frowned. "Understood... I'll take charge."

Peter smiled faintly. "Alright, let's move out... Pikachu!"

Diana blinked in confusion. "Pikachu...?"

Before she could react, Peter hurled her into the enemy's position like a meteor.

Though caught off guard, Diana swiftly regained her composure and adjusted her stance.

Below, soldiers mistook her for an artillery shell at first, then realized she was a woman—a formidable adversary.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" they shouted too late, as Diana swiftly subdued them.

Having escaped imprisonment and familiarized herself with modern weaponry, Diana had devised strategies to counter such situations.

She utilized the bunkers and her agility to evade gunfire and maintain mobility.

While she couldn't outrace bullets, she outmaneuvered ordinary soldiers.

Even when cornered, she deflected bullets with her gauntlets.

Soon, dozens of soldiers fell to her swift strikes.

The enemy, however, wasn't limited to a handful; reinforcements soon arrived.

Disinclined to prolong the battle, Diana struck at the camp's rear.

Cognizant of her numbers disadvantage, she targeted enemy officers first.

Peter didn't stand idly by, not because Diana needed help, but because his participation was essential for earning points.

He descended upon the officers' camp directly.

"Who are you?" the guards demanded, training their weapons on Peter.

But their efforts were futile; Peter incapacitated them before they could react.

The officer, calm amid the chaos, queried, "What do you want?"

Given Peter's infiltration, the officer presumed he could end the officer's life before reinforcements arrived.

"Call me Bateman," Peter quipped, recalling his early superhero days.

Though not just a jest anymore.

The officer frowned, unfamiliar with the moniker. Ignoring it, he stalled for time, hoping to discern Peter's motives.

Peter clarified, "I aim to end this war."

"Are you allied?" the officer asked nervously.

"No, I'm not," Peter replied simply.

Relieved, the officer asked, "Then who are you? Why come to me? If your goal is peace, you could have helped us..."

"I stand on my own," Peter interrupted, "in my own way."

The officer hesitated briefly before Peter subdued him swiftly.

By the time Diana reached the command room, the officer lay grievously injured, muttering, "Bat... bat..."

Despite severe injuries, he clung to life.

Observing his condition, Diana realized he was beyond saving.

Exhaling heavily, she exited the command room to find Peter waiting.

She didn't question his decision to leave her behind; it allowed her to distract the enemy and created openings for him, a strategy she accepted.

But she couldn't help asking, "Why... why torture him like that?"

Peter met her gaze calmly.

Unfortunately, Diana had discarded her battle-damaged tights. Next time, he'd have to escalate.

"Am I supposed to kill indiscriminately?" he countered.

"No, that's not what I meant," Diana frowned.

"You could have granted him a swift end. What's the difference between that and killing?"

"Fear. I instill fear," Peter asserted. "For humans, fear is the strongest shackle."

"And do you really want to see me killing without restraint?"

Diana shuddered at the thought. "No, this... this is fine," she conceded reluctantly.

Peter nodded. "Then it's settled. I leave the rest to you."

Diana glared at him, feeling like an errand girl, executing his dirty work.

Ending a war zone demanded more than mere executions.

She sensed she was straying from her heroic ideals.

As Diana departed, Peter watched from afar. After a while, a notification popped up:

[Conflict resolved. Points earned: 6000. Rating: S. Bonus: 6000 points.]

Meanwhile, on Diana's end, she too had successfully resolved the conflict.

The system recognized her actions as an extension of Peter's, acknowledging her role in the operation.

If executed seamlessly, Peter would reap substantial rewards.

Moreover, Diana's actions were executed under his guidance.

Unspoken was the systematic approach to rapid advancement; ritual and respect were essential.

Initially skeptical of being used by Peter, Diana found satisfaction in breaking enemy lines.

She wondered how many lives she'd saved.

Returning to Peter, Diana pondered and asked, "What does 'bat' mean?"

From London's statue to the officer's dying words, 'bat' resonated.

Peter smiled enigmatically. "You'll understand in time."

Diana grimaced, vexed by the riddle.

Before she could protest, Peter intervened.


Steve No. 2 assigned Diana her task before returning to the strategic map.

As liaison between Diana and Peter, his authority and information were extensive.

While both Diana and Peter were exceptional, their journey to and from the frontlines would take time.

Aligning orders with strategic goals, Steve determined the next steps on the map.

Once the strategy was set, he awaited Diana and Peter's return...

Wait, what did he see?

Peter, carrying Diana like a child, descended from the sky.

Steve hurriedly approached. "Back so soon? Did something unexpected occur?"

He glanced at Diana with a mix of curiosity and concern.

Peter's manner of carrying her suggested familiarity.

Diana felt slighted, vowing never to let Peter treat her this way again. "No, we've completed the mission."

"Completed?" Steve No. 2 was taken aback. "What mission?"

"We dismantled the enemy position," Diana explained. "Soldiers need only secure the area; there will be no resistance."

"This... but it's only been half a day..." Steve checked his watch, baffled. "More than half a day, actually, but still..."

He recalled something suddenly. "You didn't... use that, did you?"

Whether lasers or meteorites, such weapons were potent.

"What are you implying!" Diana responded defensively. "We minimized casualties."

Steve frowned. "Alright... I'll await further reports from the front."
