
Anarchy on the Shadows

What is an organization about? Why are people want to team up with each other. "Our reason are different". An organization split up 2 years from now. But are not exactly broken. The group of 5 people try to gather all their allies again.

Im_Crying_rn_420 · Fantasy
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The Mysterious knight and the Guild

Baron didn't know what was the gender of the knight because of the helmet, but he notice a scar on the left palm.Baron thinking it might been a symbol but different from the other knights before. The knight was frightened by the immense speed and also confused because why Baron find the location it's standing.

"You know it's dangerous here"

Baron said to the mysterious knight

"Also you, what are you doing here"

The knight frighteningly replies

"Sorry I got a little lost "

As Baron laughed as he approach the knight

"Just don't talk about what happened this knight or else...


The knight closed its eyes but after opening it

Baron is gone.

Baron didn't spoke his name so he is confident that they might not see each other again.

The next day Baron plans is to join the guild so he can find some things that will help him to sneak.

He goes to the guild and register to finally have a chance exploring a dungeon.

He needs the assassin's cloak that has materials like the thread of a spider queen, and the crushed magic crystal of a stone golem.

Before an hour,

He just wants to buy it and skip any effort but he don't have connections and the cost is expensive. Baron decided to just get the raw materials

He was appraised by the guild manager and came out pretty normal with a above average

fire magic that is just normal on adventurers.

"I don't really use this power very often but this flames are different from the flames I produce last knight so hopefully I don't stumble across that knight again.

He started doing easy guild commissions like defeating some goblins and helping other people. Baron kinda enjoyed it

Meanwhile, In the church, C knows that Baron is trying to sneak from where he's at.

He's in the bad position right now even as the head priest of the church so all he can do is wait to sustain his royal connections.

He should think how he can pass the head priest to one of the disciples. The King and Queen Trust him greatly so they don't really want him to go. He is in a tight spot but he can't do it because of The Ace orders

that they should need good relationships especially the Royals and the one who controls the power as possible. C doesn't know the reason why.

Both Baron and C that they should go from the designated location.

It's the hardest mission they experienced yet.

C can't do anything right now and he said while looking at the city view from the window

"I can't do anything, so I'll be waiting for the escape. I'm expecting that you become stronger from the last time I met you"

After that, C admire the nice view and he go back again inside after.

Baron is back to the guild and he bring the demands and satisfied letters to those he helped.

The guild compensated him for his hardwork.

"With this I can finally rent a room for a month.

I hope my stay here shouldn't be too long"

He thanked the manager and walks away. After leaving, he bumped with a short haired woman that is trying to recruit people on her team.

As Baron looks at the face of the woman, he can see the fear in its eyes.

He immediately look at the left palm and he sees the unique scar.
