
Anarchy on the Shadows

What is an organization about? Why are people want to team up with each other. "Our reason are different". An organization split up 2 years from now. But are not exactly broken. The group of 5 people try to gather all their allies again.

Im_Crying_rn_420 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

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As he walks in the capital, He observed that nothing really much changed for the past 2 years. " The only thing that changed here is the measurements of power and the complexity of the magic incantations." He said to himself as he looks at the post board near the main road of the capital. He goes to the side of the town where there are many people commit crimes so much that the knights can't stop them. The town is in a mess and Baron asked the guards about the stuff happened here.

"Why can't you control this part of the city?"

The guards said that there are 2 wanted criminals hiding and they made this part of the capital their turf. The guards also mentions that the royal family is put of the city and the church don't have enough power to do so. "If the royal prince and his 5 most powerful guards are here, the problem will be solved easily"

"Thank you for the information" said Baron as his quest to find his comrade was stopped by an issue.

"Because of this problems, it's hard to infiltrate the church" now he said to himself.

As the sun sets and the moon is bright he tried to settle the things for himself.

He goes to the unprotected area and was spotted by the thugs. He smiles and talks to them,

" Give me a challenge this time eh, Maybe I'm a bit rusty now but it's time to pump up!" He taunts them, the thugs replied,

"Do you think you can defeat us?, your mana is so weak that even a kid has more magic than you" They laughed and Baron strikes first.

He grabs a thin piece of wood and he rubs his hands on them so fast that it caught on fire.

The thugs are surprised and was caught off guard because of the sound it made. They try to shoot him flame and water magic but Baron snapped his fingers and the shockwave made them unconscious. Before getting unconscious, one thug muttered,

"how... what did you do....." as his voiced fades away.

Baron remained silent as he walks away quietly

"That's fun, I guess.."

As he walks away, there's a knight on training that sees the fight.

The knight sneakily tried so get out of the area but Baron was already in the back.