
Anabel! An accidental reincarnation!

Hey! I'm Anabel! A lucky reincarnation that was sent to another world thanks to a stupid goddess getting my files mixed up! If you think that this story is all about me becoming OP and beating the crap out of everything, then you have the wrong book for about a couple of years! I'm just an ordinary adventurer who struggles to pay the rent on time and has basically no magical powers to speak of, unlike the other stupid reincarnations sent by the Goddess! How very unfair! Join me and my friends in a crazy, exciting story as we try to defeat the Goddess System as well as fight off enemies far stronger than myself! I never have it easy do I? The Gods are always messing with me and It's bothersome! Leave me alone already! I have changed! I'm not a bad person! Stop trying to make me one! Anabel! An accidental reincarnation is not responsible if you become addicted to this story. All rights reserved.

Misa_Nakamura · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs


"Lady Anabel! How often do I have to tell you to watch your decorum while eating!"

"I'm sorry, Sofia, give me a break already."

Yup, that was me and my personal maid, Sofia. Ever since I got the hang of the vibe around my parents' mansion, I have been training with her to "Relearn" my ways. Honestly, it was a real pain in the behind.

She keeps telling me everything I do is wrong, even when I try to keep my composure up. Geez, was it that hard to be royal? I might've underestimated the difficulty level here. This was definitely not easy!

Said the princess-looking brat, who could also eat whatever whenever they wanted. Yeah, I had it better in that sense, but still! Come on! Having to act like I'm perfect at all times is hard. How hard?

Well, despite me being only ten, I'm already expected to know how to walk with heels on correctly. As you might have imagined, the first time I was forced to try, I fell down multiple times, face-first into the floor.

"Stand up and try again, lady Anabel."

Goddam why? I don't like these things on my feet! It feels like they're pre-meditated torture devices. Oh my gosh, my feet hurt so badly, and I haven't even walked on them all day like Mom, God save me!

I wanted to escape the Jig Saw level torture, but the maids held me in place and forced me to try over and over again all day until I couldn't feel my feet anymore. By the end of the day, my feet were completely numb.

It was horrendous. If I had a button to game-end all the pairs of heels in the world, I would push it without hesitation. I was sobbing in bed as I tended to my war-wounded feet; Geez, they ended up bright red from all that.

The next day, I was put through the same torture until I was finally able to somewhat walk with them. The fact that I could balance better didn't take away the inhuman pain, but at least I wasn't tasting the pavement anymore.

The next thing the crew tried to teach me was table manners. I thought I had that in the bag. You would think so since I'm a grown adult from Japan, but nope, I got reminded that I was an animal when eating.

"That's the wrong spoon, Miss! And refrain yourself from speaking with your mouthful!"


She was always so harsh with her nagging that she was even allowed to use her teaching whip against me. What the hell? I'm royalty, not a slave! I tried complaining about it to my mom, but even she was scared of Sofia.

TuT Help me.

"Keep your posture up, too! You keep going back to that caveman position when sitting! Sit straight up!"

Sofia whipped my back and then used her hands to lift my posture up to the correct position. My experience as an adult man from another world backfired when sitting as I always went back to my cellphone hunch.

Or so I thought because Sofia was determined to whip away my bad habit of sitting like a "Caveman." If only she knew about the level of technology that had caused me the bad habit in the first place.

"You've been doing poorly, Miss Anabel. You won't be able to participate in your brother's crowning ceremony at this rate."

What the fuck? I had a brother? Why has nobody told me all this critical information already? I was still playing the amnesia card, so why wouldn't they just tell me the basics? Everyone around me was still a stranger.

"When is the ceremony going to be held?"

"In less than a month, but your lack of manners is worrying."

"I-I will try!"

With that, the torture continued; I had to get accustomed to so many rules and mannerisms I had never done before; of course, I wouldn't be ready in a month!

I needed to learn how to walk like a lady, how to tend for my long dress. How not to trip on my own long skirt. How to sit down, how to sit up. How to address someone else, how to introduce myself! Oh my gosh! It was so awful! So many rules!

Of course, that wasn't the end of my troubles. I also needed more time to learn the basics of simple magic. It was all in vain, though; I could still not perform any magic whatsoever.

"You must try again, Miss Anabel!"

"I'm the source of all power! Hear my words and heed them! Cover my enemy with a splash of water! sVita Aqua Splash!"

Nothing happened, not even a little glimpse of light or sound. The room felt silent as the pressure fell on me. I was simply cursed, okay? I was cursed out of being a magic user! No amount of basic magic training could change that.