
Anabel! An accidental reincarnation!

Hey! I'm Anabel! A lucky reincarnation that was sent to another world thanks to a stupid goddess getting my files mixed up! If you think that this story is all about me becoming OP and beating the crap out of everything, then you have the wrong book for about a couple of years! I'm just an ordinary adventurer who struggles to pay the rent on time and has basically no magical powers to speak of, unlike the other stupid reincarnations sent by the Goddess! How very unfair! Join me and my friends in a crazy, exciting story as we try to defeat the Goddess System as well as fight off enemies far stronger than myself! I never have it easy do I? The Gods are always messing with me and It's bothersome! Leave me alone already! I have changed! I'm not a bad person! Stop trying to make me one! Anabel! An accidental reincarnation is not responsible if you become addicted to this story. All rights reserved.

Misa_Nakamura · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
33 Chs


"One, Two, Three! Ugh! Come one body! Come on! some more!" 

It's been a couple of months since the vision fiasco, and since then, I have been rigorously training my body and mind as much as possible. If I have a strong mind and soul, I'm sure the magic will respond to me!

I know that was some immense amount of copium, but if I didn't keep myself hyped, then who would? My parents had already given up, and all the town's kids were bullying me on the daily. I needed to keep positive. 

Aside from some verbal bullying, a lot of the kids were still willing to play around with me. Thankfully, I was at least still pretty, if I do say so myself; woah, look at those eyes! There is no way I'm this pretty and useless at the same time! What am I? A Konosuba team member? No!

I refuse to believe that I'm actually pretty but useless in magic. At least I had some redeeming qualities now; I knew how to cook and knit, even if poorly, but I had the basics down, which was what mattered. 

It turns out that life as a girl is a little easier on you; if I ever get too uncomfortable, I can slightly cry, and it gets resolved instantly! Puff that would never fly if I was a man! If I did that as a boy, I would get shamed to the end of time, but as a girl is practically expected!

But being a girl also has major disadvantages. For beginners, I now have to be more conscious whenever I eat out in public. I have to sit a certain way, walk in a specific manner, and stuff, ugh! How very taxing!

At least I don't have the classic burden of thinking about my future that much. I know that if I don't get any magical powers, what awaits me is a simple housewife life; honestly, it doesn't sound so bad until I remember that I want to explore this world! I want to know all about it! I want to be an adventurer! But I can't as long as I'm unable to activate my magical powers. 

An adventurer without magic is not safe. This world has many dangerous monsters that require some serious firepower to take down, but maybe, just maybe, I can awaken my powers soon enough!

For now, I can only keep training my body and soul non-stop. I once read in a magazine that the key to success is willpower and discipline, so now I can redo my life! I will live by those standards from now on!

I promise to be better for my own sake! I will not give up so easily, not when I have another shot at life! I already gave up once and died a loser! I will not repeat that same fate of being a loser. I can't accept it!

"Agh! Twenty! Twenty-one!"