
Unwelcome news

A chilling wind. The tall grasses sways at the winds will. At first, it was the welcoming breeze, the wind brushing through the wilderness, their essences carried across the land. And then a growl, after that a chewing sound. I felt a chill down my spine, a chill i have never felt before. I am scared to death. I crawled on all fours, at this point i could not figure out if i was crawling away or towards the sound. What the heck am i doing here. As i raise my head, i saw the source of the sound. I was behind it, it's hair just below it's waist, munch, crack, slurp, the thing is devouring it's prey. I need to get far far far away from this place. Fast. The abomination is sitting comfortably as it devours the carcass. I don't wanna think about the horror that the being that used to be had to go through before taking it's last breath. I could imagine it running for its life, or being scared to death that it froze on its heels. Or what if the prey was it's child, that the parent offered up itslef to save the young one. What if it accidentally appeared on the fiend's line of vision while it is hunting for an easy meal.

My mind is blacking out. Adrenaline is no longer giving me the energy to get myself out of this predicament. And then it hapenned, as if by queue after i took a huge gulp of air to fuel my escape, soulless eyes stabbed in my direction. The monster's jaws dripping with scarlet blood. What made it worse is that the moon was shining so bright, a fool moon, hairy creature. It's gazing on my direction. I am not a religious person, but at this point in time, i have prayed to everything else beyond my knowledge to save me from this imminent demise.

I kept low to the ground, not moving, holding back the gasps that my lungs needed. My heart is pounding so loud. I was thinking that if anyone, or anything who would put their ears on the ground could pinpoint me, now that i'm thinking about it, argh, please don't do it.

And then the creature did it. As if by cue, whatever it is. It planted its right ear to the ground. How did i even got here.

As another flood of adrenaline coursed through me, i thought that i have to get out of this place, fast and slowly at the same time. I crawled slowly backwards, slowly tracing the path that i've taken before ending up in this carnage. Slowly, but surely, i can get away from this unscathed, and then, crack. Have you ever tried going out of the house late night as a kid and you, well, accidentally hit something and it wakes up everyone in the house? That's what it felt, but this time, instead of getting a lecture from your parents, it's death's jaw.

The fiend started running towards my direction, i will not survive this if i stay on the ground. I started running, running for my life. The moment i miss a beat, well, i sure as hell don't wanna think about it.

As luck would have it, an innocent root of a, in this circumstance, plant from hell decided to spring upon my path. As i try to get up, a heavy claw planted its entirety on my left shoulder, this is where it's gonna end. The lifeless gaze of the fiend, the fangs still red from the previous prey it separated from life, i don't wanna die. The fiend held my shoulders ewndering them useless, its body all over me making any attempt to get away from it futile. And then it bared its fang unto me and dove straight to my right shoulder. A gush of warmth went over my entire body, as if my blood started flowing out of me, this is the end of me. As i try to at least take the creature with me, hitting it with a stone i managed to pick up during the attack, a familiar voice said something.

Your checkout was thirty minutes ago, you have to go or pay the charge for another day.

What the heck! I guess i have to prep for my transfer.

P. S. That felt frigging real. I have to upgrade my equipment up real soon.  Did i say that i friggin' broke a leg because i fell out of the bed and tripped the desk where my service water was placed?