
An Unbreakable Bond. Two Brothers Traverse a Fantasy World.

Two souls, brothers in fact, had been wandering the infinite nothingness known as the abyss for eons. Slowly their sanity began to slip away under the immense crippling effect of the abyss. All seemed lost, as both brothers lost something important to them' something that made them who they were. One, their bravery, confidence, and will power. The other, their compassion, empathy, and emotions. But thanks to the meddling of a God they were given a chance to take back what they lost and maybe gain even more. Follow the adventures of a not so ordinary brotherly duo as they traverse a fantasy world.

ForThe_Lolzs · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Demetrius could only afford a small worried glance at his brother as the younger of the two held his hands over his eyes in agony. Screaming that what he'd seen was too much. Rambling confused and crazed phrases.

"The void! The void has eyes! " Xavier said with great horror at what he'd seen. Tears began to flow down his hidden face dripping onto the infinite white.

"It was too much. Beyond my perception of reality. Now I face the consequences of looking into the impossible." He said as he continued to ramble insanely.

Demetrius felt a dull emotion throb inside his heart seeing his brother like this, accompanied by a balck haze forming in his vision. It was an emotion he knew all too well. One he locked away, lest "he" comes back. But for however much his instincts told Demetrius to let loose, Demetrius knew that'd be a mistake. This was a delicate situation. He could not afford to allow "him" to take control in a moment of weakness.

That in mind, he cleared his thoughts with a single mental tug. Getting rid of the emotion almost forgotten to him and the black haze clouding his thoughts. Mind now clear, Demetrius instantly figured out what had happened.

The being in front of him wasn't within his brother's dimension range. This being had broken his brother's mind. Warped it, and destroyed it with but a single glance from his younger brother.

' Was that all he was worth? A single glance?' Demetrius thought with emotion creeping into his mind.

That dull throb had reacquainted it's self with Demetrius, clouding his mind and vision with a dark Haze once more. This being had harmed his brother, broken him beyond repair, and left Demetrius with nothing left but a broken man. This being deserved nothing but death, something that Demetrius would gladly give.

Unbeknownst to Demetrius Xavier's screaming had stopped, but his mind clouded by an emotion he had gotten rid of millenia ago didn't notice.


Xavier couldn't tell what was happening around him. The infinite white seemed brighter, blocking his view of both his brother and that...that thing. The monster that caused him all this pain.

It was Agony. Pain ripping through his body, his very veins feeling as if lava flowed through them. It was hell and them some.

All it took was a glance. A single curious glance at what his brother was staring at so intently. That glance broke him beyond measure.

The effect was instant. There was no delay, or mental struggle, whatever Xavier had seen broke through any and all mental barriers protecting his sanity. One second he looked into the abyss, and in the next it looked back.

Immeasurable pain hit Xavier's brain, it was like nothing he had ever felt. He could feel nothing but suffering and torment. But that wasn't the worst of it. No, what was is that he felt his mind and soul degrade faster than he thought possible.

His time in the void had left Xavier quite acquainted with decaying of the mind and soul, but this was worse. It wasn't slow and bearable like the void. It was quick and painful, leaving him speechless due to the pain.

This pain he felt only increased as the seconds ticked by. Increasing exponentially every moment. Then the tourture reached its peak, Xavier could only gape silently. This was the end.

Except it wasn't.

No pain, no agony. It all just disappeared instantly. HIs soul which he felt degrading a mere second ago returned to its natural state, possibly even stronger than what it was previously, and his mind which almost was almost lost in its entirety had returned to him.

'W-what h-happened?' thought xavier in utter astonishment.He could have sworn that was the end for him.

Taking his hands off his face he could once again see the white void around him. His brother stood staring at the creature that had briefly caused him madness. A creature which Xavier could now stare at with little issues.

This was confusing. However Xavier didn't get any chance to question any longer as a wave of anger washed over him. His brother being the culprit.


It fucked up. It knew it fucked up, and it wasn't a small fuck up. No, it was a big fuck up.

It was supposed to be simple! Grab the two souls drifting within the black void,check. Give the souls bodies and let them reorient themselves, double check. Show Itself once It had made sure they could handle seeing it's true form...Not check.

It had been lazy and only checked the eldest brother's dimension range, saw that it was just a little bit higher than needed, and thought "Well since the eldest can see me this well I doubt I'll need to check the youngest".

It was a dumb and rookie mistake and it knew it. It had already fixed the problem with the younger brother. It gave the man the little push he needed to look at higher dimensional spectrums. The problem was the eldest.

He was pissed beyond measure.

Not that the being could blame him. It'd be pretty pissed if it's sibling died or went insane too.

'Though' the being Admitted to itself mentally, while staring at the dark grey aura that was turning black around Demetrius as he slowly stalked towards the being 'The fact that he has affinities to all three is nothing short of amazing.'

The being wasn't lying. Level of potential the eldest had was staggering. It was sure that had it left the eldest soul alone that he would have found a way out of the black void.

Suddenly Xavier stood up from where he laid and quickly, and with an audible stutter, yelled toward his brother he was fine.

The beings eyes landed on the younger brother as this happened 'the younger one is quite impressive as well' It thought, curiously. How had they gained such affinites, what had they done in life that warranted such ridiculous talent in arts only few knew about let alone learnt.

It considered going through their memories, but decided that wasn't the best idea. The eldest would no doubt notice, and the being wasn't exactly discrete in its actions.

'To think this started as simple pay back towards the other gods.' He thought in bemusement, watching the older brother's aura return to it's natural grey state.

'These two are worth far more than a simple prank. As such I don't think what I had planned originally will do them justice.'

Demetrius now calm looked at the being with narrowed eyes once more. Behind his eyes something hidden, kept under lock and key. This something caused a grin, unnoticed by the brothers due to its form, to stretch across it's indescribable face.

'No, it won't do at all.'


Here ya go guys here's a chapter. only one more chapter then the fun really starts! If you got questions don't ask because it will be answered in the story. If your confused leave a comment I'll help you out.

But anyway leave a review, comment, and stuff plz.

ForThe_Lolzscreators' thoughts