
An Osmosian in Marvel (MCU Fanfiction)

A man from our world dies and ends up in the MCU with the powers of the Retconned Osmosian from the Ben 10 series Follow his journey as he navigates his new world filled with aliens, monsters, and gods. Note: This story is an AU, since it will not be strictly MCU but will also include the X-men films, the early F4 films, and all of the Spidreman films from Tobey Maguire to Andrew Garfield MC/Laura Kinney/Emma Frost

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 92: One Meeting After Another

(3rd Person: POV)

Walking through the HQ of Abstergo Industries Nick Fury eventually arrived at the door to the personal office of Roman.

Having noticed on his way to the office his path had been completely deserted.

Save for the company CEO, Emma Frost, seeing him off he had no other human contact.

Though Fury still new he was being watched.

He would expect nothing else from Roman.

Who he and his agents at SHIELD had being doing a complete reassessment on, ever since the events of Harlem three days ago.

Now Fury knew Roman was much more dangerous than he let on.

Especially since he had the Guardians on his side.

A fact no one has SHIELD had even known about until it was revealed to the rest of the world.

That worried Fury greatly.

Since if Roman could hide his connections to the Guardians for so long the director of SHIELD wondered what else he was hiding.

This meeting being a good opportunity to try and find out.

Well that's what Fury thought at least.

Reaching down Fury opened up the office door.

After doing so he saw Roman sitting behind his desk.

Two steam mugs, and a tray of muffins on the desk in front of him.

"Director Fury. Welcome. Please, come in and have a seat. I've got coffee and banana nut muffins." Roman spoke.

Picking up one of the muffins and taking a bite out of it.

Seeing this Fury said nothing.

He simply stepped inside of the office, closed the door dehind him, and went to sit in one of the chairs in front of Romans' desk.

Just as Roman finished off his first muffin.

"Boy, that's good stuff." Roman said. "But enough about food. Let's get down to business, shall we director." He spoke.

Putting a serious expression on his face.

"Yes, let's." Fury replied. "To start off with, I would like you to arrange a meeting between my agents and the Guardians?"

"Why?" Roman asked.

"To discuss the events that took place in Harlem. Specifically in regards to the Hulk and the Abomination." Fury said.

Now normally he would never be so forthcoming.

But given what he suspected Romans' resources to be, and his relationship to the Guardians, Fury has no choice on the matter really.

"First off, the names of two individuals are Bruce Banner and Emil Blonsky. Secondly in regards to what the Guardians did with them it was nothing. They allowed Hulk to leave on his own. While Blonsky managed to escape."

"Really,?" Fury questioned.

"Yes. Really." Roman replied. "Because as I said earlier in my press conference the Hulk is not a monster. He is simply a man who was targeted by a deranged general who only saw him as nothing more than a weapon and government property. Oh and speaking of the late general Ross, he's the reason Blonsky escaped. Since the Guardians told me they were busy dealing with him due to the monster he turned himself into. And trying to keep the man from causing a mini nuclear winter in the United States." He said.

Making Fury flinch a bit internally.

But outwardly his expression and poster didn't change.

"I see." Fury replied.

"Yes. So now that I have told you what happened I see no reason you or your people need to speak to the Guardians about this matter. So, is that the only matter you have to discuss with me, director Fury?"

"It is." Fury relented.

Since his instincts and years of experience told Fury if he pushed Roman he would regret it.

"Alright then. Well have a nice day." Roman said. "And don't forget your muffin and coffee." He added.

Fury nodded but took neither.

Which caused Roman to pour, but Fury ignored it.

He then left Romans' office and headed down to his modified Chevy sedan.

Getting in he started up and then left Abstergo Industries.

Making a note to double survelliance on Roman Maxwell and anyone associated with his company.

For Fury did not want to be blind-sided in matters concerning Roman again.

Though unfortunately unknown to Fury he would be.

Many, many, more times.


Stopping the typing on his keyboard Roman leaned back in his chair and stretched his arms up into the air.

Still in his personal office at Abstergo Industries HQ.

After Fury left he decided to handle some work pertaining to the public side of his company.

Including making a starting plan for setting up Damage Control, and create a business plan that would see Stan Lee Entertainment partner up with the Japanese game company Nihom Falcon.

So they could add their game series The Legend of Heroes, or Trails as many people called it, to their VR Animus gaming roster.

Just thinking of being able to interact with all his Trails waifu like Laura S. Arseid or Claire Rieveldt had Roman grinning.

But the profits the deal would bring his company made him grin as well.

On that note Roman also made a mental note to try and do the same deal he is attempting with Falcom with the developers of the Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy games series.

Since both of those game series exist in the world.

Though funnily enough both Halo and Mass Effect do not.

Moving on.

Roman finished up his work for the day.

Once he did he prepared to head home.

Only to stop when his computer screen suddenly went blank.

"What?" Roman questioned.

Then a moment after he did a figure walked through the open door of his office.

The Black Panther.

"Mr. Maxwell. We need to talk." The Black Panther said. Using an intimidating voice.

But Roman wasn't intimidated at all.

Instead he was he was the picture of calm, cool, and collected.

Confusing the Black Panther.

Who then became shocked when Roman spoke his next words.

"Yes, we do. I mean it's getting late after all. So why don't you have a seat king T'Chaka, or is it prince T'Challa who now carries the mantle as Wakanada's protector?"

"You!" Black Panther exclaimed. "How do you know of such things?!" He demanded.

"I have my ways." Roman replied. "And I know many other things to. Like how much Vibraniun Wakanda really has. The fact you are not the third-world country you claim to be, but likely the most technology advanced society in the entire world. I also know that you've had agents surveiling me ever since my relationship with the Guardians, specifically Sentinel, was exposed to the public and have just been waiting for this chance to confront me. By the way, how is Klaue doing these days?"

The Black Panther said nothing, and simply took in Roman's words.

He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

But soon came to terms with the situation.

Once this happened the Black Panther made a decision.

Moving he went to take a seat in front of Roman, and after he did his mask receded.

Revealing the face of prince T'Challa underneath.

[Insert Image of T'Challa Black Panther Here]

Or as Roman knew him, Chadwick Boseman.

A man who died in his previous life way before his time.

"Greetings prince T'Challa." Roman said. Once his mask disappeared.

"The same to you Mr. Maxwell." T'Challa replied.

"No, please, call me Roman?" He asked.

"Very well then, Roman." T'Challa agreed. "And as to your question Klaue is facing Wakandian jusitce in a prison. Where he has sat ever since your ally Sentinel delivered him to us two years ago." He explained.

"Good." Roman replied. "So now with that out of the way, please tell me why you have decided to pay me a visit this night?" He asked.

Though Roman could probably guess.

"While we are thankful you and your ally delivered us Klaue, you didn't provide us with the Vibraniun he took from our country. We would like that back." T'Challa spoke.

Proving Romans guess correct.

"Understood. But I can't return it. Since I have been using it. Not publicly of course but in my endeavors with the Guardians." Roman explained.

"I see." T'Challa mused. "But surely you have not used it all."

"I haven't. But I will not be returning the Vibranium." Roman said.

"It is the property of Wakanda. Stolen from us!" T'Challa exclaimed.

"Yes, it was. But you already have the person who stole it from you on your custody. So in regards to this matter that will have to be enough." Roman said.

Looking T'Challa directly in his eyes.

The prince of Wakanda stared right back.

And seeing Roman wouldn't be backing down he sighed.

"You are a very stubborn man Roman. Has anyone ever told you that?"

"Constantly." Roman easily replied. "So, on another note have your people taken the advice Sentinel and I gave them when we handed over Klaue two years ago? Have they taken a look at the world at large and the changes it is going through?"

"We have been." T'Challa admitted.

"Good. Then you should also realize Wakanda will need to change its ways if it is to continue surviving in the world." Roman spoke.

He then raised up his left hand when T'Challa got ready to retort.

"I know what I say is not easy to hear, and I mean no disrespect to your people and country, but your isolationism won't last much longer. Now I am not about to expose Wakanada's secrets. Oh no. But in say another four or five years another definitely will. Metahumans, geniuses like Tony Stark and Norman Osborn, superheroes, etc. The world keeps filling up with extraordinary people each day. People, who unlike me, will want to take from Wakanda and not befriend it. Like say other governments in the world. When they learn of how much Vibraniun Wakanda truly has. That's not even mentioning the backlash your nation would receive from the rest of Africa and fne African-American community worldwide if they learn about Wakanda the wrong way. To know that your country was advancing faster than any other and yet you still allowed the slave trade and colonization to occur. Of course I am not blaming Wakanda. The decision in regards to those matters lie with your ancestors who were alive at that time. But most people won't think as logically about the matter as me. Search your feelings prince T'Challa, you know what I speak is the truth."

"What you say, has merit." T'Challa admitted. "Even my father agrees somewhat with the words you gave us those two years ago. Still, Wakanda can't so easily change."

"And I'm not asking it too. First start small. I'll help you." Roman spoke.

"But why would you help us?" T'Challa asked.

"Because I don't want to see an entire culture and country destroyed due to simple misunderstandings. I also want someday for Wakanda to help me in bettering the world at large." Roman explained.

Of course all what he just said is true. But Roman can't really say he wants Wakanda on his side to prepare for Thanos inevitable invasion.

No, that will have to wait until after the Chitauri invasion on another two years.

T'Challa looked at Roman and heard his words. He knew what he said was true, but he also felt the man was hiding something.

But the prince of Wakanda decided not to press.

Since he was hiding a great many things himself.

"I have heard your words and you have given me much to think about Roman Maxwell. I will take it back to my father and the other leaders of our country." T'Challa spoke.

His mask then came back on and he left Romans' office without another word.

A minute after he did Romans computer came back on.

But since he was finished with work Roman shut it down properly.

He then left his office and went home.

Since after meeting with both Fury and T'Challa all he wanted was some tacos, tequila, and to watch Andromeda.

The perfect night in his opinion.