
An Osmosian in Marvel (MCU Fanfiction)

A man from our world dies and ends up in the MCU with the powers of the Retconned Osmosian from the Ben 10 series Follow his journey as he navigates his new world filled with aliens, monsters, and gods. Note: This story is an AU, since it will not be strictly MCU but will also include the X-men films, the early F4 films, and all of the Spidreman films from Tobey Maguire to Andrew Garfield MC/Laura Kinney/Emma Frost

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 57: Raining Hell On The Hellfire Club Part VI

(Roman: POV)

Keeping a neutral expression on my face I studied Selene.

Ignoring the sounds of battle taking place outside of the conference room. Where the team was executing phase II of the plan to deal with the other leaders of the Hellfire Club.

Who I can say I'm not particularly worried about.

I trust they can handle themselves, and get the mission done.

Rather, I am the one in more danger right now.

Since Selene is currently looking at me like a predator looks at prey in the wild.

I also see no light at all in her eyes. They are both like two tiny black holes.

Telling me what I already knew.

This woman is extremely dangerous. More so than I originally thought.

But as the saying goes: Seeing is believing.

Which is what I'm doing at the moment.

"So, little boy, what do you wish to discuss with me?" Selene asked. "Or are you just hoping to keep me distracted until your allies deal with Shaw and the others? Well, which is it? I'm so very interested to know." She spoke. Putting her elbows on the table and leaning closer in my direction.

Which put her cleavage in my direct line of sight. The thing in question hardly being contained by the sleeveless black dress Selene is currently wearing.

I'm also pretty sure she isn't wearing a bra.

Wonder if the same applies to down below?

'Wait, no. Bad brain. This is not the time for horny thoughts.' I thought.

Especially in regards to Selene.

Since while I'll definitely stick it in crazy, but there is no way I'll ever stick it in insane. A category Selene definitely falls into in my opinion.

The "I can fix here" trope doesn't apply to her like it does Ubel from Frieren or Kurumi from Date A Live.

Since I'm pretty sure Selene doesn't want to be fixed.

Not that I have any intention of trying.

I just want to survive this meeting, and make sure my allies survive as well.

"First off, this is a serious meeting. I'm not trying to distract you in the slightest." I explained. "Secondly, what I wish to discuss with you is simple. I would like to form a partnership with you."

"Uhuhuh." Selene creepily laughed. "Interesting. Very interesting indeed." She spoke. Licking her lips and then putting a grin on her face.

Both actions sending a shiver across my entire body.

I feel like I need an adult.

"Okay, I'm listening. Tell me, what kind of partnership would you like to form with me?" Selene asked.

"As you pointed out earlier my allies are currently in the midst of battle with the other members of the clubs Inner Circle. Meaning soon you will be the last one from the circle left."

"Oh, you have such confidence in your allies abilities?" Selene asked.

"I do." I replied. "Now as I was saying, since you will soon be the only member left of the high leadership of the Hellfire Club I would like you to allow me and my allies access to the clubs vasts resources, especially your information network. And in return we'll not only help you maintain your leadership position within the Hellfire Club but also help you stave off your boredom. Since from what I know about you that is likely the only reason you joined up with the Hellfire Club in the first place."

"You are correct." Selene replied. "Now then you have made your proposal, and yet I can't think of any reason I should accept it." She spoke. Playing with a few strands of her long, straight, glossy black hair.

Which only enhanced her beauty even further.

Selene truly fits the female vampire motif to a T.

In fact I wouldn't be surprised if the female vampires in vampire stories in this world are based on Selene.

"Since you know of me, and the things I have done, then you know if take hardly any effort on my part to slaughter you and your comrades and then simply dominate the Hellfire Club all by myself." Selene explained.

"True. You could do that." I replied. "But if you did then the failsafe I put in place before coming to meet you would be activated, and then all the information I have on you would be distributed throughout the entire Hellfire Club. From executives to grunts. They would know some of your capabilities. From strengths to weaknesses. Which I'm sure they'd love. Since from what I've gathered many in the club would like to see you gone. So even if you got rid of me you would have an internal strife on your hands. A strife that could potentially cause you to break certain rules you agreed to follow some time ago." I said.

Referencing the deal made between Selene and the Ancient One.

"You dare threaten me, boy?" Selene asked.

The room filling with a heavy pressure afterwards.

"I do." I managed to grit out. Ignoring the panic in my chest and the cold sweat all over my body.

Since this gamble is the only card I can play against someone like Selene at the moment.

The person in question continued releasing pressure from my body and looked at me with a neutral expression for several long seconds.

Until finally she stopped doing so.

Putting a smile on her face Selene stopped releasing the pressure from her body.

She then chuckled like earlier.

"Interesting. You truly after interesting Roman Maxwell." Selene spoke. "It's been so long since I've met someone like you. Ah, I missed this feeling." She said. Putting an ecstatic look on her face.

"So, does that mean you agree to my deal?" I asked.

"Yes. It does." Selene replied.

Making me scream at the top of my lungs mentally.

Since I just dodged a huge, and I'll admit sexy, bullet.

Because seriously, as I am right now I am nowhere than an ant Selene can crush under her foot whenever she wants.

But now that we are in a partnership I have time to change that.

For I don't have any doubt the moment Selene becomes tired of the deal we just made she'll bare her fangs at me and my friends.

But when she does I'll make sure she has a rude awakening.

For then I will be the predator and she will be the prey.

I hope.

"Great." I said. I then offered my left hand to Selene.

When I did she took it and shook it.

Then after she let go when began negotiating the finer points of our alliance.


Until Emma, Laura, Roberto, and James, burst through the doors of the conference room ready for battle.

"Sentinel, we're here to back you up." James said.

Only to get so surprised look on his face s moment later.

The others doing the same.

"Hey guys." I said. "What took you so long?" I cheekily asked.

Only for Laura to flip me off after I did.

Making it the perfect end to the entire ordeal on my book.


A/N: I know some of you were expecting an epic fight between Roman and Selene.

Well too bad.

Since right now Selene is way, way, above his weight class.

Though don't worry.

Those two will tango in the future. I can assure you of that.

Also Selene is not the final member of Romans' harem for those wondering.

It is someone else.

Can you guess who?

Post your guesses here.

Until next time.