
An Osmosian in Marvel (MCU Fanfiction)

A man from our world dies and ends up in the MCU with the powers of the Retconned Osmosian from the Ben 10 series Follow his journey as he navigates his new world filled with aliens, monsters, and gods. Note: This story is an AU, since it will not be strictly MCU but will also include the X-men films, the early F4 films, and all of the Spidreman films from Tobey Maguire to Andrew Garfield MC/Laura Kinney/Emma Frost

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 52: Raining Hell On The Hellfire Club I

A/N: That's right readers, I am back.

First off, shoutout to X-men 97. I can't wait to see more of the show.

I told you long ago I would finish this story and I meant it. I just needed to get back in the mood to write it. But if you are following me, then you know I have not abandoned web novel. Considering my Star Wars fic.

Check it out if you want. I promise it won't disappoint.

But enough about that, time to get to the chapter.

I hope its to your liking.

Oh and one more thing, I have decided to give Roman one more love interest. But just up to three. As for who it will be. Well...just keep reading the story and you'll find out. I promise you won't be disappointed.


After taking a moment to process what the Ancient One had just revealed to me about her and the orders relationship with Selene I stood up from my seat. I then gave a slight bow to the Ancient One.

"Thank you once again for taking this meeting. Now then, please excuse me." I spoke.

Having already started thinking of ways to deal with Selene without the Ancient One and the orders assistance that didn't end up with me and all my friends dead by her hands, or worse turned into her playthings.

"Wait a moment Mr. Maxwell." The Ancient One said. "Before you leave I would like you to have this." She said.

The Ancient One then opened up a small portal, reached through it, and pulled a book from it. She then closed the small portal she opened, while handing the book to me. "This is a book I think you'll very much enjoy reading."

"Thank you." I replied. Taking the book without any hesitation. Since given the look in the Ancient One's eyes, and the tone of her voice, I am sure the book she is just gave me will help me deal with my Selene problem in one way or another.

I hope.

The book in hand I said goodbye to the Ancient One once more, then portal'd directly to my personal room within the Command Center.

I then closed the portal and headed over to my desk.

Taking a seat I immediately cracked open the book the Ancient One gave me and started reading it.

Learning instantly after I did that the book pertained directly to Selene.

It held documented accounts of her personal history, several battles she had fought over her long life, her preferred fighting styles, and it even contained ideas and theories on how to deal with her. Both in combat and non-combat situations.

I didn't even try to stop a smile from forming on my face as I read the book.

Since it is truly what I hoped it was.

A thing to give me at least a chance at dealing with Selene.

And from the way the book is written I can tell it's from the first-person point of view. Meaning it's likely some sort of personal diary.

A diary I am reasonably sure I know the author of.

When I see the Ancient One in person next time I will definitely thank her from the bottom of my heart.

Since with this new information that meeting is going to occur.

I can't help but wonder if I should bring a gift to that meeting?


In no time at all I finished reading the diary/journal.

Once I did so I started formulating several plans on when, not if, I came face-to-face with Selene.

When that was completed I went to work on the plans for the Guardians to bring the Hellfire Club to their knees.

After that was done I showered, changed into my pajamas, and went to bed.

Since in the coming days I knew I wouldn't have many chances for a peaceful sleep. So I am taking it while I can.

For shit is about to go down.


[One Month Later]

Standing in the hangar/vehicle bay, which was the entire fifth level of the Command Center, I was dressed in my tactical armor.

A month has passed since we decided to go to war against the Hellfire Club, and now that all our planning and preparation has been completed it is finally time to take action.

Standing in front of the others I looked at them all.

"Is everyone ready?" I asked. Even though I could sense they were thanks to my telepathy.

But I wanted to ask, simply because its common courtesy.

Everyone acknowledge my question, either with a "Yes" or a firm nod of their head.

"Alright then. Let's begin. Time to roll out." I spoke.

Once I did so everyone got into position.

Emma and Sage proceeded over to the makeshift command post we had set up. Since those two would we be staying behind and running communications and tactical along with ADAM.

While the others assembled into the assault teams I had assigned and created for them for the duration of this operation. The teams being as follows.

Team 1: Me, Laura, and Madrox.

Team 2: Roberto, Clarice, and Proudstar.

Team 3: Piotr, Neena, and Kurt. 

Each team has been assigned a heavy hitter, but more importantly each one has a teleporter. So if things turn to shit each team has a way to pale out if need be.

Though I sincerely hope there is no need for any of us to do so.

But I'm not taking any chances.

When I saw each team was assembled and waiting I went to work, and opened up three separate portals. Each to a different Hellfire Club base location, which came from the information I extracted from the mind of Riptide. 

Tonight each team would be raiding one of these bases.

"Alright, go, go, go!" I shouted.

Right after I did Team's 2 and 3 stepped through their portals, and once all of both teams were through them I slammed them shut. Me and rest of team 1 then stepped through our portal and I slammed it shut.

Once I did I then focused my attention on the Hellfire Club base in front of me.

An upscale New York restaurant the Hellfire Club uses to launder money from its illegal activities.

"Laura, how many are there?" I asked her.

Since even though the restaurant is closed, considering its 2 AM, I know that is a lie. I got confirmation from ADAM before heading here after all.

"Fifteen." She spoke.

"Thank you." I replied. "Multiple Man cover us, and lockdown the exits. Talon you're with me on the inside." I said.

"Right boss." Madrox replied.

He then began creating several clones to carry out my orders.

While he did Laura and I headed up to the restaurants front door.

Upon reaching it I pulled open the door, the puny lock nowhere near powerful enough to stop me.

Stepping aside I gestured my free hand toward the entrance, looking at Laura. "After you, my lady."

"Nhn, thanks." Laura replied.

She then walked through the door first, and I followed right behind her.

After which we found ourselves surrounded by four men pointing Glock 23 pistols in our direction.


The gunmen who was about to speak screamed in agony. Since before he could even begin his pathetic mob speech I unleashed a blast of electricity at him. As well as one of the other gunmen.

Meanwhile Laura quickly extended her claws and moved to tear apart the other two.

Ignoring their cries of pain I ramped up the power of the electricity I was blasting at the other two gunmen, and a few seconds later both of them died.

Upon noticing this I stopped electrocuting them.

But as I did I think I finally understood why Sidious liked using Force Lighting so much.

'I hope I don't get addicted to shocking people to death.' I thought.

Feeling a tap on my shoulder a second later.

"All done." Laura said.

"Good. Let's continue then." I spoke.

"Nhn." She grunted.

Once she did the two of us continued making our way through the restaurant, killing anyone who stood in our way.

Eventually all the Hellfire Club soldiers were dead.

Once they were we stole all the cash they were keeping at the restaurant, which was a lot, and then proceeded outside.

But not before setting the restaurant on fire. 

Re-grouping with Madrox, who didn't run into any problems, I opened up a portal and we returned to the Command Center.

Having just launched our opening salvo against the Hellfire Club.

So now our war with them is official on.

Time to show the Hellfire Club what hell actually looks like.