
An Osmosian in Marvel (MCU Fanfiction)

A man from our world dies and ends up in the MCU with the powers of the Retconned Osmosian from the Ben 10 series Follow his journey as he navigates his new world filled with aliens, monsters, and gods. Note: This story is an AU, since it will not be strictly MCU but will also include the X-men films, the early F4 films, and all of the Spidreman films from Tobey Maguire to Andrew Garfield MC/Laura Kinney/Emma Frost

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Chapter 43: Striking Down Stryker

(3rd Person: POV)

[Image of the VTOL aircraft here]

Sitting inside the cabin of one of the many state of the art VTOL aircraft Roman had had built for their organization, which he had recently revealed was going to go by the name Guardians, Sage held a clear tablet in her hands and reviewed information.

Information pertaining to the mission Roman had sent her and the others on.

The elimination of William Stryker.

Finishing reviewing the mission information on her tablet Sage powered it down and placed it on the open seat on her left.

Once she did she sat back.

Working to break in her new personally designed combat uniform, which she had chosen to wear for this mission.

[Image Here]

Which was also Sages first mission in the field.

One she felt ready for.

And Roman obviously felt she was ready for.

Otherwise he would've never let her go on the mission in the first place.

He was overprotective like that.

Treating Sage like a real little sister, even though they didn't share an ounce of blood between them.

This warmed Sage's heart immensely.

Now no matter what anyone said she thinks of Roman as her big brother.

After taking a few moments for herself Sage got down to busienss. "Ok everyone, listen up." She said.

The moment Sage spoke everyone else in the cabin looked in her direction.

James, Piotr, Domino, and finally their newest member, Laura.

Who is currently wearing a combat uniform Roman personally designed and made for her.

[Image Here]

Oh and as to why no one is flying the VTOL it's because it's on autopilot.

"Here are our objectives for this mission. We are to infiltrate William Strykers' base. Kill him and his subordinates. Collect any valuables and data he has in his possession. Free the metahuman's he is keeping prisoner, and then destroy the place in its entirety. Any questions?" Sage spoke.

"Yes, who will be doing what on this mission?" James asked.

"I was just about to explain that James. Here are the assignments. James you will stay and guard the VTOL, as well as use your duplicates to patrol the area outside the base and warn us if anyone else shows up. Piotr and Domino your focus will be freeing the metahumans Stryker is holding prisoner. Finally Laura and I will focus on finding Stryker and ending him. Oh and there is one last important bit of information you all need to know. Our information on Stryker says he has a means of brainwashing individuals to follow his command. So if you encounter any of the metahuman we are here to rescue and they attack you that is most likely the reason why. If that happens knock them out. Don't kill them unless there is absolutely no other choice." Sage explained. "Now does anyone else have any other questions?"

This time no one spoke up.

"Alright then." Sage said.

Once she did the Guardians began completing any last minute preparations.

Then by the time they were done they had reached their destination.

Alkali Lake in Alberta, Canada.

The location of Stryker's hidden base, and what would become his final resting place.

As the ramp to the VTOL Sage stepoed forward first.

Twin pistols she had also invented herself, and decided to test out on this mission, in her hands.

[Image Here]

"Time to get it done." Sage muttered.

She and the others then began the operation.


Alarms blaring all around them Piotr and Domino payed them no mind.

Instead the pair simply charged forward through the hallways of Stryker's base, focused only their destination.

The cells where Stryker was keeping his metahuman prisoners.

Rounding a corner the duo was met with a small contingent of soldiers who were aiming M16 assault rifles at them.

The second after this happened the soldiers pulled their triggers, ready to moe down Piotr and Domino in a hail of bullets.

But that did not happen.

Instead every single one of the soldiers guns jammed.

All courtesy of Domino and her powers.

"What the fuck?" One of the soldiers spoke. "How the hell is my gun jammed, I just cleaned this thing a couple of hours ago." He said.

Then right after he did so the soldier was shot in the head by Domino.

A pistol full of exploding rounds, that the Guardians had developed, in her grasp Domino began shooting the soldiers in front of her right between their eyes without any hesitation.

[Image Here]

Until in less than five minutes, none were left.

Sure some tried to escape, but as they did all of them tripped.

Making them horribly unlucky.

But when up against lady luck in human form that is too be expected.

Seeing Domino in action Piotr made a mental note to never get on her badside.

"Let's move." Domino said. Putting a fresh clip into her pistol as she did.

"Da. Whatever you say Domino." Piotr replied.

The two of them then started moving once more.

Eventually, after dealin with a few more soldiers, they reached their destination.

The prisoner section of the base.

Though when they did the door leading inside was shut tight.

But that wasn't really an issue.

Stepping forward Piotr stuck his hands into the middle of the door and literally ripped it open.

When Piotr did however he was met with several soldiers aiming their weapons at him.

"Fire!" One of them shouted.

The moment he did so a hail of bullets went straight for Piotr.

But as they hit his skin they simply bounced off. Doing no harm to the Russian metahuman at all.

Seeing their weapons were ineffective the soldiers got ready to try something else.

But just as they did so one of them pulled the pin out of a grenade strapped to their waist.

A few seconds after he did the grenade blew up, killing all the soldiers in the area.

Which was once again all thanks to Domino.

Finishing up with the door Piotr entered the prisoner section of the base, Domino following right behind him.

The two of them then began searching the cells for the metahuman's their Intel listed as Stryker's prisoner and soon discovered all of them were present.

Clerics Ferguson, a metahuman with the ability to create portals which would allow her and other to travel long distances easily.

Robert da Costa, a metahuman with the ability to absorb solar energy and use it in various ways.

James Proudstar, a metahuman with multiple powers which include superhuman strength, durability, speed, senses, etc.

Kurt Wagner, a metahuman with the ability of personal teleportation.

Finally Sarah Rushman, a metahuman with the ability to control the growth rate, density, and shape of her own bones and bone structure.

The moment Piotr and Domino passed in front of their cells the prisoners looked at them but did not say a word.

Except for the youngest among them, Sarah.

"Who are you?" She asked Domino and Piotr as they stood before her cell.

"No need to fear young lady, we are here to save you." Piotr spoke.

"What the big guy said." Domino added.

Then one-by-one the duo freed the metahuman's and started escorting them out of the base.

Their prison break a total sucess.


Moving through the hallways of the base Sage kept her guard up.

Ready to take action against any enemies at a moments notice.

Though so far she hadn't needed too, all because of Laura.

The older girl had using her claws and ripping apart any enemy that stood in their way with animal-like ferocity.

But given what Sage knew about Laura from her background to her power set she knew this was normal for her.

As the pair rounded a corner an enemy soldier immediately fired off the shotgun he was holding in their direction. His shot nailing Laura in her right shoulder.

Yet that didn't slow her down one bit.

Releasing a snarl she rushed at the soldier who shot her and used the claws on her left hand to cut his shotgun into pieces.

Then before he could do anything elss Laura raked the claws on her right hand across the soldiers stomach.

Which caused a massive wound to open up and his guts to literally start spilling on the ground.

As the man fail to his knees Laura used the claws on her right hand once again to sever his head from his body.

The wound he inflicted her only seconds before almost completely healed.

Seeing such a scene Sage put a wry smile on her face.

Wondering how her brother wasn't just a little bit scared of trying to enter an intimate relationship with such a woman.

Yeah, Sage knows Roman like Laura.

It's not that he's bad at hiding his feelings.


Romans' poker face is incredible.

It's such that Dave's supercomputer brain helped her discern the truth.

'I wonder how Emma will take the news?' Sage suddenly thought.

Wondering how Roman was going to get both Laura and Emma to be in a relationship with him.

His rizz would need to be exceptional to pull it off.

'Eh, I'm sure Roman will be fine.' Sage thought.

Just as she did so she and Laura arrived outside the door to the room Stryker was likely behind.

A door which is shut tighter than a steel drum.

But to the two women in front of it the door was nothing.

Placing her left hand on the control panel on the wall Sage sent a venom blast through it, and a few seconds after she did the door started opening.

When it was fully open the girls saw various computer terminals and monitors in the room, along with Stryker, his bodyguard Yuriko Oyama, and Strykers' son Jason.

His gun raised in the direction of Sage and Laura Stryker pulled the trigger as soon as the door opened.

The bullet heading straight for Sage.

Which she easily dodged thanks to her new body-enhanced reflexes.

After Sage dodged Stryker's shot she sent a shot of organic webbing from her left wrist at Stryker and webbed up his hands and gun.

(A/N: Sage spider powers include organic webbing for those who forgot or don't carefully read the chapters.)

The second after Sage did this she sent a shot of webbing from her left wrist as Jason.

Specifically his eyes.

Since their Intel included just how dangerous Jason's metahuman abilties were if he made eye contact.

Deadly illusions and a form of mind control.

Yeah, no thanks.

Seeing Stryker and his son webbed Yuriko got her Admantium fingernail claws ready and prepared to attack Laura and Sage.

But she didn't have enough time to do so before Laura ran at her and tackled her.

As the two hit the ground they started clashing.

While this happened Sage aimed her pistols at Stryker and pulled the trigger, filling his body with holes without any hesitation.

She also got in a headshot just for good measure.

Lifeless eyes Stryker's corpse fell to the floor.

Seeing this Yuriko started to fight Laura harder.

Kicking her off Yuriko jumped to her feet.

As she did Sage unleashed a powerful venom blast in her direction.


Releasing a scream Yuriko was thrown back into the room wall as the electricity surged through her.

Keeping up the attack until she saw Yuriko pass out Sage stopped after she did.

"Talon, secure her." Sage said to her.

Using the new codename that the girl had recently been given.

By none other than Roman.

(A/N: Laura codename is Talon in the comics. Not made up)

"Right." Laura replied.

She then moved in to secure Yuriko.

While she did Sage walked over to the computer terminals, ignoring Stryker's corpse entirely, and inserted a flash drive into it which started downloading all the data from the bases server banks.

The information running across the computer screens Sage read it.

Seeing that Stryker had research data on metahuman's, schematics for the X-mansion, it's Danger Room, and even the X-men device Cerebro which Roman had told her about.

Seeing all this data and knowing what kind of man Stryker was Sage was glad she ended him.

Since if left alive he would've done some major damage.

"Good riddance." Sage muttered.

Soon the data finished downloading.

When it did Sage removed the flash drive from the terminal and moved over to Jason wheelchair.

Using a small venom blast to knock him out.

Since she didn't trust him on the VTOL awake and conscious.

Even if she wasn't going to leave him behind didn't mean she trusted him.

Given what she knew his "father" William had put him through.

Not even lifelong therapy could undo that shit.

"We're done here. Let's go." Sage spoke.

Laura nodded.

The two then made there way back through the base and arrived at the VTOL without any issues.

Loading inside they saw everyone else was safe and sound as well, including the prisoners they rescued.

Once everyone was secure Sage moved into the cockpit and took the controls.

She then started piloting the VTOL until was over the base.

Once it was Sage fired off a barrage of missiles at it, blowing it to Kingdom come.

When she was sure the base was gone Sage piloted the VTOL out of the area.

A smile on her face as she did.

Since her first mission was a success.