
An Osmosian in Marvel (MCU Fanfiction)

A man from our world dies and ends up in the MCU with the powers of the Retconned Osmosian from the Ben 10 series Follow his journey as he navigates his new world filled with aliens, monsters, and gods. Note: This story is an AU, since it will not be strictly MCU but will also include the X-men films, the early F4 films, and all of the Spidreman films from Tobey Maguire to Andrew Garfield MC/Laura Kinney/Emma Frost

ArifuretaForever · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 11: A Small Chat

(Roman: POV)

Lying in bed I stared up at the ceiling of my room.

Several objects slowly in a circle in the air above me as I practiced my telekinesis.

An exercise I have regularly been doing at night ever since I absorbed the power from Jean a year ago.

No one being none the wiser.

Not even my roomate Bobby.

Who is currently sleeping like a log.

But given all the stuff that went down earlier tonight I am not suprised.

It was intense.

Especially since I killed a man.

Which honestly I do not feel guilty about in the slightest.

I guess that means I'm stronger mentally and emotionally than I thought.

Good to know.

That'll make executing the plans I have to remove dangerous people from the world in the future all the more easier.

I just have to make sure I don't go overboard.

I'm not a psychopath or anything, nor do I want to be labeled as one.

I'm just a man on a mission.

Nothing more and nothing less.

Using my telekinesis I placed the objects I had floating above in a circle back in their original places within the room.

Once I did so I turned over to get some sleep.

Since after everything there is nothing else I would rather do but head off too dreamland.


Releasing a yawn I hopped out of bed, completely refreshed after that wonderful sleep.

Looking at my alarm clock I was it was 1PM.

But since it's a Saturday, and there is no classes, that's fine by me.

Throwing on some sweats I headed to the dining hall to grab some lunch.

But as I arrived I noticed something I did not expect.


She is sitting alone at one the tables, eating.

It's surprising.

Not that Laura is eating.

No, I know she needs to eat.

What is surprising me is that she is eating in such a public setting.

Given what I know about her life thanks to my meta-knowledge I had assumed it would take Laura some time to put herself in this situation.

I guess that just goes to show me people can surprise me no matter what world I call home.

But I guess that would be especially true here in this AU MCU.

Noticing my gaze on her Laura stopped eating and turned her head in my direction.

Giving her a small smile I approached her table. "Mind if I sit here?"

"I do not." Laura cutely replied.

Her voice monotone.

But again, given what I know about her due to my meta-knowledge I expected this.

"Thank you." I replied.

I then took a seat at Laura's table.

Ignoring the stares and whispers of the other students currently in the dining hall as I did.

Not that I can blame them.

Laura is giving off "Leave me alone" vibe pretty intensely.

But that doesn't bother me in the slightest.

Partly because I want to get to know her as a person and knows she could use someone to talk too, and partly because Laura is one of my comic book crushes from my previous life.

I'm not ashamed to admit I saw a lot of her from the rule 34 perspective.

So now that she is here in front of me in the flesh there is no way I'm not going to take the chance to get to know her.

"You are...welcome." Laura awkwardly said.

Giving her a simple nod in response I started eating my food.

Seeing me do this Laura went back to her own food.

The two of us soon finding ourselves eating in silence.

But it's actually a comfortable silence.

At least for me it is.

I have no idea if its the same for Laura, since her face is a blank mask.

I can only hope.

Soon the both of us were finished eating.

"Thanks for letting me sit with you." I spoke. "Oh and given all that happened last night we didn't properly introduce ourselves to each other. Let's rectify that. My name is Roman Maxwell. And you are?"

"Laura Kinney." Laura replied.

"Well then Laura, nice too meet you." I told her.

I then got up from the table and out my tray on a dirty dish cart.

Once I did so I started heading back towards my room to head back to sleep. Only to recieve a telepathic communication from Charles.

'Roman. Do you mind coming to my office for a bit?'

'Not at all professor. Is this in regards to last night?'


'I see. Okay, I'll be right there.'

Giving me the mental equivalent of a smile the professor cut off communication.

The moment he did I started heading towards his office.

Putting my guard up in the process.

Since with Charles you can never be too careful.


Reaching the doors fo the professors office I went inside and closed them behind me.

Having no need to knock.

Since Charles could sense it was me entering due to my psychic signature.

Which it seems all living beings have.

One of the many facts I learned in the training sessions of my telepathic abilties with Charles.

A fact which I have also checked independently of Charles.

Just to make sure he isn't bullshitting me during our training sessions.

I mean it's Charles Xavier.

I don't think more need to be said.

"Roman, welcome." Charles said.

"Thank you professor." I spoke. Taking a seat at one of the chairs in front of his desk as I did so. "So, what did you want to discuss?"

"Well, I was just wondering, last night it felt like you were holding back some details from your story." Charles said. "Of course I won't force you tell me and I could be wrong, but I just wanted to check and be sure."

"Actually you are right professor. I did hold something back last night." I replied. "The thing is in protecting everyone from the assailants I had to...kill one of them."

"Oh Roman." Charles said, giving me a comforting look.

I wanted to tell him he can keep that shit, but I didn't. Since if would ruin the act I am putting on.

The act that I feel remorse for killing that guy from last night.

Which I dont. Not in the slightest.

But there is no way I can let Charles know that, since if he did that might give him ideas of going poking around in my head which I cannot have.

Hence this plan.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you last night professor but with the others around and everything else I just didn't..."

"Roman, Roman, please stop. You have nothing to apologize for. I completely understand." Charles spoke.

"Ah, thank you professor." I replied.

"Again, it's no issue." Charles said. "That said, do try to only incapacity next time and not resort to killing."

"Yes, professor." I replied.

Slightly wondering how Charles is one of the strongest telepaths in the entire world, given the shit he just spewed out of his mouth.

He really sees the world through rose-colored glasses.

I don't know whether to pity him or not.

The two of us talked a bit longer before Charles let me go.

Which came with me agreeing to counseling sessions with Jean due to my actions.

An act I didn't have a problem with.

Since the sessions are not with Charles.

But the fact remains since I've killed someone he's going to definitely be watching me more closely now.

Meaning I think it's finally time for me to leave this place.

Damn, and right when Laura arrived too.

The universe is just unfair sometimes.