
An Ocean of Irises ( mafia story )

Iris made one fatal mistake of sending nudes to her ex Samson, in desperation, she turned to the mafia prince Lacus for help, in return she have to give her virginity to him. after the night she thought she and that dangerous boy will go their seperate way. but fate, or rather Lacus have different plans. Iris Sinclair is a naive half chinese girl, a nerdy grade twevle student in Ontario who loves gardening. will she ever heals from the Samson's betrayal and love again? Lacus Arsenault on the otherhand is ruthless and cold, not to mention being the heir of the biggest mafia family in north america. will he be able to resist Iris's cerulean eyes and her innocence? what kind of flowers will bloom between them? trigger warning: sexual content, swearing, sexual assualts ( not romantized ), violence, dark theme, mention of drug, mention of suicide, stalking, physical abuse ( not romantized ) Disclaimer: I don't know who the girl in the picture is, is just a random picture I found online, i do not own the photo. This is a stand alone mafia romance story, I know webnovel seemed to be full of this kind of stuff recently but I promise you this is unlike other mafia romance book. my very first original books! ( I wrote many fanfiction before but never original ) If you like it please vote, comment. I really need some encouragement to keep going update at least once a week

writer_cerasus · Urban
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16 Chs

David And The Biology Project

Iris Sinclair's pov

My memory of that night fades with each passing day, at first I simply forgot how his touch felt on mine, then I forgot his voice, then his face, till the entire memories turned into nothing but a distant dream, ahem nightmare I mean.

Good, I don't want to remember how he fucked me so hard that I can barely walk for days.

At least he is a men of his word, I didn't lose my virginity for nothing. first i noticed all the posts about my intimate pictures have been banned, so is all of samson's social media account that have been spreading them. This morning I received a video from a random number. The video is Samson walking casually on the sidewalk, everything looks normal until a big truck crashes into the scene. The big truck slammed into Samson so hard that blood splattered all over the camera. The blood on the camera was wiped by a gloved hand, revealing Samson's squashed body on the concrete, no longer moving.

When i first saw the video I was in biology class, i screamed so loud that the entire class turned back. When I got home I played the video over and over again, I took a screenshot of the part where Samson lay on the concrete and zoomed in so I could examine the scene better. My conclusion is that all his vital organs are damaged, turned into plasma.

He is truly dead, not disabled, not injured, dead.

A very small part of me is satisfied with the result. Samson deserves this, this is all karma. But the rest of me feels something else. Samson is a terrible guy, true, but this is not a crime punishable by death. When I come to the mafia for help, I just assume they will just give him a beating or ruin his reputation or something along the line.

You did this to him, a voice whispered inside my head, you are a murderer.

Fear swells in my chest. The police will just assume it is a hit and run and close the case. This is such a clever plan, a murder disguised in a traffic accident. I underestimated the mafia before, I thought mafia only does robbery, drug dealing, gambling, but they can even do murder and get away with it easily. Do they own nukes too? Just how much more is Lacus capable of?

My forehead is beaded with cold sweat when I typed out this message 'Thank you, Lacus. Looks like our deal is done. Let's not contact each other again after this.' Then I blocked the number.


life becomes as normal as it can be after the intimate picture incident dies down. People gets bored talking about the same thing over and over again. So they seek out new gossip and completely forget about me. It annoys me so much that teenagers are like this, why do they always stick their nose in other people's businesses.

All the school would talk about these days are Sarah's 40 years old boyfriend, or how Dylan's dad is an alcoholic, or how Mr.Craig is dating a minor. As bad as this sounds, I'm glad for their distractions.

I no longer have to eat in the girl's washroom, now I can sit in the cafeteria without hearing my name and slut in the same sentence. Even the degrading words about me in the washroom have been washed down by the janitors.

Bianca still refuses to be seen with me in public though, but we hang out multiple times at her house. 'How long is it going to take for you to start hanging out with me at school?' I asked last time.

'I don't know Iris, maybe after a few days?'

So here I am, sitting alone with my food in the cafeteria. Today I made some fried noodles for me and my sister Lily. I didn't want to make lunch for Lily. My father forced me to, and my mom is too scared to defy him.

My father is biased. He spoiled Lily with beautiful clothes and showers her with presents, but all he got for me is endless amounts of chores and beating.

Is probably because my father think i 'murdered' my biological mother. well I didn't really murder her, is just after she gave birth to me her body become extremely weak, she had to stay in bed most of the time, eventually a cold took her life. After the death of my biological mother my father married a Canadian woman, which is my stepmother right now.

She died when I was merely three, I have no memories of her. Only stories from Lily, back when me and lily were very young and don't hate each other. Lily said my mother is a beautiful chinese women who can cook delicious food and sew these really warm sweaters. I found photograph of her before. she and my father were holding hands in the picture, at the street of Shanghai with oriental pearl tower in the background. in the picture my father looked truly happy, smiling instead of wearing the permanent scowl that he do nowadays.

Lily told me our biological mother is a small writer in China, and my dad works as a literary translator for her in Canada. Once her book went viral she booked a plane ticket for him to go to her book signing in Shanghai, that's how they fell in love.

She is the reason i signed up for Chinese major for my university. I want to learn my mother's language and culture. I've been obsessed with Chinese culture ever since I was a young girl. I'd search up hanfu videos on youtube, learning how to speak it on duolingo.

I don't miss her, you can't miss something you never had, but I do wonder what life could have been like for me if she's still there. maybe she'd stop my father from abusing me when my step mother didn't dare to. Maybe if she is still alive father will still be the smiling man in the picture and not take anger out on his kid or rely on alcohol to drown out his feelings.

I have nothing against my stepmother, she has been nothing but nice to me, secretly giving me food when my father decided to starve me beyond my limit. Maybe without her I would've died a long time ago.

But ever since the intimate photo incident my stepmother has started ignoring me too. I should talk to her at some point, to explain to her, to give her a sincere apology once I gather the courage. The rest of the family won't listen, but I know she will.

I raised my head and saw David approached me, my inside screams for me to run. He must have gotten the news of the scholarship and come to claim me as his slave. I dart in the crowded cafeteria, dodging people while turning back occasionally to make sure David isn't following me, but he is, and he is walking straight at me.

I pushed through the crowd like a headless bee, till I bumped into a boy. his lunch tray went flying as the tomato soup spilled all over his white shirt.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." I apologised to the boy quickly so I can keep running away from the devil- ahem I mean David "I will buy you a new shirt and lunch tomorrow."

But he didn't let me go, instead his claws reaches for the back of my collar and dragged me towards him. His greasy finds my ear and he twisted it, lifting me on my tippy toes, I yelped in pain "Owww."

"Sorry? you better be sorry." He raises his fist and swings at me. I closed my eyes, bracing for the impact. I already got a dozen bruises, just one more won't hurt. After a few seconds, I still didn't feel the hit, so I opened my eyes tentatively.

Then I saw something that will shock me for life. David Singh stands over me, blocking that guy's fist with his palm like my knight in shining armour. "Don't hurt her, or I'll make you regret it." The boy cowered at the sight of David, David is six feet, a basketball jock with toned muscle, pretty menacing if you ask me.

Why the hell is he protecting me? Maybe he just doesn't want anyone to hurt me so he can break me himself "Are you ok?" he asked. I don't know if my ears are playing a trick on me or he actually sounds concerned. He extended his arm as if he's gonna help me get on my feet.

"Look David." I stand up without looking at his extended hand, he's probably gonna withdraw it the moment my hand hovers over it. this is just another of his attempt of trying to make me stupid. Another trick, another game. "If this is the moment you ask me to be your slave for a week because you found out i lost the bet, then I'm telling you now, that I'll never ever be your slave."

"Hm? What bet?" He furrowed his eyebrows like he's actually confused. I scoffed, drop the acts David Singh!

"The scholarship." I explained, looking clearly annoyed.

"Ohh." Recognition sparks in his eyes, then it turns into a puzzled face. "So you didn't win?"

"Yep, all because of the intimate picture incident." I rolled my eyes, my voice quivered on the words "So it was given to the student who had the second highest academic in the school, which is you. Are you happy that I lost?"

"I'm happy that I got it, not because you lost."

I scoffed, sound like the same thing to me.

"I'm so sorry to hear that, about both of the scholarship and the nudes."

"Yea I'm sorry for myself too." I scowled, straightening my back so I'll match his height. But it is no use, I'm a pathetic five foot two, he could throw me like a basketball if he wanted to.

"But isn't the scholarship only based on academics and not reputation nor fame related?"

"Tell that to the principal." I rolled my eyes "And why do you care? Why did you enter the scholarship anyways, to spite me? just like why you joined math olympiad, science fair, spelling bee?"

"No no, of course not." He clarified, desperately trying to prove his innocence "I- ugh.. I have my reasons, it is hard to explain. "

"As if your family really needed the scholarship money, your family is filthy rich." I gaze up at him, staring straight into his brown eyes. His eyes are the colour of shit, just like his personality.

"Well it's not like your family has financial problems either. Lily always carries the newest Chanel bag or Louis vuitton"

"You know how my father is, he don't give a fuck about me." I countered "Remember last year you and Lily laughed at me for wearing her hand me downs and called me an unloved child?"

He winced when I mentioned the way he bullied me, but he quickly fixed his composure. "Bold of you to assume my parent is supportive when you know nothing about me." He snapped.

I laughed "Don't be a brat David Singh, you are here to talk about mommy and daddy issues with me?"

He ignored it, saying nothing mean in return. "The bet is off, I didn't win fair and square, you were suppose to get it. let's just call it even this time."

"Good." I replied coldly, but inside I'm surprised that he would let a chance of tormenting me slip off.

"Sinclair, wait!" He called back "I came to talk to you because I wanna do the biology research project with you!"

"Fuck no, I rather die than to do it with you." I spitted out, running away, I don't want to say one more word to David.